If you're not planning to make more white babies this is going to extinct

Attached: european beauty.webm (900x1268, 1.97M)

it's already habbening, and this time is for real

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Western women would rather wither away in cat piss and spilled boxwine than hook up with a non Chad. The problem is not with men.

Yeah well can you blame them fatass

White women dont have sex with white men.
They fuck with brown and black people exclusively.

Attached: ewa.jpg (625x625, 307.8K)

If people focused more on artificial wombs and CRISPR Europeans wouldn’t go extinct

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White women will go extinct if we don't marry sluts?
Based. White male future ho.

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Fuck off Dutchman

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>implying of of those girls would have sex with me

you will never take my money and vidya from me roasty

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Swedish one is a tranny kek.

>Western women would rather wither away in cat piss and spilled boxwine than hook up with a non Chad
it's 100% natural in a very prosperous society. basically evolutional process. swallow this bitter pill. but. there is still a way out and you can trick this shit. ask me how.

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Good riddance. I don’t need a guilt trip because I refused to settle for the modern woman.

built for it

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fuck white women

>arabs and hispanics are the same race so whites can be the smallest one

make white babies

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Norway by far.

how can you kill that which is already dead

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Kek. Who is paying you guys?

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>that pic
Women only feel what the electric jew tells them to feel. It’s shit like this.

why did you put that tranny for sweden's flag?

Bottom right girl. My heart.

Ok but ts easy, you leave the contraception up to chicks and in six months to a year you will have babies. I had three all born in the same calendar year. 2 mums.

norwegian* they fucked up with the flags.
>we don't marry sluts
where did I say that? know this man on the picture? if not, you must kill yourself immediately. and if you do, then you should know what this based man did.

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Why does Yas Forums post the most basic looking white hoes imaginable. They all look the exact fucking same. Your guy's taste in women is exactly why youre all incels.

Top right is a whore, doesnt need to reproduce. The others get the D.

That’s Jews & antifa slaves, silly.

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hispanics ARE in the white line, so reality is even much worse

>ask me how

Who is it fag why dont you redpill people instead of gatekeeping

>White women dont have sex with white men.
>They fuck with brown and black people exclusively.

Do I need to post this 2x daily?

Attached: ethnic-prefs.png (1023x1051, 218.68K)

>you will never be on the receiving end of the looks of affection and passion given by the girl in middle left

What is even the point of living? Like, no joke.

Just want to say I love Israel.

You should go look at what gets counted for white in that 1 billion.
I'm sure some anons have the pics.

>where did I say that?
It's kind of implied.

Attached: Sexfem.png (1071x754, 670.22K)

White people aren't going extinct!

The Jews have our DNA. We sent it to them (23 and me for example) and actually paid them for the privilege because we're retarded.

After the free-born white people stop reproducing, jews will use robots and drones to depopulate the world, killing the other races who are not even remotely smart enough to fight back.

Then, jews will clone white people from the DNA banks, and use the clones as sex slaves and to provide blood for their ceremonies.

All the beautiful girls in will exist again in the distant future as clones. They will live out their entire (short) lives on plantations and they'll never know that there was once a great civilization created by people like them.

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have you read the picture on the previous post? anyway. you can always fulfill the gaps with building your confidence, your money, your body and your brains. money alone can work fine but I'd recommend to move on all directions. yes, thats hard and probably really unfair when chads can do shit and still have women just because they were naturally lucky, but building yourself produces stronger men who make better offspring, and believe me all women naturally feel it. Im not even giving you examples, those are literally everywhere.

based and slaverace pilled

Attached: 1554836190341.png (1600x1600, 188.95K)

made for bbc
all of them

This game is pure bullshit with fixed """R"""NG

God white women are so boring and bland. They all literally look the same. Basically the econobox car of the world. No wonder so many Black's take them for a ride

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I know the portuguese one, her name is Beatriz. She's actually nice (and a cutie), I was in one of her classes first year of college

Attached: roll.jpg (696x978, 155.1K)

Moortugal for me tanks

because I wanted to test that danish motherfucker who had to know his national heroes.

the guys name is Lars Wittman, he is formet Danish National Fron leader and more our guy then 99.99% even oldfugs here. Danish gov was trying to put him in prison for radicalism but some Russian nationalists helped him to move to Russia and now he has a beautiful wife and two even more beautiful kids. he lives in a woods for 7 years and absolutely happy wit that. Survival Russia is his YT channel.

