"Theres no such thing as intelligent design. we are all made of star dust"

Explain this atheist fags, Look at the fucking complexity that happens in just ONE of your cells. Look at the motor proteins, they're literally FUCKING WALKING. "Muh primordial soup" "muh amino acids smashing in to each other to create sentient life"


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>i don't understand how this could happen
not an argument


So it's because of magic?

The universe is a beautiful and terrible machine.

I studied biophysics so basically Im fucking god now according to this retard.

So how did it happen then? Lmao scientist fags have no clue. They still can't explain how something came from nothing

Every time I fondle my sister's daughter during babysitting and feel her soft 9 year old thighs and smooth little chest under her pyjamas I think of the beauty of mother nature.

Truly incredible.

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I don't understand how this could happen is the perfect argument.
If he cannot be convinced then you have failed to convey the logic and thus, whatever you want to prove has failed regardless of how much it makes sense in your head.


Your ignorance and inability to comprehend things doesn't mean they were created by a deity. There are a lot of things you don't understand, I imagine.

>doesn't understand Darwinism
ok brainlet

The guy at 7-11 who sells cigarettes to minors is god to a guy like this.

You are just retarded, no one has any obligation on making him understand, perhaps he is subhuman with a lower iq.
I hope you dumb niggers get roped with the jews

If you look at human body and think it's peak efficency and not just barely functional you should kys or repeat school course of anatomy

this but the entire universe is intelligent
so molecule in empty space (which is not empty) will form life

is there a fallacy called "I m too stupid to understand it so it cant be real"?

>scientist fags have no clue
And science doesn't presume to fictionalize it just to "have" an explanation.

>They still can't explain how something came from nothing
Neither can you. The religious explanation is a fairy tale.

I like how bacterias flagella mechanism and how viruses look seem so mechanical in design rather than biological.
Though if you think about it it makes sense since it's such a simple creature.
Now compare it to all the gear works we're using for various things and it probably just shows just how simple we are.
We have come so far yet barely scratched the surface when it comes to wanting to play God

What a retarded argument.

Anything can become something complex if you giving literal billions of years of trial and error (evolution). How does this prove anything, faggot?

The machine you communicate is a great design...fuck you an fuck your species.

Now go ahead and take this simplistic little argument that you're mindlessly parroting, and apply it to the concept of god.

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>*unzips penis*

so what's THIS made of then?

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what is pic related? i'm blanking on the name

No, from an intelligent being building it.

2 words
Just acoincidence

ATP transportation

>Every time I fondle my sister's daughter during babysitting and feel her soft 9 year old thighs and smooth little chest under her pyjamas I think of the beauty of mother nature.
>Truly incredible.
What's scary is I don't think your joking.
Please desist before you damage the little girls innocence

Fuck rednecks
Fuck jews
Fuck (((neoatheism)))
And fuck OP.

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Primordial soup experiment shows that with the proper ingredients, surroundings and time it's inevitable that life happens
Personally I think it's both, Evolution was the tool through which God created life
It's why Humans barely evolved beyond individual improved immune systems, we were eventually completed and needed not to improve further

I don't have the time or crayons to explain this to you

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You got us. It is actually magic and unexplainable. Now that the truth is out, where does that get us? Why would God not be capable/willing to set up a process that leads to selection? Why should the only explanation be that such patterns suddenly sprang into existence from words?

There would be NO Pooping, poops would be absorbed or something...

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>watching TED propaganda
user... I dont even know what to say about this

it is possible to built a good argument against atheism with a similar foundation. it goes something like this
> our mind is a product of biochemistry which in turn is a product of evolution
> there are zero evolutionary processes which can guarantee our mind is built to tackle every intellectual problem. our mind was forged by our surrounding which is not similar to both the quantum and the cosmological scale
> hence we are unable to solve some mysteries by default. there is a limit for every human in what he can and cannot comprehend
> so naturalism proves true nature is beyond us

this obviously only proves the true answer is a mystery but it give a logical foundation to any wild hypothesis - there are no limits how wild things can get

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Who not? If you dont like It ,its not true ?

This has always been an absolute wonder to me. We aren't even close to being done evolving. People think that humanity is already the best it will ever be, that we are the apex of what an organic species can be, that we've reached the end and everyone after us will be just like us forever. - or until whatever religious bullshit they believe in happens.

Yas Forums

>looks around at all the idiots around me
seems like we are devolving

That isn't his argument idiot, are you another one of those biologist fags who don't understand mathematics.

See above, are you another one of those retards who don't understand how to fucking count?

No you don't get it either. His argument should be based on simple mathematics. What bio-retard-dawkins-atheists refuse to understand is the concept of probability.

>Doesn't understand how to count.
Doesn't realise he is the brainlet.

"barely functional". Yes tons of evidence of biological "devolution" which is the result of many generations of reproduction.

But "barely functional", honestly u really have a dick for a head.

Yet another person who can't count.

>ooga booga but there's loads of time
actual brainlet

If you are not convinced, if it isn't sound, to YOU, then are you simply going to take the claimer's word for it?
because a lot of people do.
Do you know the world is round?
or did you simply hear it from a teacher and that made sense without having proof of shit.
I'm not saying the world is flat, I'm just tating that scientist spends most of their time doing tests and experiments again to confirm for THEMSELVES the findings, and no smart person just takes the word of another smart person if it does not make sense.
The vast majority believes in god, are you gonna take their word for it or is science just settled all of a sudden?
Sience is never settled, what is truth today may not be true tomorow.

ahhahahahahahhahahahahha I like you

The second you ask a religious person to apply critical thought to god, two things happen: 1. Their brains immediately panic, because even questioning the concept of god betrays god, who in his perfection becomes irate and condemns them to hell. 2. Their minds start making things fictional to compensate for the immense gaps in logic.

