The dutch are based

the dutch are based.

>beautiful women
>everyone is tall af
>beautiful towns
>lovely architecture
>magic mushrooms

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Netherlands is where England sent its retards and jews before it invented Australia.


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heineken is ass but thanks for the compliments anglo!

Not saying you're wrong.

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I lived in the Netherlands for about five years in Haarlem. It is a pretty little town, but ultimately I was happy to leave for Germany.
Germany isn't my country of origin either, but I understand the humor here far better than I ever understood dutch humor. Dutch humor has a lot of poking fun of your friends and relatives.

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Why are you trying to come to me?? You fag, keep your brown nosed compliments to yourself.

You forget the most important parts:

>best festivals
>best drugs
>best music

and some of the worst goddamn posters you will ever have the displeasure of having to read

can't handle the banter?

The real English people are based, rural areas are comfy. I like your old architecture too, tudor arches with those 8 sided column things on castles

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Honestly, no. I always felt bad for the people being teased. I find the Germans tease people less. They just linguistically smack people with facts, like an unrelenting clue-by-four.

what's your real country?

Their women loom like piggies with flat asses and heineken tastes like piss but ok

t. moor

I'm a United Empire Loyalist. That's what you call the people who were not on board with the new American republic and decided to walk north until they reached what later became Canada.

Not that good, it is a very generic lager otherwise agreed.

Heineken is the most disgusting shit I ever drank. How this pisswater is allowed to be called 'beer' is absolutely beyond me.
Also dutch cities are full of muzzies.
I like their food and attitude tho, always nice to visit.

I'm having one right now. Kinda tastes like bacon. Not unlike the Flensburger desu

very nice country. people are nice too. sissified to the point of no return.
if you are olived skin the girls just come to you. you don't even have to smile. doesn't matter what you say to them or what you do. it's a good country to score if you're not totally pale.
+ you can order drugs via Telegram and someone would just drop them to your location with the scooter. this is some next level shit.

Yeah people really flock to Romanians here.
Very hot commodity, Romanians
Only to unclog our toilets though

very far from best festivals and best music. no uber-underground clubs/raves like in romania/ukraine. but drugs are 10/10.

... and cucked, blacked and muslimed to no end... it's a degenerate fuck hole

I like the Dutch people. They seem to be nice.

yes, they are the nicest

And rude. They won't give any fucks. But as they say: Adapt or GTFO.

Been there last year. Hadn't seen a single fat cunt. Not one cause of all the cycling going on. I like how blunt the real dutch are, no time wasted at all, I ask a question they give me a short answer or tell me to go somewhere to get that answer. The Hineken was nice there and loved the cannals. They mustn't get a lot of compliments as when I thanked locals for helping or asked how their day was going they would be shocked. I like the Neatherlands and look forward to traveling outside of Amsterdam when this virus thing fucks off. They even had a Brexit beach party orginized when you lot fucked off.

What a retarded way to say leaf

Calvinists don't know how to take compliments. It triggers an autistic reaction in them.

Netherlands are the better version of the germans

Just like belgians are the bad version of the french

We have dutch people here but more like rich dutch coming to France, some settle some just come for holidays.


As a Dane,
1-what do you think of Northern Germans? I mean, those from the region of Schleswig-Holstein?
2-Who are the true Saxons?
Thanks in advance

Fuck heineken, rest is nice and I thank ya for it ol' chap, besides London being a shithole most of Brittian is still chill to be in too. shame everyone immediately thinks London = entire england

>the dutch are based.
Not that dutchfag shitting up this board with Q trash.

Is it nation wide this form of autism? I kept to Amsterdam and visited the museums and football stadium. They have a WW2 museum of resistance across the way from the zoo where they hid the jew kids. Honestly worth a visit but it's small as fuck.

Yeah and then they left after awhile anyway to the USA

>German humour
>They just linguistically smack people with facts
also known as autism

Not a Dane,
1-They are peculiar and rather formal. Even if you monumentally fuck shit up, they won't break out of character.
2-People with.. scissors? Fuck if I know.
You welcome

heineken is piss.
healthcare = paracetamol.
covid-19 death rate 1/10

rest, i agree.

