Who was in the wrong?
Who was in the wrong?
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Those Africanized bees steal all the pollen and are extremely aggressive
The neighbor clearly violated the NAP.
Bees are always correct.
If a bee stings you its because you were wrong.
he cannot sue the bees, dumbass
The american society
this user gets it. If the guy from op's pic saw the bee movie he would think differently. Bees always win in court
the claimant? albert einstein
Its because bees are jewish
He should spray pesticides to counter the theft of pollen, that would be an equal responce.
how can posts this based still exist in this day and age
The bees for violating the NAP. He should poison them.
But I just wanted to go down a water slide user, I was but a boy. I had done nothing to provoke the bee, you lie.
>Can I sue my breathing neighbor?
>I watched a video on air circulation and realized my neighbor is breathing my air which allows for chemical reactions in his body granting him energy
>He then uses this energy to go to work and make money
>I haven’t received so much as a handjob in return
>This is the same as if he fucked my wife
>Can I sue? Please?
Just put up some of those bug zapper things. Or spray the bees when they come over.
this, all them bee's were jewish 'barry b. benson' and the true message of that movie was in reverse that the jews are stealing the life's work of the goys
Setup nectar traps, hold his bees hostage
Peak American capitalism
To be fair, fucking your wife isn't that difficult.
That's an interesting base for a case. Bees would technically count as farm animals so it's like allowing cattle to go graze in your neighbor's fields.
Typical Africans
the virgin Neighbour vs the Chad Beekeeper
It's as easy as raping your mom.
Or be grateful that your neighbor has an interesting skill and is keeping a respectable tradition alive as well as pollinating every flower within a mile. Do people hate nature this much? Those bees aren’t aggressive and if for some reason they become a problem you can simply talk to the neighbor about it. Jesus no wonder the world has gone to shit - people just hoping for an excuse to fuck each other up
People like this need shot.
>Implying that your 'comrade' wouldnt immediately report you for questionable behavior.
Based and buzzpilled
>implying I have a wife
Probably never at this point. I was born an old man and at 25 years old I feel like I’m already done kek. Shit sucks
He must have known you’d grow up into a little bitch.
This has to be a jew
Are you in Oklahoma? Because some retard posted that in my NextDoor.
Bees are based
I would present the neighbor with the flowers a bill for "pollination services" that were rendered in good faith.
Whether or not they are aggressive is beside the point. Unless he has given consent to the owner, they are tresspassing and he is within his rights to remove them.
Lawfag here. This guy could sue for nuisance and probably conversion
Yep. Either contain the bees or else you violate the NAP
>stealing my pollen
quintessentially kike
What about this?
Planting flowers near my bees? Obviously they are going to be pollinated. Is the neighbor with the flowers billable?
This. Plan on beekeeping someday when I move to a house with more land, can’t really do it with a townhouse
>I haven’t received so much as a handjob in return
my sides
>implying people don't troll on reddit also
step aside, superior meme coming through
>that webm
Based retard
That’s exactly my point. Do you really want to be the fat bitch at the checkout holding up the line yelling “IM NOT WRONG I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BROWSE AS LONG AS I WANT”. It’s obnoxious and makes the world shittier. Just because you have the “right” (permission granted you by someone more powerful than you) doesn’t mean you need to always run that line. In my experience people that do get it back double later on.
>implying it’s beneath plebbitors to be that big of a faggot
Cmon Satan
the bees pollenate his garden.
And they do it for free.
I was thinking this was going towards some faggot house nigger's example of why socialism good. But I think the OP is just mentally ill...
>But I just wanted to go down a water slide
Sounds like you didn't check the water slide for bees
For the mighty bee to end his life on your water sliding ass, you must've been negligent.
I bet you check water slides now.
This ameritard should sue the bees for being niggers and stealing the honey, the nieghborhood had no idea what the bees were doing.
Yep, I’m all for strong private property rights but you can cross a line and become a cunt about it. Not sure why you’d want to go down that path with your neighbor (unless you’re a cunt).
Holy shit, that guy should be dead
>Can't tell if hornets or bees, should be dead either way
Great Yas Forumstier thread on Yas Forums faggot.
poison the flowers
you have a right to put pesticides on your own plants
Maybe they could sue, but they'd have to use facts and evidence to demonstrate the exact value of their pollen. Of course they'd also have to demonstrate that they have been keeping out other insects and bees and is not selectively choosing the neighbor. If the neighbor's bees germinates your flowers and garden should he sue YOU for the service? Should the neighbor sue you for being an insufferable retard?
Those were probably wasps, and wasps can be niggers.
This, fucker should be grateful
unless he's a pollen and nectar farmer which is highly unlikely, the bees are helping to pollinate his garden and adding value. if anything the beekeeper could sue his neighbor for theft of services.