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the more white babies you make, the more black men will enjoy them

my fiancé is due in june, excited to meet my firstborn son

>No wonder so many Black's take them for a ride
Other way around, bud. Black people are just an amusement park ride for white girls. It's kinda sad, actually.

It's actually objectively the other way around, even according to machine learning.

Are you the cunt that started the fem/pol thread?


Attached: ArgentinaIsWhite.jpg (600x332, 23.81K)

Yeah but black women that look like this are difficult to come by. One in a million, while the abundance of 6-8/10 white girls are out there.

You shouldnt even exist anyways so..

>attention whoring roasties will go extinct
We can only hope.

>It's kind of implied.
if only in your head. so what about my question? and stop using those jewish maps and stats.

r0lling for Maria, my only love

Attached: maria.webm (597x700, 1.97M)


You bad at this

yeah, kinda like her features too.

You won't be making babies with the top left for sure.

Spain is best. Fight me.

fucking did that!
Maria, here we go.

Attached: CHad Ventura.gif (580x326, 3.59M)

9 is the best gib nine


Good, I bet they've all fucked niggers.

She is mine

Plz 9

Pump and dump as many white women as you can, white men, otherwise all is lost. Just like non-whites do, fight fire with fire

Wouldn't "other" be the smallest?

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so what?

the first one tranny is beautiful I wish he marry me

bottom row, second girl is 100% Jewish


the problem is not with the women either. this has been a problem for decades, it has mainly to do with our socialist economic policies, if it was a cultural issue it would be different with each generation and it wouldnt be so consistent

we had this problem literally a hundred years ago and it changed almost over night because of radical changes in the economy and politics, to think "all women are whores fuck them" just means you've been divide and conquered

Incel manlet

Plz be 0

come on, Spanish girl doesn't even look white

So become a Chad.

Why is it important for that to exist in the future because the nature of humans is to breed to become more attractive?

Wouldn't it eventually turn into something else anyways, and go away in a different way?

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>and stop using those jewish maps and stats
I won't
>so what about my question?
I don't know him. I hold Helmuth Nyborg in higher regard given his academic accomplishments and good relations with American and French nationalists.

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The French girl should be Andy_93

No one cares, mate.

Even at the current rate, white people won't disappear from the earth for another 100+ generations. So unless you plant to live to 700 years old. Why are you worried.

>a world without roasties
That actually doesn't sound so bad.

scandi whores are OP

Portugal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
Don't @ me fags

>I don't know him
and you should've. and thats the problem with zoomer nationalists in europe.

>Other way around, bud. Black people are just an amusement park ride for white girls. It's kinda sad, actually.
Yeah till the get pregnant and single mothered. It's all rather sad really.

>Yeah but black women that look like this are difficult to come by.
True beauty always is
>while the abundance of 6-8/10 white girls are out there.
Anecdotal I'm sure. Come stay in South Africa for awhile and you'll say the same about black chicks.
The only difference though is Black's facial features and structures are far more diversified then whites. Whites trade that diversity for essential just palette swaps of hair and eyes.

Is it true she is in a relationship with a gypsy?


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@ is for twitter, you knee grow. You meant (You).

What a triple knee grow, ISTG.

Everyone feels trapped in long term relationships.

>just be yourself bra
>just change your face bro
>just change your bone structure bro

yes and she is mine eat shit

fuck 1, 2, 4, 7

friends w/ benefits 5, 9

date 3, 8

marry 6

top left is a trap

yes make more white daughters for them to get fucked and raped by niggers and beaners who jews ship into your school district

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Second one please