Why the shills hate it

It's clear why the MSM shills hate hydroxychloroquine. Big pharma spent $29.6 billion in ads in 2016 and you know most of that is done on MSM. They can still say orange man bad while at the same time protecting their cash cow since hydroxychloroquine is cheap to make.


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Dont you fucking retards understand that this is not a cure?? Also you have to stack it with antibiotics for it to be effective. This means millions of people taking large doses of antibiotics...which means mass resistance to antibiotic effectiveness...not a good combo. This is not a long term solution and it should be used very sparingly

this is when we should be using antibiotics retard. Not when some slut rides dick for 4 years of college needing it to clear up it infected pussy every month instead of not fucking anything with a dick. Or fat people not getting skin infections in their folds of fat because thy can't put down the fork and go for a 30 minute walk every day


What's its mechanism of action?

Side effects?

It’s still better to save lives now than to wait 1 more year until a globohomo pharma company develops a vaccine.

It stops the replication of the virus that feeds on red blood cells. HCQ somehow attaches to the virus DNA.

Because it's selling for 2 dollars. Yes fucking two dollars, any body can buy it. Meanwhile big pharma are working on a vaccine that cost the citizen 400 dollars. Moneys on stake

You fucking Goldfish brained dick wad. We should not be giving large doses of antibiotics to millions of people for this shitty little flu bug. Antibiotic resistance would be catastrophic to the human race and we are on the brink of being there already.

fuck off jew shill, it's been around for decades, we already know the side effects. MSM shills and "research and development" shills hate it because they can't milk 18 months of research grants for a new medicine to prove that it works when doctors are using it in real life and it works. At some point anecdotal evidence in large real life practice becomes evidence

>using antibiotics to combat lung infections is ebil

Right and what happens when the HCQ wears off? The fucking bioweapon virus is still in your blood and lungs, and you can get reinfected

This they hate it because it's a generic drug and actually cures the patient.


From a previous thread:




Post any related studies in this thread I need more sources to rekt NPCs

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I did not say it was evil, canadian. If you value the lives of future generations, they should not be handing out antibiotics the entire infected population

Chloroquine has been in COVID treatment plans since about January.

The proposed mechanism of action is based on competitive binding of ACE 2 receptors, which are the targets for the viral spike proteins.

Chloroquine has significant side effects and is not the easiest drug to use (blood sugar, renal damage, eye toxicity) at the best of times. In patients whose systems are compromised due to severe infection i.e. coronavirus, it is even more difficult to use

tl;dr it helps a bit, but its also dangerous to use, particularly if you are unwell e.g. with the coof

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>Dont you fucking retards understand that this is not a cure??
It's literally a cocktail cure.
>This means millions of people taking large doses of antibiotics
This is such a fucking stretch, you are an absolute fucking retard.

>Meanwhile big pharma are working on a vaccine that cost the citizen 400 dollars. Moneys on stake
Not just money, but more importantly CONTROL.
Asshole pic related.

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if something is cheap and effective, Fauci can’t fear monger for 12 months until his big pharma pals come up with something similar and make zillions of dollars off it.

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We give out so much antibotics for shit that is preventable. Now is the time we should be using it. Doctor's and people in public health government jobs have been lazy about telling the general public to maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid infections.
>stop being a slut
>stop being fat
>stop smoking
>wash your hands
>wash out and clean cuts
But instead we just plug our ears and rely on antibiotics for everything instead of thinking about the benefit to society by taking care of yourself. Everyone is self centered because we have been told we are special and individual and the world shouldn't wait on you. In reality we should always put our country and community over our simple pleasures.

>Chloroquine has significant side effects and is not the easiest drug to use (blood sugar, renal damage, eye toxicity) at the best of times. In patients whose systems are compromised due to severe infection i.e. coronavirus, it is even more difficult to use

>reduces mortality rate by a small percent
>this is a bad thing
so what if its not a "cure", if it helps even a little then what's the beef

its cheap and it doesnt have a patent
its free for people to use everywhere
They want to make a new drug, and create parents to make trillions

pregnant women and children have healthy physiology.

People who have multiple organ failure due to severe infection do not


Immunity to antibiotics you dumbfuck. Thats a bigger problem than this shitty flu virus


"Outpatient Antibiotic Prescriptions — United States, 2015. Healthcare providers prescribed 269.4 million antibiotic prescriptions—equivalent to 838 antibiotic prescriptions per 1000 persons. Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

they're basically the same drug, the hydroxy group is just a different package, the active metabolite is still chloroquine (see codeine, morphine)

>When EMS is exposed to HIV they should do nothing cause post-exposure-prophylaxis does nothing

The 3 drug protocol seems pretty great if it is introduced within the first 4 to 5 days. You are literally basing your resistance to this treatment on a completely tits up understanding of the mechanism of action.

>DUHHHH Me put lysine into body 11 days after cold sore. Why no work. Lysine useless. GRUUUHHHHH

This is the MSM's approach to this. They are literally parading around a study where 11 people were tested, all of them were well into their COVID infections and had severe fevers (6-9 days in) and had comorbidities like solid cancer, leukemia, HIV and morbid obesity. Three of the 11 died and we're using that to shoot down early to mid interventions.

