What's so good about living in a white ethnostate anyway? You'd still work the same shitty job and you still wouldn't have a girlfriend.
What's so good about living in a white ethnostate anyway...
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Is that white? She looks like a Spanish German hybrid.
Coffee... is it good for you?
Better social cohesion and lesser crime rates for starters.
Posts 6/10. No thanks. I'd rather be single.
Yeah, but I'd be working that shitty job for the benefit of my fellow whites. I'd know the produce in the shop came from a white farmer and pay a white grocer with the money I earned from my white boss.
Brown eyes is never white, but I'd still fuck her many many times.
no gag reflex while walking outside
At least I wouldn’t have to worry about getting mugged by niggers. Or hear about how illegal migrant leeches are inherently better and more deserving than me.
thats not true at all
just look at 99% white countries like Switzerland.
and then look at Brazil.
It couldnt be more clear.
Show us your real flag.
I'd be surrounded by fellow whites, work with and for my fellow whites. Better society for the benefit of my fellow whites, fuck chinks, spics, and spooks
Of course you stupid amerimutt. It depends on the shade and outer iris. America is truly lost.
At least I will die without seeing niggers around me.
I make 60k/year and I would rather clean toilets in a gas station bathroom for 5$ an hour if meant I got to live in a white ethnostate
Apparently. It does make me want to shit tho
How is Italy doing my fren? Any improvement over there? How long you guys been locked up now?
Most white people have brown eyes, almost all great European inventors artists and leaders had brown eyes, where the hell did the blue eye propaganda come from
Blue eyes are literally just that thing inbred scandis have
Newfag here. What is this forced coffee maymay?
>Consistently fights for the jew at hop step.
Good job destroying Libya, and letting niggers and arabs flood your country.
Fucking retard, god you're so fucking stupid.
Fuck outta here retard.
Have you ever gone from living in a city filled with apes to a only white area? Its like dying and going to heaven.
The fuhrer had blue eyes
I wouldn't be waiting on a court date for defending myself against a feral nigger.
There used to be a meme going around about some dude holding up a lewd anime picture while asking a trivial question about coffee. It's now come to be synonymous with faggot OPs who just post female pics to get people in their threads.
I wouldnt have to be constantly having to look over my shoulder, or constantly cross the street.
>You'd still work the same shitty job and you still wouldn't have a girlfriend.
at least then i wouldn't have to worry about some government entitlement program like affirmative action taking away my job and giving it to some non white. same goes with the girlfriend.
White enough for me.
>Jews own 97% of all media
>nothing will change in a white ethnostate
I wouldn't have to worry about subversion and waste time battling it and my money wouldn't be stolen to pay for Shekelstein's child orgies and "refugee's" food and apartment
Yes, but there would be no shitskins leeching off me white actively hating me. I'd still happily still allow welfare if I knew it was going to a white person who was having a tough time but has future potential to do something worthwhile. No chance of that with niggers or some fucking muslim that cant/wont even speak English.
It's just better in every way, the gold standard of society is a homogeneous society. At this point it's irrefutable, so long as you don't have jews running the show behind the scenes like in China.
Thanks. End Yas Forums degeneracy.
Look at those hands.
>Jews own 97% of all media
Do retards actually believe this shit?
what would you say the number is?
Prove him wrong
coffee thread made by a coffee shill
hey anons look at muh coffee
That’s a fucking man you homos
It's from Yas Forums. Ask a health or fitness related question but post a picture of a girl showing her ass so people click the thread.
My profession is majority spic and every shop has 1-4 white guys that just clean up after their fuck ups. Not to mention I've had a gun pulled on me twice and walked past a white girl getting gang raped by a bunch of niggers in the past 2 weeks. The only downside would be that I mostly fuck non white girls.
White ethno state with the exception of qt Latina maids
Is porn good for you?
More opportunity. Nobody said an ethnostate is a guarantee.
For every white woman taken by a shitskin it leaves the white guy that would of otherwise been with her now spare and extra competition for you, for the rest of the white women.
Magnify this effect across a population and you have the modern woman - phone book full of contacts she could fuck at a moments notice and increasing amount spare men unable to get anyone (incels). Pussy ends up on an ever rising pedestal and the simp is born, fighting over bang average women with countless other guys.
no you fucking RETARD. ethnostate means north west European whites only which means NO JEWS which means no corrupt exploitative usurious credit creation banking system which is exactly what we have we now. As such house prices would be about 500% lower and home loans would be simple interest flat rate and easily paid off in 5 years, AS SUCH we would all be working 20 hours a week max with a woman for just about every man, we would be conquering the world and exploring the stars and extending the life of every person by 100 years. Youre a fucking idiot if you dont realise this is where we should be at as a society at the very least.
If people don't work society falls apart.
NO one works for free.
You would not clean my car or toilot for free.
And why should I come clean yours for free.
I really hate bums on here sat at home wasting oxygen
What would be great would be forgetting all the multiculti shit in my brain and not seeing it ever again.
Im tired of
>swj jargon
>non-accomplishments by people nobody heard of taking credit for shit they didnt do
Making everyone fuck off seems the only solution. When was the last time there was a movie about thomas edison?
true but at least we wont have to worry about niggers robbing us or killing us or any assorted niggardry
The dick only makes it cuter
all day
I lived through when California was white. It was so much nicer. Neighborhoods were a community, could leave your door unlocked, everyone had goals and aspirations. People cared about children and didn't see everyone as a potential threat. For an example of how different it was, I had a cap gun revolver that looked like the real thing (before they required orange plastic) and if aimed at a cop they'd play fingerguns. You could also make a chain-pulling motion at truckers you passed and they'd honk.
Thats a jew
I don't get it, all day of what?
You are surrounded by pretty people who don't explode with rage over the slightest insult, then get to blame their outburst on white people not loving them enough. Why wouldn't a white person want to live in such a community? Are they afraid other whites will attack them if they admit they prefer living around whites?