Why Vietnam war really started?
Is it as the books and media say or there was a true reason behind that conflict?
Vietnam war
pretty much
>thread over
amerca wanted to turn Vietnam into a vassal state, to keep the chink in check, just like they did with japs and gook
That’s my grandpa in the pic. He often told me how afraid he was to die fighting next to niggers. He would also tell me they constantly talked about their big meaty hogs and he would always sneak off to that whore hut in the back just to get some good succ. He told me he fucked the absolute shit out of a Vietnamese twink and felt so bad when he executed every single one of those whores for fucking the VC.
American Cold War policy of "containment" specified that communism not expand even to irrelevant countries, lest it lead to a "domino effect" whereby necessary allies like Japan were toppled. Obviously in retrospect that turned out to not exactly be the case.
lol dis nigga wants a REASON.
every 20 years the vampire rulers require a massive blood harvest to replenish their stocks.
so they make shit up like vietnam to send your kind into the meat grinder under false pretense
Yeah I do
Cause "Beautiful America" can start war with nearly anyone without a reason.
So I'm curious if Vietnsm was just manslaughter or there were ANY reason.
nigga it was communist schizophrenia, there's no other reason.
it was a continuation of the endless war we have been in since our founding. just go look up Unites states military conflicts. we have been at war since day 1.
>Why Vietnam war really started?
the fucking french and that jew loving nigger LBJ
If you really want to know, read The Pentagon Papers.
Remember that scene from the deer hunter where he drops the grenade into the trench where the woman and child are hiding?
Because Vietnam rebelled against France?
It wasn't for the spread of communism, or humanity or any of that shit. Us and the French were doing exploratory oil drilling offshore. We went in there to take their oil and any other natural resources that they might have had. It is the reason for every war since WWI.
they pretty much seem to get it correct. There's even info where the American educated leader of the VC thought America would be on the side of the b/c they saw themselves as freedom fighters similar to our American Revolutionary War. There's also a sympathetic interview of the Christian/American side of the Vietnam post-War by William F. Buckley Jr. on his PBS show back in the day. It's on youtube somewhere if you're interested. The war has pretty much been gone over by both sides
Thy only bits I can think of that they leave out is Jewish intellectual leadership pushing for Internationalism in the NeoCon movement that created the containment policy. ie: The Jewish Marxist Trotskyites (NeoCons) that despised the Jewish Marxist Stalinists (lefty "pinkos" and communists) who pushed for American conservatives to get involved in Indochina and who later push for our current situation of supporting China in order to hurt USSR and later after the USSR fell apart, supporting China in order to hurt Russia. That's usually not talked about so much in more mainstream media.
Elon Musk went back in time and told the president to annihilate the chinks to prevent a future pandemic but JFK was high on cocaine and thought Vietnam was China
To follow the policy of containment, to stop communism from spreading across Asia. At the time, it was pretty recent that China and North Korea became fully communist and America wanted to stop that from happening to its' allies like Japan or South Korea.
Ok then
It was because Vietnam was influenced by communism.
But wasn't there any way to end this peacefully?
Or you had to go there kill every communism worshipper and call it a day?
This jap knows whats up.
What's more interesting is why it ended the way it ended: the VN had broader popular support and was better organized that the Southern government.
The irony is that SK and Japland are kinda failed vassal states: SK hates the US and has been ambiguous about their attitude toward the North for years (check the work of BR Myers on that) while Japland developed a whole new ball game of their own (trade + soft power) despite the (much criticized) US presence. Vietnam, on the other hand, is passionately pro-US and very much anti-Chinkland for historical reasons (last failed invasion by China took place in late 70s if I recall).
Ostensibly the Vietnam war was about fighting communism. In reality it was used by corrupt (((financial forces))) to bring communism to US shores. The civil rights, feminist and hippy movements were all astroturfed by the CIA during this period. Rebellious rock and roll was played non stop on the radio. Young fighting age white males dying was just an added bonus. The real purpose was to subvert American culture by portraying conservatism and Christianity as imperialistic and oppressive. Before he Vietnam war America was a white dominated, conservative, god fearing nation. Afterwards, it was a Jewish dominated, hedonistic, decadent, godless cesspool of degeneracy. Coincidence? It was all part of Operation Mockingbird.
>SK hates the US
Because the military industrial complex. There is a reason they kept it going for 20 years it was very profitable for the military contractors.
What a fag ass take lol
The Yanks supported the French clandestinely during an uprising in French Indochina. Eventually the French withdrew after Dien Bien Phu and the Yanks went in to keep out commit influences and possibly secure rubber supplies.
Fun tidbit
>The Admiral responsible for the Gulf of Tonkin (which gave US excuse to go to war) incident was The Doors' lead singer Jim Morrison's father
The Vietnam war started right after the French left. The French were begging us not to go in but we went in. The only other country to send troops in with us was Australia and for that you guys have my respect. Now after the war ended there is a peace treaty between North and South in the US president signed a treaty with sound the alarm saying for every bullet lost Fighting the north Vietnam we will send two bullets. Same thing with helicopters and tanks. And there was peace for about five years. Then after that the fucking Democrats voted that out of the budget. So north Vietnam and invaded. So technically speaking the peace operation was successful and we won The Vietnam war. However the democrats fuck over Vietnam’s.
