Should all drugs be decriminalized? It would lower the death death toll and lower crime. Though it would encourage degenerate behavior. Thoughts?
Should all drugs be decriminalized? It would lower the death death toll and lower crime...
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she needs a big black right now
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>Should all drugs be decriminalized?
>It would lower the death death toll
Increasing availability of hard drugs would actually increase the death toll
>lower crime
Legalizing murder won't reduce the number of murders. Same way, cartels would get very angry and would need to find a new way to make money, which would create a lot of instability on the market
>Should we legalize psychedelics and soft stimulants?
What she needs, is not a BBC, but a MOBY HUGE! It’s a 3 foot tall dildo that’s as thick as a microwave
You need a library card
Good for faggots that talk about BBC on basket weaving forums
We've got 50 years of data to show criminalizing doesn't reduce use. Legalize it all, tax the fuck out of it, ban narcan, execute degens convicted of repeat property crimes. Drug problem solved.
>Legalize it all, tax the fuck out of it
They do that in Cali, so people just buy on the black market
Legalize everything. It will take a few generations, but it will all be for the best.
That's ok. The reduction in law enforcement expenditures and a fraction of the sales taxed would be better than the status quo.
>Should all drugs be decriminalized?
I once chatted on omegle a white girl as beautiful as that. She was so pretty.with the blonde hair, white skin and blue eyes. She asked everything about me, and I said some drama how life in asia is hard. She felt bad and asked how can she help me and I said since were on omegle can I jack off (just tested the waters) and oh my goodness she said okay and instantly showed her boobs until I cummed. First time I've seen a white woman's nipples, so pinkish almost transparent. Like an angel she smiled at me while I was in euphoria. I swear, white girls are like angels. I thanked her and she said welcome.
Legalize it all, regulate purity more than 95% of ODs are from cuts like fentanyl, drug test at time of arrest for an robbery or theft and triple the penalty if they test positive for the harder substances heroin, meth, coke. Degenerate shit is happening anyway, why not reduce harm and cost of the drugs punish criminal addicts more and use taxes for treatment. Oh and not lock up responsible drug users.
Are drugs good for you?
The vast majority of drug overdoses are from impurities and cuts like fentanyl. If you legalize it then it can be regulated for purity and reduce deaths. Almost all of the evils of drugs come from the government pushing it to the shadows of the blackmarket where anything goes.
decriminalization is not good enough, you should fully legalize all of it
>b-b-b-but short term that would increase muh muh muh
yeah i know, still doesnt justify putting someone in a fucking cage for choosing to put something into their own body. being against drugs is the ultimate boot licker statist retard pleb filter
whos got the coffee meme
Some drugs are too dangerous to legalize. Like meth. And you only have to look at the opium wars to see why a completely high population is bad.
Huh. Neat.
Alcohol is a drug too and is more harmful than most of the popular banned drugs.
*inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *steam blowing outta the ears* Attention all passengers: this train makes no stops until Sexville, Arizona *defecates out in the middle of the street* baby i show pretty pusy please *sick robotic dance moves* THIS UNIT REQUIRES TO ENGAGE IN A SESSION OF COITUS, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE *regains composure* Ahem. You look quite lovely today, my dear. New haircut? *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~
I want to piss and shit into her mouth
Mutts Law
How do you justify protecting the legal status of alcohol while banning those drugs despite alcohol being far more dangerous?
Alcohol is older than agriculture and has become a part of every society on earth.
Do you think she deserved it guys?
>too dangerous
Life is danger. You think nothing of driving an 5000 pound machine on roads full of others you don't know from Adam and regularly dispensing highly flamable liquid into that machine without any PPE while surrounded by strangers that are probably armed. Meth is the least of your worries user.
So use is legal, but buying it is illegal? Pretty retarded to not just legalize and regulate the sale of everything.
Alcohol and benzos are the only common drugs that kill you with withdrawals, one is legal. Anything that's not going to kill you should just be legal.
>Like meth
no and you would say the same if you ever dealt with crystal meth addicts
Alcohol is an important part of western culture. I can guess why. They probably drunk alcohol to keep warm. However, alcohol still does more damage to your body than most banned drugs. 90k people die every year in the US due to alcohol. Isn't it hypocritical to ban the less harmful drugs and not alcohol?
In my opinion yes since I love using all kinds of drugs. However, normies are pretty naive and stupid. The average normie thinks if something is legal/socially accepted, it is safer and better for you. Therefore plenty of retards may use drugs more simply because they think being legal makes it safer.
Yes, legalize them.
