Well well well
Looks like the fatty Kitty cat is out of the nitty Mitty bag
Well well well
Looks like the fatty Kitty cat is out of the nitty Mitty bag
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Sounds like a racist anti-semitic conspiracy theory!
Do they have a single fact to back that up?
wow. we knew this in january and these retards are just catching up?
>Sounds like a racist anti-semitic conspiracy theory!
It's only cause Boris is gonna die, they are prepping the population for the eventual retaliation against china
bamp this shit
"Political correctness"
It’s like those videos from china where a guy sneezes and they notice his nose is exposed and a few Seconds Later 2-3 chinese beating him up. You dont want that situation. Also why chinese Wear facemasks in january? Cause the asshole chinese knew what it was all along. Only now do w.h.o say maybe face mask can be good idea in crowded area. You think... and finally uk government says they suspect it got out of lab. About time bongs got their head out of their ass. China losing Trade War with usa and then this virus appears coinciding with chinese new year travel for Max exposure. And usa and other economies in lockdown whilst china boast having dealt with it successfully cause they knew what it was and what to do the assholes. Chinglong dingdong says it’s just flu no Big deal no facemasks needed. Whilst running around with facemasks since january. Truly a disgusting event!
Like I said
>accidentally leaked
>purposefully spread
World needs to cut China off after this is over. Get our manufacturing out of there. Stop buying their goods.
I had pekinese growing up. The Old royal dog of chinese emperors cutest friendliest and nicest thing ever. Today chinese boil dogs alive. Run out of fucking Rice and release a deadly virus upon their financial competitor usa hurting and crippling other countries. Cause they losing a trade War with usa. Fuck what china has become. It’s very sad.
Probably more than
>muh Russia hacked the 2016 election
almost every guy in German forums says this. fucking nightmare.
Correct. Almost. Nice try though, Ahmed.
china lied, people died.
sanction them
No, boris is dying.
He is planning to turn the hate on china.
We knew from the start that the UK was funding corona-chan research.
t. jew lovers
China is the only one that will destroy their assets.
>It's only cause Boris is gonna die
doubtful. its a show
No shit it was a leak. bioweapon or not, china is a shithole with no actual oversight for anything. Buildings literally fall apart and kill people regularly because they don't even have basic concepts of construction regulation. they're a disaster, a walking extinction event waiting to happen for humanity.
show flag, kike.
Fuck off chink nobody gives a fuck about you insects anymore. prepare for constant public humiliation and distrust for the rest of your life. Nobody is going to go CLOSE to a chinese after this.
they tried to murder our PM. we are gonna ruin them
If we sequence the RNA, wouldn't we be able to tell if there were things cut or inserted into the code?
They should know. They cooked one in Solsberry.
Just wait until they admit to the public that it wasn't an accident.
no shit. war with china is soon friends
I’m more inclined to believe this virus started elsewhere and the only reason it was identified and isolated in China is BECAUSE there was a viral institute nearby that could investigate it quickly
If some random village dies out from bat flu with no hospital within 100 miles how would we have ever found out
I had to dig this up again earlier. We arnt people talking about the fact Soros owns:
WuXi AppTec
Small molecule drug discovery and research services
666 Gaoxin Road East Lake High-tech Development Zone Wuhan 430075, China
>believs Coronavirus a Lab accident
that has been obvious from the start.
the REAL question is "why were the chinks manufacturing a biological weapon and who exactly were they planning to use it on"?
the world is done with those fucking chinks.
>Do they have a single fact to back that up?
Nope, I guess it was just a coincidence that the virus originated a few miles away from the only BSL4 lab in China.
China dies, faggot. Rip.
Go the fuck back zhangchau
As usual the rest of the world is months behind Yas Forums.
It doesn’t have to have altered DNA it could be a variant made nasty on purpose by hybridizing it with use of test subjects. And is obviously perfect for locking down a country crippling it if you dont catch it early on cause it masquerades as the milder flu or even worse have barely any symptoms at all till you from one day to other realize you need to go to hospital. There are myriads of nasty diseases in viral labs that if you just release them and dont warn anybody that it’s out it can fuck up your country. You dont need exotic rna manipulation for it to be like this. Not that i am ruling that out.
>needing facts in 2020
We already did of multiple strains. The evidence all points to China. As for whether it was things inserted into it, it's hard to say because of how new this genetic engineering technique is, so we don't really know the tell tale signs of such action.
But a virus just doesn't jump like this instantly to humans like it did in Wuhan.
Patterns will emerge and I'm sure the evidence will eventually mount up that China will have no choice but to fess up to this shit.
It's just an "accident" which means there's a possible real shit aiming for more kills so this is just a prototype
I'm way more scared of WWIII breaking out over this than the virus or the economical damage.
>China will have no choice but to fess up to this shit.
Yeah China's never gonna do that.
Swine flu, bird flu, sars 1 and covid19 , etc. that remained in animals for millions of years just all happened to not only make the leap to humans, but to all emerge from CHIN-er in the past 20 years.
just a coincidence. Right, retard?
For same reasons usa probably have nasty viruses in bsl4 labs. For research into stopping pandemics. It is double Edged sword because you can also create pandemics by releasing them. Do you really need to ask why they release it and dont warn anybody whilst dealing with it sucessfully as alibi whilst via chinese new year for Maximum spread? They hit the exact targets they wanted. The rest of countries like italy just collateral damage. They were losing Trade War with usa. You were destroying their financial growth for first time in a decade. And then this happens. Usa economy also Europe economy crippled and linglong is going what happened americans? Why you not as effective as chinese. It’s desperate and disgusting. Only one who benefits from this is chinese.
>they tried to murder our zionist jewish ottoman PM
its a publicity stunt, retard.
watch this, now you will be a man and understand wtf is going on
They're going to have to or face some of the worst international condemnation the world has ever seen. Not even Russia will back them.
>Nope, I guess it was just a coincidence that the virus originated a few miles away from the only BSL4 lab in China.
and cohencidentally
I'm not confident there will be any real condemnation. The entire world is dependent on Chinese manufacturing, they don't want to get cut off.
water supply. calling it now. thats why there is such a focus on normies washing their hands
>Do they have a single fact to back that up?
You're really working overtime today, aren't you?
Every fucking time
What you think sars etc. Was. Betatesting on their own people. As if ccp give fuck about chinese ppl. It is not chinese people i hate it is ccp government. It is not like lao Ling down the street figure to say fuck usa take some shit out of lab. The way this happened and the control of information. Only handful of people could have ordered and allowed this. And chang down the street is not the one i am angry with or blame.
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bsl-2 is (was) enough for coronaviruses and the other, bsl-2, lab was less than 1km away from huanan wet market.
The world taking 4 months to catch up to Yas Forums. Sad at this point really.
HIV & Ebola-Like Mutations Suggest Coronavirus Leaked From a Lab
without fail. this is one of the cases for the scrapbook of info to hit normies with. they are slwoly putting together the dots
Wrong side, Ivan. Chinks are a threat to your country and ours. We both know it. Thanks for the AN-124 supply care plane.
This is the exact kind of weak ass mentality the Chinese are banking on to get away with this shit
Mounting public pressure will say otherwise.
You can already see the outrage the Chinese propagandist causes when they blamed the US for the virus, that they've literally stopped doing it. So they've switched strategy to send medical supplies (Before they were withholding).
some which were infected apparently.