The 4 first confirmed cases of coronavirus in la Rocinha the biggest shanty town (favela) in Latin America.

In the next days, coronavirus will spread like wildfire among poor people, rasing the death toll, until panic will rise, and coronavirus niggers will descend to Rio de Janeiro to feast on the flesh of people.

>Covid-19 também chegou a outras favelas cariocas, como Cidade de Deus, Parada de Lucas, Vidigal, Mangueira e Complexo do Alemão,favela-da-rocinha-tem-os-primeiros-quatro-casos-confirmados-de-coronavirus,70003261320
Other favelas also have cases!
What are you gonna do brazilian bros?

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Brazil could probably use some Spring cleaning.

When does it kill all the niggers in Africa?

No more sopa de macaco? Muy malo!

ok but who cares?

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Oh shut the fuck up
The virus doesn't exist
It is a hoax

What do the demographics look like? Aren't the populations there comparatively young? Death toll might not be that bad then.

>The 4 first confirmed cases of coronavirus in la Rocinha the biggest shanty town (favela) in Latin America.
The biggest shanty town in America is Haiti and they already have the chink flu.

Low IQ user detected

go home reddit

Never, because unlike your weak genes, Africans are resilient, unlike American niggers.


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Plaquenil can be bought there over the counter.
Literally a nothing burger

>implying favela niggers won't simply shrug off half their family dying

It's cuckservative and lolbertarian cope because their extremely liberal ideologies are completely failing to deal with such a situation. Instead of facing the truth, that it takes the authoritarian might of the state they deny the problem.

Does your mastergenes(tm) also prevent you from advancing past mud huts and tribal warfare?

>no major news outlets covering this

Isolation is literally impossible for Brazilians
two days without socializing and they go sicko mode.

They probably have a strong immune system and their older folks already died of other problems given their lower life expectancy. Yes they will get sick, but few will die of the disease. Same thing in other poor countries.

Brazilians are already completely retarded, but the favelas are composed of 99,9% northeasterns, the most careless people humanity has conceived.
They just don't care. It's natural selection at it's best. Anyway we could really use a 75% or so reduction in population.

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Brazil already knew the problem it presented and figured out a treatment. American kike pharma overlords don’t want a cheap solution

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I don't give a damn about the savages dying. It's in the end good for the whole society.. No more demons walking in the streets spreading terror to the good people.
But i'm definatelly going to pray for the good people living in that shit horrible place. Going to pray especifically for the lives of the white ones living there ( yes, there's white people living in slums)..
Stay safe Bros..


and absolutely nothing of value was lost

Oh dear.

i've been in my family's farm for a month now, couldn't give less of a shit to poor people

latinos are hapas. corona-chan will spread like wildfire due to their asian genetics.

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Brazil is the one Latin country the world make do without

>Africans have good genes/Africans are resilient
>Diarrhea kills over 3000 Africans a day
you can only choose one Mr. John Green

Good, poor south americans = brown south americans

No cases in Barra da Tijuca, naturally...

if this thing was real india would be a fucking bloodbath by now
unfortunately its fake and boring other than seeing how interesting it is to get people to beg for an authoritarian lockdown

diarrhea is just niggers melting from the inside out

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Not true.
Are all poor australians browns ?
I don't think so..
Brazil has the potencial to be a very developed and good country, but jews control everything here.
If you go to the richest cities in Brazil you always going to see a synagogue full of light skin juden laughing like parasites.

>having a stroke
Seems legit.

I'm not Australian, I'm a New Zealander, but poor Australians and poor New Zealanders are mostly brown because brown people are dumb. Your country is ruled by light skinned jews because the jews are smarter than you jungle monkeys

I hope the military enforces a quarentine in these favelas.
Nobody gets out, only food and water comes in.
A few weeks later and most of Rio's problems will solve itself thanks to the virus :^)

Lol ok goy.
We have more whites here then in your arab muslim country. Go check the top 3 countries with more white people in the world bro. Just São Paulo alone have more whites then your whole Island united.

I hope you fucking boludos already have your useless and mostly hollow military at the border with this monkeys, once shit hit the fan over there they're going to invade your shit hole en mass

Christ! Its liking watching two rats in a toilet bowl fighting over a lump of shit. Dunnyrats.

Just a reminder that after the brasilian mutation we get the snap.

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I want to believe but I find it very hard. How do I make a leap of faith?

Brilliant orthographic skills, macaco, you just shown your tail.

can anyone explain why poor crowded countries arent being obliterated?

There isn't enough testing to confirm them that as Corona related tests.
As for Ecuador, shit is hitting the fan hard there.

>coronavirus will spread like wildfire among poor people

And this is bad because....?

Couple reasons I would guess:
1) They are but since they don't really have medical care anyways, it is going unnoticed.
2) People carrying were slower to travel there so they are getting hit in a delayed fashion
3) More people are dying in those places from things like diarrhea and so this just isn't that big of a deal for them, comparatively.

too busy killing each other to die from the plague

any fact to back that up?

it should show up in all mortality

I don't know, but I can assure you mine was worth it.


poor countries don't have a long enough average lifespan to make it to the corona-chanpionships

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i.e. bad sanitation conditions
THUS corona grows BIGLY.
i.e. more individual-to-individual contact
THUS corona spread FAST.

never thought about it like that, you may be right.
this virus really exposes everything lel

yeah i want to see them descent somewhere with quarter of lung capacity

just give it 2 weeks bro

Why do people feel that they HAVE TO be so fucking edgy on this board. Just fucking lurk, Jamal. mmmkay?

I don't think it is all that edgy to not care about some spics getting btfo. I guess for sweden it is.

You're probably right, Africans have been mating with wild animals for centuries

You failed reading comprehension

It is ok, i am a monkey.

based corona, now crime hate drop to 0

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中国撒谎, 人民死亡 China Lied, People Died