Taxes could pay for a lot
Freed up police resources can start doing legitimate work again
A lot more drug addicts will be able to get help
>less degeneracy
A lot more drug addicts will drop dead
>less degeneracy
Faggot drug cartels starve in the streets and then maybe the beaners could go back to their shit-hole country or stop coming over here out of fear of getting their heads chopped off by their cousin.
Win win win win win.
You have to be a complete fucking idiot think otherwise.
Addicts gonna addict and do crime for drug money. If you can't arrest them for drugs they're even more of a problem.
No just the state need to apply the law, send those fuckers to Mexico so they can have their drugs laws and there little libtard paradise over there
people will get addicted to drugs on similar rate. It doesn't matter if its legal or not. Its literally easier for me to buy weed than alcohol. Decriminalize everything.
This so much.
If you believe all guns should be legal you believe all drugs should be legal.
Criminals are going to find them either way, and you're creating a black market by keeping them illegal.
>she needs a big black right now
>Is coffee good for the BBC?
Mutts law is not a thing, it's the ADL and their racebaiting campaign.
Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.
And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.
This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.
Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.
They have not forgotten, and neither should you.
Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.
One of the few cases of true justice in the US.
Praise this occurence daily and arm yourself with this jew slaying sword.
It cuts deep into their shriveled black hearts.
How does it feel, Shmul?
How does it feel to see a precious yid who was hanged by whites over two blacks he and his entire crack top team of yid attorneys couldn't prevent?
There's many unknown things in the past, did this happen? Did that happen? Does this woman cheat? Does that woman cheat?
But one thing for sure happened, and that is the hanging of Leo Frank, oh how he must have pleaded.
i wish I could go back in time and see that happen in person.
What sweet sweet music that would be to my ear, his nasal kvetching bleats for mercy.
Tell me, how do you feel about that? What is your opinion on this delight?
It's alcoholism that kills, not alcohol, stupid sandnigger. Alcohol without abuse, once or twice a month, is literally one of the most marvelous things in life.
What's even the point if you will never feel the love and embrace of such a beautiful girl
But you could say that guns are not addictive. Besides drugs are not a necessity outside medicinal uses. Guns are a necessity for some people.
>The average normie thinks if something is legal/socially accepted, it is safer and better for you. Therefore plenty of retards may use drugs more simply because they think being legal makes it safer.
The average normie has plenty of access to drugs anyways, I'm just your average every day normal guy and don't really fuck with anything besides booze anymore but I still have people asking me to sell and still sometimes do coke with strangers.
Drugs should be decriminalized. Imagine how many lazy assholes would pick their shit up while hopped up on coke.
Imagine how many fat people would lose weight on meth.
"Oh, but what about the addictions and dead people?"
If people die then that's their fault.
Yes, decriminalise. Hard drugs can be controlled, removing impurities and the black market. A lot of softer drugs were legal some time ago, too. The drug war can't be won, and what could be worse than what we have now?
>pic not related
I could say the same about the banned drugs. It's drug addiction that is harmful not the drug itself. Taking drugs without abuse, once or twice a month, is literally one of the most marvelous things in life. Wouldn't you agree?
Do you think most people can control their alcohol intake? Deaths due to alcohol abuse is significant enough to reconsider the laws on alcohol consumption.
The deaths of degenerates is worth not allowing this country to be degenerate.
Is you coffee for good?
I once masturbated for 6 days and nights on meth and ended up believing in God because of it. Truely felt like i peaked in the most pleasure a human being has ever felt. Did i lose my job? Yes. Does my family talk to me? Not anymore. But the point is i caught a glimpse of what few humans have ever seen; i saw god. Literally coomed so hard that i summoned god into my room. Anyways, i ended up in the hospital from dehydration from all the cooming. Had to have my cock examined because it was swollen up elephant man style. Black and blue. When i got out and walked out into the sun, i could feel this warmth like god was cumforting me for being so disgusting. He told me to walk away and i did. Never touched meth again but i still jerk off furiously so yea
Jamal... come on
this, whether we like it or not the market will always be there for drugs, better for us to run it rather than the cartels.
Cute doggo
>everything would be better
>should we do it ?
>I once masturbated for 6 days and nights on meth
I did it heaps of times, never lost a thing but sleep and jizz.
Adderal is not meth. It’s an amphetamine. And you don’t get a high from it.
>It would lower the death death toll and lower crime.
I would hope that it would increase the death toll though. If it really does decrease the death toll then no they shouldn't be banned as high death tolls are good.
fuckin based