Best post
And illegal in most places. lol
My neighbors are ultra-conservative Christians that truly believe the world will end soon and run a small farm with their 8 homeschooled kids. There have been goats that got out and shit on my yard, smells from them butchering animals, and rooster calls before dawn along with many other things. At the same time my dog has gotten one of their chickens, shit on their yard, and I have had some loud and obnoxious parties. Everything that was a problem we just laughed and had a beer and figured it out. I would rather live with a neighbor who accidentally built his fence 10 feet over the property line by mistake then with a neighbor who was always calling the inspector on me
This is why local laws and HOAs exist - to prevent people running a pig farm or giant hornet sanctuary in dense residential areas. The guy is going to get sued eventually, either now or when some allergic kid dies after getting stung by his bees. When you choose to live in tight quarters with other people, you give up the right to do whatever the fuck you want in your yard.
Lol this was definitely written by the jew
>prove it was HIS bee that stung the kid
Nah, that's even more retarded. That's like one of those crackheads putting their filthy scrubbers on your windshield and angrily demanding money for it.
the bee owner, for not quietly executing his cunt neighbor to start with
He actually doesn't, because he doesn't have a way to.
>giant hornet sanctuary
Who the fuck does that? Bee keeping shouldn’t be a choice. It should be mandatory for all civilians, and niggers.
Definitely legal grounds to sue. We don't let people do just anything in a residentially zoned area for obvious reasons. Some activities cause prejudice to other homeowners e.g. sound and particulate pollution from a neighbor's illegitimate workshop, urban chicken coop, commercial activity (even part-time), etc.
If beekeeping increases the amount of bees frequenting your property, especially if you're allergic to them, it is most definitely a huge prejudice to your home ownership and you are entitled to compensation for the prejudice you suffered.
If your neighbor pulls a beehive operation on you, just tell em you're going to respond with an equally dubiously legal open-air manure composting pit and tell him he has no right to complain about what you do on your own property, regardless of the consequences on your neighbors.
>The guy is going to get sued eventually, either now or when some allergic kid dies after getting stung by his bees.
Not if there's warnings that he has bees. There's absolutely no way that dude would be liable for a bee sting unless he was grossly negligent (no fence, no signage, near the property line, etc). Even so, how the hell would anyone prove that they got stung by a bee from his hive?
you can sue but I would bring this up in court
>allergic to bees
somehow i cant imagine niggers keeping bees
or doing any kind of animal husbandry really
they know their lives are at stake
>a wild communist appears:
>y-yeah well the bees are doing all the work, why is the owner getting paid simply for owning and building the hive?
if there's no HOA, he doesn't have shit on his neighbor
If there's no HOA and no city ordinance against it, and your manure pit isn't an actual business, you can dump as much manure as you want on your property
In the US, unless you're violating some kind of city ordinance, zoning law, or HOA guideline, you can do whatever the fuck you want on your property
that's why when you take the AMTRAK through rural Maryland and NJ, you see fucking dishwashers in peoples' front yards
besides the fact that beekeeping is actually encouraged and sometimes subsidized in a lot of places.
>neighbor has an interesting skill and is keeping a respectable tradition alive
Bees sorta take care of themselves in those hives. All that’s needed is to plant flowers and stop needless construction ruining plant life in the area.
I hate people so much
The Irish Kingdoms used to have laws about this exact problem in the middle ages called An Bechbretha.
> As the bees owned by an individual gathered their honey from the surrounding district, the owners of the four adjacent farms were entitled to a certain small proportion of the honey: and after the third year each was entitled to a swarm.
>If bees belonging to one man swarmed on the land of another, the produce was divided in certain proportions between the two.
Not only that but people are such pussies
>I don’t want to get stung!!
You’ll have bigger problems when shit isn’t getting pollinated
Isn't he?
beekeeping is probably the most space- and labor-efficient way to make alcohol post-SHTF, too
you don't need a shit ton of land and grain to make mead
Wrong place, wrong time. Can't fault you for it, but you were still wrong.
Not giving his neighbor(s) jars of honey every now and then is secondly bad compared to wanting to sue your neighbor over bees doing bee stuff.
A neighbor has been building a "house" for years now, it's never finished and looks like a retarded child designed it, and it is only about 5 feet from the road which is illegal. He also has chickens running loose. I doubt anything about it is up to code, honestly I think he cooks meth in there. Would I be a nigger for reporting him?
This is factually correct.
This. Open air manure composting pit. Also use his leaf trimmings or stuff like that to make it as smelly as possible
Wu-Tang in yo back yard nigga stealing yo pollen and sheeit
Some Heeb lawyer will take the case. This is why lawyers must be killed in minecraft.
kek'd hard at the thought of someone training dogs to go steal tools from other people's yards for profit
Are those Asian hornets? I heard those have found their way to the west coast.
What even happened?
Americans used to not have this envy and jealously of others.
You can see him breathing at the end of the video, I saw it the other day and thought he was dead but you can see him take at least one breath by looking at his chest/stomach
Not saying he doesn't die shortly after though
Based and Buzzpilled
what the fuck happened here? he was in a beekeeping suit , also why was he raking the bees after he dropped them?
Jews are vile
reminds me of this simpson's episode
Should remove all regulations on this shit. Bees are more important than some boomer neighbor who wants to sit on her porch every once in a blue moon for thirty minutes without hearing buzzzzzzzzz
I think this is a case of someone hating his neighbour.
I would counter-sue this guy because photons reflected off objects on his property bounce onto mine. That's trespass.