British Trump is dying...GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

British Trump is dying...GOD SAVE THE QUEEN

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Like everything British when compared to America, he was a pathetic cringe.

I bet he couldn't even muster up half the money Trump sends to Israel, SAD!


why is this dude dying? cuomo is just fine so is rand paul

what did he mean by this

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it only kills if you have pedo dna

It means hes going to kick name fags like you off the board

>hospital admin
should have stayed at home when he felt sick

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he's quite fat and known to have issues with alcohol and coke

Then why is Cuomo ok

Kys tripfag

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Namefags demand an unjustified level of respect and attention—hence why nobody likes them. We are only judged by the merit of ours posts, user.

Lmao kikes have owned your crown for 500 years.

Cuomo's pretending to be infected to get up CNN ratings

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Did he skip the queue to get the oxygen?

This is 100% true, watching him try to act pained and faking symptoms is the purest form of cringe I've ever witnessed.

Fat fuck.
Most of pol will die from this.

Got a source for that fat boy?

>ruining a good post with a meme flag

You had an actual PM named Israel you fucking retard


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ofc. he's old boy network so bound to have a personal ventilator.

The real miracle is that they could uncork British politicians from young boys' bottoms long enough to hospitalize them

If he is on oxygen, that's good, it means the doctors there have gotten the word to avoid ventilation. And he's surely getting the "Trump cocktail" too, so it's likely that he'll recover soon.

Disraeli you soulless slanty eyed bastard

got a loisense for that oxygen, mate?

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They killed our bozza with their filthy fucking disease.

trips of truth
also, he bikes, so his lungs are probably fine.

Memeflaggots demand an unjustified level of respect and attention—hence why nobody likes them. We are only judged by the merit of ours posts, user.

How is that better? It’s literally just an even more kiked and Hebrew way of saying Israel.

God you bongs are dumb, no wonder you lost your entire empire.

He'll be dead before the end of this month, maybe even within this week

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if the prime minster is out of commission, Does this mean the queen can take over.?

He isn't a fucking British Trump, he is a turkish cunt that rode on Trumps success, yet was denouncing Trump as insane in 2015 - observe:

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His Girlfriend is in the #10 flat pregnant.

corona is not just some blind mechanistic force. it is a plague god. if you deny its reality it will kill you. we have seen this again and again.

I bet you he dies


He's fine, settle down cunts- it's just the flu.

He stopped you cunts getting in though. Nobody likes you.

Can't even get it right the first time you soulless swine.
Fuck off and make some bat soup.

Correct memeflags and tripfags should neck themselves, I still think tipfags are worse though

It would pass over to the deputy PM.

The Queen theoretically can deny any bill raised by parliament regardless of whether the PM is alive or not.


I don't vote, and wouldn't vote liberal/ labour. The tories are equally as shit, just in different ways. The only reason they allowed Brexit is for banking regulations to stay, re offshore banking. Fuck all to do with us serfs.

Also I am not sure about the UK but in Australia the military oath of service involves pledging loyalty to the queen but makes no member of parliament.

So theoretically she could order the military to purge parliament. In practice, no.

>dont vote
Get to fuck, you have no opinions

Mention of parliament*

call me shizo or send me to /x/ I don't care but there's something bizarre about this virus

but did anyone give him hydroxychloroquine?

Was there a BNP in my area? No, so I don't vote. I wouldn't even vote Brexit Party/UKIP.
Boris is a liberal oligarch, like Cameron, just with a fake persona. Why the fuck would I vote for a fucking Turk? He shouldn't even be in Europe nevermind the UK.

can we stop bickering amongst ourselves and just agree to come together to gas the kikes?

>tiny prenis make me sirry
>wish that I had brigger wirry
>eat some bat soup all it takes
>let white man pay for our mistakes
They are the fucking Skaven

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>just some tests
>no on oxygen not on ventilator
>just on ventilator not dead

Same, Old Liz is commander in chief

>so his lungs are probably fine

They're not fine if he is on oxygen already.

Stem cells if you got 'em.

Aww man, getting a warm fuzzy feeling.

>Get to fuck, you have no opinions

> Votes for an Establishment candidate, thinks he can tell people on Politically INCORRECT that they have no opinion.

They're killing him

>bojo wins PM
>immediately dies of covid

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>lmao just a flu
>doesn't lock his country ASAP
It cannot get better than this.

> Nurse nurse ring this man a randjob

How old is that photo? Q told me Rothschild was shot down. Not that I believe the psy-op, I just want to know if its after the alleged shoot down.

6 years old

>only 55
I thought he was a lot older. That sucks

I read that he's had constant symptoms for 10 days, and he checked in with the hospital just to be safe. Notice that they put "on oxygen" in quotes, so that probably does NOT mean he's ventilated or anything, and more likely that they were just giving him respiratory tests to see how he's doing. At least, that's what I'm hoping. Get well soon, Mr. Prime Minister.

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BoJo will rise again on the 3rd day.

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