/FEMPOL/ Feminism General

Welcome to /FEMPOL/ Feminism General

This is your one-stop-shop for every pinkpill known to Yas Forums.

This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
-Feminism as an Ideology
-Scandinavian State Feminism
-Feminism of the Third Reich
-The clash between Feminism and the mass import of third worlders
-Female health
-Feminism History

Tumblr feminism, fat acceptance and other degenerate ideologies that try to piggyback on the good standing of classical feminism are not welcome

Attached: girlpower.webm (640x640, 1.23M)

fuck off


Nice tits. Do you think they are real or fake?

That girl is a 2/10

What do feminists think of the BBC?

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I think Islam is right about women

Put the makeup back on

>come to politically incorrect board
>see politically incorrect thread
>chimp out
nigger detected

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You missed

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She looks cuter without make up.

has feminism gone too far?

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Käften norskhora.

anyone else notice that the shill army has had to rely a lot more on females to do the work. you can tell the shilling effort is greatly suffering, when a company is forced to hire females to do upper brain labor

If this were feminism I'd support feminism

gib femcel gf pls

I can see literally hundreds of thousands of different women swallowing cum within 5 seconds of going to look for it. Whatever "feminism" is if it doesn't involve putting women in the kitchen and taking away their voting rights, it is a complete waste of time.

Fake but they weren't tiny before, not that "C4 bomb under the skin" kinda look.
Sure bud.

Shit thread.

I also like the variant with the collapsed bridge picture under the sandwich.

>>see politically incorrect thread
Feminism isn't politically incorrect.

I miss feminist apocalypse general

Can't compete with 2D
tits or gtfo

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Go die for your country.

She doesn't want you just chad.

She’s probably just fat

Clearly a jewess

Women are property of their father or husband and inferior to men. At no point is a woman sovereign over anything. Not even her own body. His body his choice

But she desires just a simple beta male, as stated by her comic.



I look alot like the guy in the drawing though.
must count

God i want to beat these fucking whores whilst i ravage their holes

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Nice larp scandi cuck

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Good 6/10 bait, I approve.
>Feminism of the Third Reich
That one is good.
Kinder, Küche, Kirche
The most pro-female stance.

Don't give up, anons.

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is this crystal cafe shit

What about abortion? Is it inherently feminist or just another 'degenerate ideology that tries to piggyback on the good standing of classical feminism'

Tranny copeseethe.

It must be so hard being an attractive girl with big tits. May God have mercy on her soul.

I thnk I got these in Yas Forums or Yas Forums, probably Yas Forums.

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She would turn him down for being a "nice guy".

thats an awfully hot coffee pot..

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pinkpill me on the wage gap please :)

I'd say that it would be anti-classic feminism since it would take away the preciousness of life and the soley female ability to produce life.

What is a bitca?

What does a self-respecting woman even expect to find among the right wing?

Every example I can think of ends up frustrated when she realises noone cares about any female issue at all and they're all bastards.

But tell me more about importing 3rd worlders though. Have you had to deal with harassment etc from people from backwards cultures? Is it more common than from white trash?

kys fucking bitch i'd gut you and flay you alive and then i'd toss salt on you.

I put my tongue in a guy's mouth at a party, but he had bad breath and it tasted bad
Did he rape me?

Why are women so obsessed with looks and appearances?
It seems their whole lives revolve around it.

>your community
what community?

You know the drill. Tits or gtfo, with time stamp.

She's ugly and you're black.

Too bad this topic doesn't cover psychological malfunctions, because this is exactly what we can observe on this video.
Yes, i get it - the shaming caused by one's own behaviour, but man how this video does a poor job for this cause.

Why does everyone under the sun use the incorrect spelling of ho?

Whites, obviously.

Why do you think that? The girl in the comic wouln't do that :(

That's how its always worked isnt it

>tfw have femcel gf who earns 135k and is not that ugly.

>tfw im also a depressed alcoholic who cant seem to not fuck up his life constantly.

I remember my history teacher saying another wave of feminism was inbound. I think he thought Hillary was gonna win tho

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You'ld be surprised. But here's to hope for sanity.

Silence, homofag

Why is r/menslib preaching on this board now?

That webm was pajeet-tier

what community?

Goddamn rights he did. YOU’RE the victim here. I mean, his breath was bad.

stupid bitch whore

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>Femoid thread
>No tits or GTFO
Yas Forums is officially dead

fuck you dickless virtue signalling cuck

>juden ideology
>politically incorrect
What are you down syndrome?

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Leave us

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It doesn't matter, all you have to do is say he did, and he did. He could have been in another country, but if you say he raped you, he raped you.

Yas Forums turned to shit directly in correlation with the amount of women that started coming here.

There are men like that too.

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I couldn't help but notice this king material of a post user! Im glad you posted yourself, hope to be just like you one day!

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Politcally incorrect isn’t a secret code name for alt right nazi club you dumb non native English speaking motherfucker. It means something that isn’t the quid pro quo of politicism. Any outlier or radicalized political theory, would be considered politically incorrect.

>noone cares about any female issue
What are you talking about? Harassment of women and abuse of young girls by immigrants ( i.e. Rotherham ) has been talked about to death among the right wing.

Yes, but they are in the minority
But all women are like that

How many women are here vs "women"?

thank you for the reply fellow chad
hope your day is going well
never forget that we're all gonna make it

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The community you should've helped build and lead instead of relying on others to do the work for you. Talk to your neighbors. Invite them for a drink or something.

Get back in the kitchen and make me a fucking sandwich

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the gay community, she is subtly telling him that he's a fag

Haha, based and whorepilled my brother

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Am I supposed to feel sorry for the girl in the gif? I guarantee she's said plenty of shit to men and thought nothing of it.

that is zero.

>anons see the word feminism
>respond according to their pavlovian conditioning

for people who see themselves as free thinkers, this board is honestly the most close-minded group i've ever seen.

This, and essentially the right wing are really the only ones that ever care about actual issues of women because if you were on the left you'd just be told, "oh but that's another culture" "oh but that's a woman's choice" "oh but that baby's life is inside a woman" "oh but those pedophile rings are just a conspiracy theory" "oh yes of course human trafficking is bad, but those are refugees, them being trafficked into the lowest wage possible workforce is perfectly fine"

Haha i think that title belongs to you, your encouraging posts are proof of that! And i wish you the best of luck.

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*mixer noise intensifies

What the fuck did I just watch?

yes, all the time. when i'm going clubbing after dark I always use a facebook group to get a pirate girl driver, because i have so many unpleasant experiences with public transportation and regular taxis

i was almost raped when i was 17 by a somali, i was drunk at an afterparty and he took his hands inside my pants and tried to drag me to a bedroom, but my kosovo-albanian friend saved me, yelled at the rapist and kicked him out. she's the only one i know who is openly racist. she's especially racist towards serbs and blacks, but she hates pretty much everyone except norwegians even men from her own homeland.

Uhuh. Only because it's convenient. Otherwise there is 0 concern for abuse of women if it comes from the white population.

i am a third generation community-less person
it was over before it began for me
the time of that being the 1940s

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>the quid pro quo of politicism
i think you mean status quo, honey

Can't wait for Faze Clan to snipe you once the market goes tits up, you solipsistic, delusional cow

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Woman taking the mask off