Yeah there are better Dutch ones, not that i'm a fan of beer to begin with but if we have to talk about it then you can do better than Heineken

How are the dutch women? I met one online , she seemed nice
but other dutch anons said that dutch women are airheads
i mean it cant be you are all degenerate because of all the amsterdam stuff?

also it is really based that such small country remained between england,france and germany
why didnt they invade you and just assimilate you?

>beautiful women
Christ no. They are some of the ugliest in Europe.

Reminder only this North Western corner of Europe inhabited by Britain, Netherlands, Normandy and Norddeutschland is truly "white"

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They are pretty based.
Their language sounds goofy to many, but in reality it's really close to the flat/low German dialects in that region, too.

Aka, we're bros.

3 Tage, Arschloch! 3 TAGE!

>What a retarded way to say leaf
tl;dr Leaf

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Hertog Jan is much better

We've been throwing punches and taking punches for awhile. Like burning the English fleet at harbor, defeating the Spanish in the 80 years war (big deal, rebels beating a superpower at the time through revolutionizing the way warfare was done) but also being conquered by those Spanish in the first place before that 80 years war as well as the French with napoleon and all that.

Judging by how ugly you Bongs/Irish are I guess I'm proud of being not white then.

Yes it is nation wide but less prevalent in younger generations.

I believe so. They try not to stand out and to 'be normal'.

Most dutch apartments are so small, they all might as well be jew hideouts.

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>why didnt they invade you and just assimilate you?
pretty much all peoples of Western Europe remained untouched. it was Romania and Greece that did all the fighting. then slavs too.
>How are the dutch women?
>i mean it cant be you are all degenerate because of all the amsterdam stuff?
very cute & educated. they look like elves. sexual liberal. they're not degenerates in the same sense our women are. not overdoing make-up, botox, etc. and if you fuck them good they'll stay around.


I have nothing against Bulgarians but I genuinely can't distinguish you from Turks

>beautiful women
im gonna stop you right there

stfu retard

Three days to invade you, bitch.

Netherlands is amazing country guise

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so no trad women? damn...
i wouldnt say they are that cute either
nothing comes close to mediterrranean women

thank belgians for this. Grolsch it better tho.
>everyone is tall af
>beautiful women
not every one of them.
>magic mushrooms
overhyped shit.

turkgarians calling other people ugly lmao

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>nothing comes close to mediterrranean women
have you seen italian women? lol.
honestly, it's up to each one's taste. i like girls to be tall, skinny and without tits and ass, like boys

very based
but then again it is really interesting that you maintained it and even became colonial power
yeah them fuckers never cared for the rest of the europe and us protecting them from eastern hordes
well next time im gonna join the zergs

Fuck you scots arent retards

Probably our fiercest enemies after the romans.

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Why so hostile, Hans? I didn't even attack Germany in my post.

Yes, congratulations your country invaded the Netherlands when its military was outdated and you still took surprising amounts of losses at several points and from the airforce, but the outcome was guaranteed to be a victory for germany.

Dutch chicks are thick

Severe lack of mountains is a big negative though

kkr bek heineken is best

i was more talking about the face
the body can always be modified

Why do Dutch Pilot Girls enjoy getting ploughed by British-German Captains?

>everyone is tall af
No? We literally have the tallest average in the entire world.

Why are you seething so hard in your post Moldova?

indeed no free power to satisfy the crazy green leftists

>well next time im gonna join the zergs
to be fair we killed pretty much all turkic people. i dont think there is anyone left anymore (except turks, but they cant invade shit), and magyars are whites nowadays

Best MDMA not that garbage shit from US that makes you all janky and twitchy

she looks eastern european

If that means what I think it does, I agree. Holy fucking shit

this woman is finland 10/10

>niggers everywhere
>half the white male population dating jungle Asian women
Not at all based.

Heineken is ass, multiple people in this thread confirmed it.
Go Hertog Jan

dutch girls crave big German cock, because dutch "men" are weak cucks

Lol Dutch chicks have big asses wtf u talking about

That entire war was fierce, the Dutch rebels did not have an easy time winning that war that is certain. The Spanish commanders were no incompetent fools, so it's a point of pride to take for you Spaniards as well.