All that you have to do is prescribe a week long course to anyone coming in with flu symptoms. Done. Social distancing no longer required for anyone without heart disease.

If it wears off you are prone infection again.
The point of this drug is to save lives.
Those who have better immune systems will get through it on standard antibiotics.

it doesn't work. studies have shown that it's no better than standard hospital care at best. at worst, it can kill you or deal severe damage to you with the side effects

Come on you fucking retarded shill. I've told you twice about the over use of antibiotics in normal use for preventable shit. Why are you shilling it so hard right now

just eat them like smarties

yea its obviously an effective prophylactic.
thus the studies will be designed around giving megadoses to patients on the verge of death

>yea its obviously an effective prophylactic.
aside from the fact that it's an anti parasite drug that does nothing to viruses. it can make you go blind, so it's not good for continued use, making it a bad prophylactic.

30-Mar: Trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin

25-Mar: First randomized trial ends in failure for hydroxychloroquine

22-Mar: Virus hits Africa, Nigerians killed by chloroquine poisoning

>Malaria Drug Chloroquine No Better Than Regular Coronavirus Care, Study Finds

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its not really an anti parasite drug. it works against a parasite, the malaria parasite, because it prevents red blood cells from being damaged. it works the same way here.

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It is probably more effective than placebo and is being used globally in COVID patients, see my original post
The long and short is we have retards who are saying its the best thing in the world, and others who say it is purely dangerous and ineffective.

Truth is, its somewhere in the middle - effective as part of a multi-drug/therapy based approach, but needs to be used cautiously

You fucking fools. All Trump cares about is sending you to work so that he doesn't lose the election on the economy , and making you think that there's cure (after downplaying the dangers of virus for months) is the way to do it. "Oh well, I'll just go about my day as usual, if I catch the virus hydroxychloroquine will fix it!" Meanwhile, you'll choke to death just like those 1.3k did last night, and just like those 1k did the night before.

I'm actually starting to think you people don't deserve any better. Actual retards.

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>im gonna end up choking to death if i get it because it happens to 1/1000 people
nice fantasy retard

1/4 of the closed cases ouside of china have ended in death.

Oh man, all those people losing their jobs and going to scrapping for food and shelter would love to be out of work for 18 months while we wait for a vaccine instead of working and giving people a cocktail of drugs that work. That will sure show them

>if they dont close cases for months it means everyone dies
>if they dont include the asymptomatic in their statistics it means everyone dies
>if they add corona deaths on suspicion without even incrementing the confirmed case stat it means everyone dies
>if we look at this completely uncritically it is utterly terrifying

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>18 months while we wait for a vaccine
we're never getting a vaccine. this virus has ADE, just like SARS. any antibodies you develop will be used against you and you'll die of a cytokine storm.

>its true because Big Pharma told me so

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Keeping the economy going is absolutely worth a couple hundred thousand old people with one foot in the grave being finished off a couple years earlier than they normally would.

Modern society is so fucking weak and pathetic and is bound to collapse because of it.

Actually it's 1/100, and it's gonna be a lot more after you run out of ventilators.
It doesn't fucking matter whether this will last 10 years or 2 weeks. What matters is that what Trump said about this drug is FALSE.

Its an ionophore that allows zinc to enter the affected cells. The Zinc then stops the virus from reproducing.
So the zinc is actually the cure, the hydroxychloroquine is just a carrier.

They hate it because its out of patent so anyone can manufacture it very cheaply.

there is no proof of this. in fact, it's been proven that chloroquine cannot inhibit viral reproduction.

My mother takes Hydrochoroqine for her arthritis and she has 0 side effects.


Nah theres not been enough clinical trials to conclude anything like that.

I don't think anyone hates hydroxychloroquine. What they hate is a president who plays doctor. I'm sure he did when he was a kid but it's no longer wise to do.

>9 patients
>30 patients
>2 people who ate 10 pills each died
>same study as your second link.
You have even LESS scientific rigor than the studies showing that its a cure.

That's fine, you're a piece of shit but at least you're honest about it. Well, doesn't mean much on an anonymous board, but still. That's not the issue here. The issue is that Trump repeatedly saying that hydroxychloroquine is "game changer" and will cure without any credible source.

You can't just advise someone to take certain drug just because you heard it might help. This is not how things are done. Drugs have to go through testing to ensure not only if it actually works, but also if it's safe.

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>Trump is responsible for someone dumping a teaspoon-sized dose into his tea.

Kikes seething because they know it works and don't want the goyim to take a safe and tested drug to treat the chink virus

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zion don?

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Millions of people take antibiotics every day but it's unthinkable to use them for this stupid bullshit?

See this and seethe more, memeflaggot kike

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The person who died from fish tank cleaner was a democrat activist too lol

I tried to push this faggot on that and how much can be prevented if people stopped smoking, being sluts, being fat, and being dirty and he never replied.

antibiotics don't do anything to viral infections.

Hey did those masks that Trump sent to Israel arrive yet?

>money is worth more than human life.
no doubt you also identify with labels such as 'christian' 'pro-life'.

I don't know, ask your bosses in Tel Aviv, rabbi

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