Of course you fucking dullards can't obey a simple order to not go out in public. This is why I and all of my liberal friends think you guys are so dumb.
RepubliCUNTS not obeying the stay in order
Other urls found in this thread:
>when you don't live in a city you have to travel further to get things
retard. also why the fuck should states who aren't dealing with new york numbers be treated like they're from that region. god damn you people are fucking stupid
We don't have a problem with the virus. We're not dying from it. You are.
>A media corporation
>Tracks millions of people using cell phone data
We have been living in Orwell's Oceania for a long time.
>cases in my county in Nebraska
>N.Y. faggets shitting all over themselves coughing their guts out.
Omg stay home don’t go to the farm. You delusional pile of filth.
It is my God given right to leave my house when my wife gets fucked by Tyrone and no fascist government is gonna stop me
>used cell phone data to track citizens
They deserve everything coming, in Minecraft
>you fucking dullars
Yes I am fucking on a daily basis my insolent amount of dollars. Im using it as a tissue to masturbate to jewgirlslivblackcock.com
Nah pretty sure we’re in Zamyatin’s “We”
b8 m8
yeah the failing Jew York Times has the ability to track the entire nations cellular phone data...
Knee gaaaa please
ok zoomer
Worldometer sources are the mainstream media.
>Mfw I actually have a job
Sorry retard
This map is basically essential vs nonessential workers. The cities are revealed unnecessary.
USA is so fucked... Everyone in america will lose someone. And you will still suck that idiot's cock.
Nigs don't travel to hang out in large groups. They've been organizing block parties in Michigan and Ohio. Some of those grey areas on that map are some of the worst Democrat, nig-infested, COVID-19 infected shitholes.
lol nah the vast majority don't even know someone who has tested positive. stay mad, eurotrash.
People outside the cities dont live on top of each other. They can leave the house and still social distance.
Navigation apps track people and show you how to avoid traffic and where speed traps are. It’s not all bad
You have a leftist gov bro... You should be embarassed
Great lakes master race reporting in
you have any idea how big and mostly empty USA is?
how does the NYT get all this cell data????
Mmmmmm boots.
The wholevdamned thing is a lie.
If you're using iPhone or a compatible Android then just turn on WiFi calling, turn on Airplane mode and only use WiFi for calls/texts. Only use cellular when really neccesary
No they're insular and uneducated. They experience the world less than us and project that onto us.
Have no fear! Don't worry friends. When I do go out I'm well armed, as are we all I'm sure.
>meanwhile liberal citydwellers are dying in droves
NY user here. As you were Skolboy.
In the US you have to have a cellular connection in order to initiate wifi calls
And you assume we give a fuck what you think? Way to praise the surveillance state you knob guzzling faggot.
Michigan looks good until you see how many business personnel are not using PPE while carrying out service.
I went to Best Buy for a power supply and they are doing curbside delivery not even wearing gloves or masks
>New York Times, megacorporation
>Used cellphone data
The fuck??? Please tell me this is a fucking joke
just how exactly is the nyt getting cell phone data?
They didnt. They make shit up and nobody questions them
>just how exactly is the nyt getting cell phone data?
CIA, FBI, WaPo, NYT... they're all 1 entity, Amazon(Washington Post) pretty much runs the CIA computer database, and the FBI was using the New York Times as their main propaganda tool for leaking info through...
We also don’t have 14 million people boxed into one coty
Probably. I come from greater NY region and I can tell you that shit's a lie
Then your device isn't working properly. You're on Android, right?
I'm using an Android which has WiFi calling feature but my fucking carrier doesn't allow it, only iPhone and Android devices purchased from them (iPhones aren't restricted to that condition). Can do some workarounds to activate it on my side but I don't want to root my phone though. Certainly will switch to iPhone on my next purchase.
too bad based corona is still targeting democraps lol
>RepubliCUNTS not obeying the stay in order
Ayyyy lol
Natural selection.
thats what you get for owning a cell phone. you should live in the woods emerging from your hovel to access the librarys wifi from their parking lot once a week like i do
>republicans moving around more
>virus still massively killing liberals and blacks instead
yeah I’m thinking based
How did the NYT get cellphone data on all of these people?
