You may only post in this thread if your nation has been the global hegemony.
You may only post in this thread if your nation has been the global hegemony
>not marking all the British Isles
>thinks America is a world hegemony but really it was the kikes
As a nation that has been a national hegemony I can confidently warn you that your dominance is just about to end. Thank trump.
at least the BE spread *some* good. America just spreads globohomo, bombs the middle east and gives israel phat paychecks.
I'll believe it when nations start abandoning the USD, which they haven't.
It's just all the countries jewry has used as its monetary HQ
Hegemony is the state of being the dominant power. The word you are looking for is hegemon
Last I checked the reason the Middle East is in the situation it is in is because of the British drawing straight line everywhere and calling them borders. The United States has done far more good than the British. We have given countless humanitarian aid, more than many deserve.
because kikes make sure they can't become independent. the US/federal dollar is how the kikes build their world-wide, centralised banking system. at least based iran doesn't have one yet
Honestly, we proper fucked up almost everywhere we decided to get a pencil and ruler out.
Not sure why but we had a massive hard on for partitions
then that means only israel can post here! oh...
Most Americans dont even want to be the global hedgemon. OP is retarded. Most people in this country want troops to come home
>global hegemony
>not global
If the US isn't the global hegemony, what is the alternative? China? Massive regional strife, death, and destruction? A migration crisis the world has never seen? The US abandoning world hegemony would lead to catastrophe and not peace. Ironically it's America's current actions keeping the peace.
You're most certainly not allowed here. Remove yourself!
They will. USA is checking all the necessary and optional requirements for a system collapse.
>Stupid ruler (necesary)
>with support from the people (optional)
>Natural disaster
>Economic collapse
>Supply chains broken
>infighting between states
>No collaboration with outer nations
>2 trillion $ spending . For what?
> This health crisis will last in USA soil until June or July. But it will come back in autumn. restarting the whole mess again.
The all so strong and mighty USA lives at 9 meals from anarchy. Just like all the civilizations before.
Then it will be china and russia.
>Global gaygemony
European hegemony is the real deal.
Those shitty borders were long term planning, keep as many people as possible destabilized for as long as possible and you have fewer serious competitors.
Bunch of petty arrogant cunts plus Builder bob homeland.
Only Scotland and Basques county are worth a regard, maybe south Netherland as well..
Retard, in that case the quality of life in your country and in western europe will plummet, China will just take your place as a "global police" and control the world with Yuan.
with the passage of time this keeps shifting around constantly
the fuck do you mean? those mudslime satanic brooms don't belong in half the places in the middle east. Fucking scum
You forgot to make Israel blue.
this is cope the post.
scotland? lol ok
>2015 - obama
>2016 trump enters the white house. Today the USA don't rule anything anymore. It is just a bunch of cowards that abandon their objectives, feuds and allies.
They were there when you drew straight lines separating them
Feels Good
Cope, you'll be posting the same sad whining decades from now.
No it isn't. The US abandoning its role as global hegemony would be like backing down during the Cold War and letting the USSR run things, sure the US no longer has a responsibility but at what cost? What possible peace would be achieved from the US abandoning the world stage?
I suggest actually reading the article.
The seajews dominated the colonial game(a.k.a. most of the world) for quite some time
since we're talking "throughout history", the mongolian empire should be mentioned as they defeated the chinese and persians and at that time europe was literally just an insignificant shithole still recovering from the collapse of the roman empire
Are you really trying to give the irish some of your credit? They're animals who should be chained to their physical job at all times
That picture is disgusting. Fuck you Neet soc
Where is France you retard? Or the Danes? Imagine only knowing 300 years of history lmao
>Basques county
Honestly I never had nor do I have now any interest in the USA falling. I am here to warn, not to wishful think.
In spanish we say "quien avisa no es traidor".
Flanders region belonged to the Hispanic region when they were the global hegemons together with the Portuguese.
Currently hegemonizing
Will report back soon
France was never that big of a power Globally although they had a european chimpout
>is just about to end
China doesn't have the projection power to be relevant, Russia imploded in the early 90s, India is a meme and the EU will go to shit before the 30s, maybe just after this crisis, I can see the US leading a neocommonwealth with the EU and the anglos if they start losing power.
Where's Italy(roman empire), China(some dynasty), France, Mongolia?
Daddy america please make us 51st state
you forgot my country
China is ever expansionist and they are producing far more than the USA and are way ahead in pandemic response. i don't see the scenario where china does not come out of this mess as the front runner.
>We have given countless humanitarian aid
came here to post this
China is a regional power and 80% of the country is Angola-tier, they can't expand or protect shit like Rusia France or UK does
You could include Rome Greece Mongolia and maybe France, they held hegemony of the relevant world in their time periods
>they can't expand
Literally own most of Spain commodities.
the US does little but agitate Russia's border and interfere as a pest at a local level in other nations. do tell of what the US actually accomplishes besides your vague cope of "keeping the peace". looks to me you're just trying to deal with the fact your nation is israel's bitch and despite have arms you mutts can't do anything to stop the erasure of your constitution. kikes metaphorically taking a piss on it as we speak and americans, mutts, whatever, are too chicken-skin to do shit. that and your country spreads globohomo like no other
Here is where I think you are incredibly wrong... And I will show you some examples:
> Artificial Island to grow their sea territory
> Overwhelming military and technological might
> Anexation of Taiwan. (it used to be a country... used to...)
> Oficials in multiple foreign governments (Malasia, Myanmar...)
> Growing allies in Africa, Phillipines, etc.
and if you don't submit, they will take by force.
never. those cathcucks can suck on their mary's teet for all i care
What the fuck are you?
>Taiwan, Malasia, Myanmar
Yes, that's why I said regional power
America is a vassal state of Israel.
The only hegemony in America is your subservience to the Jew.
Based Miquelonian Empire
once China starts intervening in African wars shall it be considered a superpooper?
PLZ become a regular.
they tried to with the oil niggers in North Africa and US released the Arab Springs, France and UK have interest there too ...
Why isn't Italy blue? Ever heard of the Roman Empire? We were the original hegemony.
I'd like for The USA to just leave NATO and become an isolationist country again just so all these shit talking parasites that we aid get fucked over and they'll have to beg us for help again.