Trumps handling of the situation made me respect the US less...

Trumps handling of the situation made me respect the US less. I can only imagine that the international community is laughing behind closed doors.

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Umm... what should he have done differently?

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Über 3 Jahre später sind noch fast 5 von Ihrem histrionischen autistischen Kreischen übrig.

Manchmal fragte ich mich wirklich, was mein Lebenszweck war. Mein Platz im Universum. War es etwas wert? War all meine harte Arbeit und mein Lernen wirklich umsonst? Der größte jemals beobachtete Stern ist der UY Scuti mit einem Radius, der ungefähr dem 1.700-fachen der Sonne in unserem Sonnensystem entspricht. Zum Vergleich: Die ungefähre Masse der Sonne beträgt 1,989 x 10 ^ 30 Kilogramm ... ja, das sind dreißig Nullen. Zum Vergleich: Wenn Sie ein Mann von durchschnittlicher Größe und angemessener Passform sind, ist die Sonne ungefähr 2,652 mal zehn bis achtundzwanzig Mal größer als Sie. Manchmal erinnerte ich mich daran und dachte: "Wir sind alle so unbedeutend."

Dann passierte etwas wirklich Magisches. Donald Trump, ein Geschäftsmann aus New York, gewann die US-Präsidentschaftswahl. Sein Gegner? Eine mörderische, böse Fotze, deren Pläne und Tricks Jahrzehnte zurückreichen. Hillary Clinton. "Es war IHRE ZEIT!" Die Massen weinten. NUR damals verstand ich, wie die Dinge so schön zusammen kamen.

Von den Zehntausenden von Jahren, in denen Menschen existiert haben, wurden Sie und ich geboren, um in diesem exquisiten Moment zu schwelgen. Donald Trump verursacht Butthurt. So viel Butthurt.

It doesn't matter what he did or does. He got called a racist when he stopped letting China in. Libshit's in the same breath will say hes not doing enough while also criticizing him for muscling countries and companies for supplies. It's really a maser class how to out think your enemies when your back is against a wall

I cannot laugh about retards following the king of retards. USA cancer and the main enemy of every other country

Trump supporters are uneducated cultist shitbagz who unironically vote against their own economic interests

Trump works for America, and doesn’t give a fuck what some German girl thinks.

Oh no! Not the international community!

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And yet it made him more popular in the US. Which means he's staying president. Which means the end of goobalism. Your future is getting raped by the Russians and eaten by the Chinese euro scum.

Everything he has done has been the right call.
Closing travel to China and Yurop.
Not panicking like the herd over ventilators.
Realizing testing is not important at this stage. It will be but quarantine is the only effective tool we have right now.

When all is said and done Trump will have put on a masterclass in not panicking. Being right at every turn helped as well.

>the international community is laughing behind closed doors
the international community is anally penetrating each other from behind closed doors

It was pretty funny when he asked if a flu vaccine would work on the corona virus.


Yeah we dont care

should have been preparing for a pandemic

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digits wasted on shill

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go suck adolf merkel's fat clit

They are so fucked... expect the fall of the USA in the next year.

What again? Havent you EU cucks been saying that for the past 20 years?

Checked! dub trip dub beats trip dub

And yet Europe:

Despite having glorious, single-payer healthcare

Despite being the enlightened progressive governments

Has more deaths and infections from corona than the US

>respect the US
get the fuck out of my country

and why should we care what the "international community" thinks? Lions don't care about the opinions of sheep.

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Top kek US is at 340k cases you lying shillnigger

>I don't respect the US
>Armed American military forces are in my country and I can't do anything about it.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA no one cares what you think or feel you curried-bienenstich munching faggots.

That chart was from a couple days ago leaf, it still accurately describes the situation.

Fuck off german new fag

I don’t know about you all... but because of Corona this is the first time since college that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 silver Roosevelt dime will buy me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about Corona with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the water aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a gold standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.

Edit: She called me, meeting tonight after work.

Kraut is right and his digits prove it.

Dann hör auf SPON und ZON zu lesen du dummer Affe. Lass dich doch nicht so einfach verarschen. Herr im Himmel es ist unerträglich zurzeit, schlimmer als 2016.

Preparing how exactly?

Germany has been the laughing stock of the world since 2016 so its ok

Oh no, not a kraut's respect, how will the US ever recover from such a loss?