We have essential jobs that make this country run.
You run a fursuit website.
>that lack of travel in upstate new york
that surprises me.
fuck you city nigger. I can do what I want when I want.
Yep. Essential asf. Got to get to work to fix big rigs. Diesel mechanic here. Got to get normies their medicine and food. Buncha slacked jawed faggots.
Your phone pings every tower in the area no matter what setting you have on, even if the device is turned off. The only way not to be tracked is to not carry it at all.
>Duluth highest travel in MN
Why am I not surprised
Anyone who thinks they are really 'essential' could drop dead tomorrow and the world would just keep ticking. Silly ass meme jobs.
You mean lightest?
Even on Airplane mode? Sounds pretty fucked up.
But why the fuck do they ban cellular transmission in flights?
Why does the New York Times know about my location?
I'm not a "republican" but I'm carrying on with my daily affairs. Although my industry has been decimated and I'm not working. So with that, I dont go out much anyway.
Found the faggot in mum's basement. Get a job faggot.
No trucks? Who delivers tendies??
Well no shit. Everyone should know the absolute LEAST the government is doing is tracking your location.
Pretty sure this map shows travel relative to what they were doing before. So if they traveled a lot before then that's the number it's compared to
>the New York Time used cell phone data
Hmmm ...
So we can't expose (((their))) 9/11 hijackings.
>it's a frame
Interesting, never thought of this
You should already have all the things you need and be staying home.
t. "Essential" employee in Texas
Right. Time for a class action on these faggots.
yeah...isnt' this admitting they have some big data from spyware that they shouldn't have? i remember 5 years ago if you said your cellphone was tracking your comings and goings people screamed 'tinfoil' and now we have clear confession they are. yet every time those same people will scream 'tinfoil'. they never learn.
>go out
>leave phone at home
it is probably because stay at home means they have more than 1 acre of land fag.
and we STILL have fewer cases than coastie scum
>We don't have a problem with the virus. We're not dying from it. You are.
Pretty much this, it seems to be killing mostly retarded liberals, niggers and fatsos.
> Liberals obeying order to stay inside
You mean FREE THINKERS, right?
If *I* hadn't already had the virus, *I* *WOULD* *DELIBERATELY* *EXPOSE* *MYSELF* *AND* *GET* *THE* *FUCKING* *THING* *OVERWITH* !!!
*B* *U* *L* *L* *S* *H* *I* *T* !!!
*LET* *US* *GET* *BACK* *TO* *WORK*!!!
Fuck off
Well they're not hit nearly as hard nor are they compacted together like the city folks so yea, they can stand to move around a bit more.
What are the kikes gonna do when they figure out I actually go to stores without my tracking device.
It's the darkest red, unless I'm retarded.
The virus is going to clean out the cities.
Why are we trying to stop this again?
they were given the data, likely by google
Lol who gives a fuck, the government only thinks this is the best thing to do, not proven yet. It could totally backfire then u days who do this will look real stupid
explain this burgers
good one!
And there is not enough police to enforce ANYTHING. This is all willful compliance and ratting on your neighbor. Boodaloog.
I'm memeing. The real reason is the chink made cell phones everyone has are horrible at staying in their frequency band. Consumer electronics create a lot of RF noise and the FCC is lax with enforcement.
Yeah, but compare and contrast the actual hotspots of infections.
Looks like areas formerly served by the New York Central Railroad...
Why does (((new york times))) have access to cellphone data?
The dems will still be scared in Nov and stay home on ele tion day.
Republicans give no fucks now so turnout in Nov won't be an issue.
Based virus
We don't have an active order or a ton of cases/deaths because we aren't loaded to the brim with unsanitary nonwhite retards. Enjoy coofing fag
That Koochiching county which is right next to St. Louis county where Duluth is. Mostly coal mining so I'm not surprised there's so much activity. But I get what you mean, Duluth is a liberal shit hole.
Ah dear. I guess the demographics are going to be liberal in the future.
Very much so.
What is going on in that pic? The nigger holding a gun, the chicken with a blanket drinking beer, what...
No bro that's will be your case. Your retarded government didn't went ahead with the total lockdown and you're suffering from it.
I’m not going to die from it, so I’m not going to stay home lol