>Explain this atheist fags
very simple brainlet. we can not only simulate evolution to evolve walking
but actually use evolutionary algorithms it in robotics, aerodynamics, artificial intelligence and many more. what an imbecile.

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An intelligent being that is EVEN MORE COMPLEX than what OP is showing, but that of course does not need an explanation. "He" was just there because magic.
Got it.

It's literally the same pattern over and over again while adapting to different places until it works. There's no intelligence behind it. It's all trail and error.

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this guy is definitely a kiddy diddler

You confuse the big bang THEORY (which is a guess based upon evidence that is observable by anyone, and never stated as absolute fact) with religious conviction, which accepts all logic gaps and creates fiction to fill those gaps that goes along with the narrative they need to be contiguous to fool the imbecilic masses.

>but actually use evolutionary algorithms it in robotics, aerodynamics, artificial intelligence and many more. what an imbecile.
christians are not educated or productive people, they re usually race mixed wageslave who can barely use a hammer

We can simulate God creating everything.
I dont get how people think this is a valid argument

>No you don't get it either. His argument should be based on simple mathematics. What bio-retard-dawkins-atheists refuse to understand is the concept of probability.

state your "argument" then, nigger and I will debunk it

Negative claim. The burden of proof is on you to prove that there is no such thing as intelligent design.

Ok third worlder

>Computer render of bumbling cell interactions looks mechanical

>how can you possibly explain thunder without Thor?! He is literally smashing his hammer. Clouds can't just make loud sounds, you retarded atheist!!

>Primordial soup experiment shows that with the proper ingredients, surroundings and time it's inevitable that life happens
This experiment - a real-time experiment - showed only that the proper elements together will eventually produce certain amino acids required for the building of organic critters. Unfortunately, it didn't create actual life, but as I said, it was done in real-time, so given another few hundred million years, it might have. People who doubt evolution always have a problem visualizing the timeframe required for this process.

>We can simulate God creating everything.
How? We can't even properly simulate mouse intelligence, what's the point of talking to somebody so illiterate and retarded as you? Pick up a book or twelve and ask retarded questions later you waste of digits

also to add even more problems related to the origins of the world, we must solve the problem of laws governing things
> how did the laws come to be?
> what decided how many possibilities there are? what shapes the probability space if we take the 'statistical approach'?
> what mechanism chooses the outcome? kind of related to our well-known quantum collapse

there are currently zero arguments to claim we can say how everything came to be. only atheists with basic understanding and head full of pride claim otherwise.
an addition to my previous post

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there is no sentient intelligence involved in these simulations are you fucking retarded? of course you are you re a fucking christian spic of course you re retarded dumb question sorry

>there are no limits how wild things can get
And religion proves that better than any other concept.

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Your creator is NOT what you think of when you say Perfect. You are not perfect either. But you have been built by something you do not understand.

This is an example of why Euro education is so primitive, inferior, and dumbed-down.

Basically, what you are trying to do here is undermine the argument with what is known as "appeal to ridicule." It is most certainly a logical fallacy.

"Durrrr look, God cannot exist because Thor cannot exist durrrr."

Pretty much.

Says the fucking french. You wanna go faggot? come

Christians would agree with you that the human body is not the peak design.

>there is no sentient intelligence involved in these simulations that were created by sentient human beings

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Dawkins is a philosophy illiterate brainlet.

this guy
thinks example of a simulation is Goat Simulator

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>It's complex so it can't possibly happen naturally!!!
Lol the absolute state of christcucks.

No observation can possibly be valid if taken in a human-life timescale, as the conditions on this planet are not perfectly stable, and our environment is the absolute driver of evolution. Also, societal evolution is not genetic evolution.

'I don't understand it, so god made it' is not a logically sound argument.

i find it funny that theists think themselves so evolved and intelligent compared to religious people and then defend their own disbelief with the same arguments and tenacity that a religious person would for their own beliefs. Yet they don't see the irony in it all.

I can respect an agnostic. I can respect a Christian. But atheists are truly the bottom of the barrel in stupidity because they deny something which is unknowable and additionally get angry at people wanting to theorize about the unknowable. Truly pathetic. Their complacency disgusts me and inspires a deep seated hatred that only a white man staring upon the mindless tribes of Africa can feel.

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>See above, are you another one of those retards who don't understand how to fucking count?
Count what, cuckfriend?

That wasnt his argument you dumb brick. He is saying that we clearly understand how it happened while OP was saying
>im too dumb to understand how this could be a product of evolution

What you did just there is called a straw man argument: attacking something that was not the original point.

>Lol the absolute state of christcucks.

Actually, your negative claims on the nonexistence of a creator are just as laughable. What are you? Some sort of psychi with magical powers who knows everything? You mean, you do not believe in an all knowing God, but you do believe that you can be all knowing?

Yeah, you are a fucking retarded low IQ shit stain.

>You wanna go faggot? come
d-did... did you just say you wanted to fight after losing an argument on the internet? while we re... in different continents? did that really just happen?

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in the end, everything boils down to faith. not even joking. every approach requires assumptions, axioms which must be accepted, must be believed in.

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Literal billions of years is hard for some minds to comprehend.

haha protein printer go brrrr