Ho Chi Minh was incredibly pro-US after ww2. When he was in the soviet union many of his communist peers mocked him for his pro-capitalist views. They never would have turned to communism had the US offered them support.
Started by Jim Morrison's father under orders. Purpose was to divide America into American support and America haters, like Jane Fonda, the hippies and now pretty much every liberal. Plan succeeded.
Ultimately I don't think the us actually supported total decolonisation at that time and probably viewed Vietnam as unable to stand on it's own free of Chinese maoist or Russian communist influences
Die jew
CIA drug running operation, just like Afghanistan.
Lol, are you joking? South Korea went in and mopped the floor. Their sectors where the only ones where the resistance was almost totally crushed.
Less than a year later, Jim Morrison went from pic related to super sexy hippie despite no musical ability or training.
Or they just wanted an excuse to start a really big war. The korean war started much the same way. The americans intentionally kept the south korea army as weak as they could to goad the north into attacking.
Everybody says it was to intervene against Chinese expansion, or stop communism, which is correct.
You think we are much more powerful than we are.
This is harder to say. If you’re a shitty little commie revolutionary, and Boris is offering free aks, seeing what happens if America gets shit slappy will slow a lot of rolls. Maybe go more diplomatic.
The NVA won, but do you WANT that?
imagine looking at this picture without the smoke and the soldiers
how happy people lived there
how they loved this place
before they were massacred by foreign invaders
that spread nothing but greed and degeneracy throughout the world
The invasion of Afghanistan was actually ethnic warfare against the afghans Persian population. Like the Iranians, Afghans are descendants of Persians. This explains why Saudi Arabia and the CIA funded and helped train the Taliban and later Al Qaeda, since they are Sunni wahabbists.
Oh you are plenty powerful. The soviet union was powerful too and they started plenty of incidents but america has been the leading superpower for 150 years at least.
Communism threatened Vietnam so USA napalmed and agent oranged most of the country.
Say it with me : Military Industrial Complex. Multiple presidents warned the public about them.
america did a false flag attack (like allways) on a ship of their own and said north vietnam troops was. Then joined war.
why don't you nuke the chinese and the communists? how long have you been playing they the evil bogeyman and the gud bois when they have contracts with capitalist bill gates and use his products?
It’s just pure coincidence they were both the largest exporter of heroin in the world at the same time moves were made to ban/crack down on it the US decided to stick their nose in. I know you’re a shitskin who thinks it’s all about whatever tribe you think you’re from is the most important thing in the world, but that doesn’t pay the bills.
What a waste of an otherwise nice enough seeming girl. Makes me a little sad.
SK and japland worship the US bro. Talk to either of their women on a language app and they drown themselves in US culture and worship you. It’s sad though because they are just being opened up to the same subversion that happened in the west, although I think they are genetically immune due to less empathy and higher in group collective preference. Some of the shit the young jap girls say would be considered alt-right here. It is not taboo at all to say how they want japan to be only for japanese with very few foreigners as it should be. I had one girl who was unironically a third positionist that I was talking to on there that was saying how the cultural and spiritual part of a nation should come before anything else. Pretty based.
It was really a way for JFK to show force as he had come from several blunders since his election, he and his staff looked for some weak country to bully, saw that Indochina was ideal. Initially they were only going to train them and reap the victories but he was killed and the glow nigger pro-MIC LBJ ramped up the help up to 11 and everyone was happy.
He’s unironically right. The long march through the institutions was a success and the CIA and KGB worked to subvert academia among other things in the west. We have universities unironically spouting falsehoods such as “race is a social construct” and “trans girls are real girls.” McCarthy wasn’t a schizo like your high school textbook portrayed him to be, victors write this history books. Shit like weather underground and other commie institutions weren’t a meme and some of the most fucked up people to ever live were part of it.
This guy knows his shit. Two sides of the same Jewish international coin.
Yeah “schizophrenia.” We now have it within the Overton window for child trannys to be a legit talking point.
Nazis were zionists and internationalist too, dummy.
Sure kikel.
Just about every one--no, every one of the statements you make is categorically wrong.
das turribl
Jewish power grab and cia control of the golden triangle. They sent all the red blooded men to "stop Chinese expansion". While the kikes kicked off the cultural revolution and the cia wanted heroin.
It was ALL about drugs. Operation Gladio. There's a book about it.
>Be America
>Largest and most technologically advanced military in the world
>Fight Vietnam farmers for 20 years
>Have 50,000 mutts die
What did they mean by this?
Everything the US does ultimately backfires because they have no ability to plan long term. It's all short term gains that but them in the ass later. Just like with funding the Middle East and their Trade War with China and basically everything they've ever done.