Looking up the word kijkertjes kind of deflated it. Thought it said kikes vote left or some shit.

That was america lol

Romanians should all be gassed

>defeating the Spanish in the 80 years war
gotta say: when looking at west eu. war prior to WW1, always brought a smile, but with your 100k death toll, that's impressive for an west eu fag. Well done.
Jij zijn sterk.

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>Implying Germany has less muzzy filth

Ok krautbro, whatever you say

They want only one thing from the germans and that is their grandfather’s bike back.

>We've been throwing punches
lol so cute little dutchie
Always wanting for big daddy Germany's attention and respect, but we will always see you as cute little swampniggers with your ugly language, and we will keep going to your towns to fuck your women and get high

Hoe oud ben jij knul

Dutch are cucks

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kkr bek hertog is sloot water

Jopen aka Adolf beer is much better

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Must be why Australia got all the chad larrikins and decent cunts

what do dutch girls like?
how do i present myself?
do they like dark humor?

>Disgusting fucking language that sounds like someone is vomiting


Avg. size Netherlands: 15.87 cm
Avg. size germany: 14.52 cm

Source: worlddata dot info

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not everyone is tall you fucking retard. Due to your pot you've lost your English decrypting skills?
What a faggot.

True, whatsapp also. The batch of purple awakenings are ace. Clean af roll

They like Germans, not brownskin yugoslavs lol

Cope,flatass weednigger


Be black


The only good Moldovan is one speared on a stick

okay Al-Andalus

Daily reminder that Spain and Italy are the niggers of Europe. No you don’t get gibs. No matter how hard you coof

that only makes us exotic :( who the fuck wants a turk german , you are no different than dutch men except you are manlets to them lmao
i thought you people already have that

That is quite the delusional and shameful post, usually you germans are good neighbours but now you're just being embaressing for your country.

Granted, this is pol so it doesn't actually matter.

beer for sandniggers and niggers

wine is for gayboys like french

Are you 16?
Heineken is mediocre at best. Grolsch ftw

Heineken financially supports bringing in shitskins. Do not buy it.

>No you don’t get gibs.
Based, even our normies want to fuck off from the German Reich

Confidence, normal behaviour, charm. What you might expect from any girl with common sense and a brain, really. Just expect the Dutch to be fairly direct compared to other countries their people

Being superior has never felt better before.

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hello usenet friend!

this is true. i think serbians are the tallest in europe.


Their commercials are pozzed like you wouldn't believe.
Shoving faggots in it all the time like it's some great Dutch accomplishment

Great fucking bodies tho if you like shapely bottoms

That doesn't work outside your tribesmen's fantasy porn land unfortunately.

I didn't expect you to take that sentence autistically literal. Yes, not every single person in the Netherlands is giant you absolute retard - just a lot of people are. It is such a notable difference that it's often mentioned, like that post you originally replied to.

>The only good Moldovan is one speared on a stick
The Dutchie being coquette?

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>everybody is tall af
Bullshit I'm Bosnian and I'm the tallest by far everywhere I go meanwhile when I get back to Balkans I'm almost equal with everybody

>t. 202cm tall

>degenerate as fuck
>soon on the bottom of the sea

Aren't they also the world exporter of tulips?


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Why do you poms all like Heineken. It’s absolutely dreadful beer legitimately tastes like piss and this is coming from an alcoholic. Other than that my Dutch ex had gorgeous feet mm

All European native peoples are based and redpilled and should be saved.

D&C threads should be fucking purged anons.

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>Just expect the Dutch to be fairly direct compared to other countries their people
well thats awesome , i love direct honest people when they say they like me or to fuck off
i hate when they lead me on and waste time
dutch are based, i guess you are also hard workers and dont waste time

now to think of it , you have had succesful history and remained independent and you are in top countries of the world
its unfair you occupy so little land and influence
other people should learn from you
you deserve more to be honest here

Müldöva Kebab

You realize 202cm is well above the average? I'm 195-197cm or so though and find that this is a very common height to have around here.