>60k to 340k cases in a couple days
>everythings great trump is doing great KAG!

per capita make no sense while the infection is still going, but you do you.

because of the % infected in this wave the US, by luck or strategy, is in one of the best positions for an easy ride beyond because of the % inoculated.

Holy shit, what a faggot.

By stealing more medical supplies from his shitty government.

lol what a fag

I laugh whenever I see a lesser country (ie., everyone else) complain about anything Americans do. We're #1 for a reason, poorfags. I don't expect you to understand the logic and reasoning behind superior minds. It's like a chimp (a real one) trying to comprehend HTML.

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what did he do that was so wrong? Memes aside, wtf did he do any different than the rest of the western world? USA is the size of the entire European continent retard.

lmao, keep hating Muhammad

Exponential growth is a bitch. Even with 340K, the US stays exactly where it is placed on this list. And remember, we haven't accounted for the past couple of days in these other nations.

Let me explain this to you leaf:
The US stays exactly where it is placed on this list, even when we account for your numbers, and keep everyone else the same.

Despite the media hype, we are doing okay with this crisis - could be better, but if Germany and Spain and Italy are anything to go by - we could be a hell of a lot worse.

In Europe we have over 700,000+ cases. That's over half of what USA has now. So how did Trump do any worse than the rest of us?

Faggot kraut

Goose step into a moslims aids infested cock

Bad b8 is bad. You fuck your sister, and pretend we care.

Germany + Spain + Italy have more covid cases than the entire United States.

Strong measures so your government doesnt look weak.

my sides

As opposed to Europe, where even if the military lined every infected individual up against the wall, you still wouldn't look strong?

>everyone elses number of cases increase 50%
>US cases increase 500%

No president could have handled it in a good way. It's extremely hard to balance health safety and long-term socioeconomic impact. Trump is just human, cut him some slack.

Maybe not played 11 rounds of goof during the two months he pretended coronachan was a hoax?

You arent even trying


Sure thing germ.

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Stop embarrassing us.

>China has the lowest numbers
fucking kek its such obvious bullshit

>made me respect the US less
We don't think about you at all.

We're talking about the difference between 324K and 340K right? That's less than 5%. I though you Canadians were so very intelligent, why can't you do basic math?

And you're assuming that the infection has reached its peak in Europe, when there's no proof to say that it has.

"Yeah there are several hundred thousands more infected people in nations less than a tenth of the size of yours, BUT ORANGE MAN BAD."

You're naive if you think a country's strength is a direct measure of its military might. This is an age where wars are fought sitting on a desk with economic blockades as nukes.

Speak for yourself, megalomaniac

Shut the fuck up memeflag. We don't think about lesser nations at all.

Doubling down on stupid is so 2016

Post a timestamped pic proving you are an american citizen, ill wait

Imagine thinking anyone in the US cares what a lowly kraut thinks.

lmao ok, means so much coming from the sand nigger/turk ethnostate run by frau merkel

>beaner in 3rd world shithole pretends to know how americans think


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It's just an example of the most extreme measure spaghetti-bro. The point is that Europe, regardless of what measures they take, will still be the butt of jokes for weakness around the world. Economic weakness, military weakness, and political weakness, that's the European way.

`How the queen said more than Trump in just a few short minutes'
Stop listening to our MSM, Fritz.
They lie like bear rugs and spin like the Tasmanian Devil.

How the fuck am I supposed to prove that? Should I show you my social security number? Maybe grab a burger from McDonalds?

Why don't you just show your flag you fucking kike?

>German opinion
into the trash it goes

Whiter than you Tyrone

Post a timestamped pic roving you samefags are american citizens

>Umm... what should he have done differently?

-Not call it a hoax
-Take it seriously
-Don't pick and choose which states get federal assistance based on how much they like & felate president orangutan
-Listen to scientists that have devoted their lives to research versus the president's own retarded intellect

Worst president ever.


Its almost like electing a WWE Reality TV star for President is fucking retarded. Really lost hope in this country when Trump was elected.

>Underage poster has no means of identification
Post again when you're old enough to vote son

Let me grab my fucking driver's license, and take 20 minutes to black out my face and identifying information, just to please a memeflag-posting kike.

Holy fuck are you stupid you post a chart showing 60k cases when there is 340k cases then you can't understand that the rate increase in the USA is significantly higher than Europe. American education at its finest.

中国撒谎, 人民死亡