@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/5/20
>War Room Weekly! 4/5/20
>DefSec Esper on ThisWeekABC 4/5/20
>DefSec Esper on (((FakeNews))) 4/5/20
>SG Adams on FoxNewsSun 4/5/20
>SG Adams on MtP 4/5/20
>FDACommr Hahn on SunMornFutures 4/5/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on C-SPAN Q&A 4/5/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 4/5/20
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>Giuliani on SunMornFutures 4/5/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Michael Knowles (Lara) 4/5/20
>Give People Hope 3/31/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/4/20
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>EnSec Brouillette on JudgeJeanine 4/4/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on JudgeJeanine 4/4/20

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Thank you Mr. President for letting us know several months ago that this was a pandemic. We know you tried to inform the masses years ago that coronavirus was not a hoax but they wouldn't listen. All those DAMN liberals were denying the virus existed but you saved us all by being honest. You're truly a medical expert who is a natural. Thank you again Mr. President.

This but unironically

*straightens tie*
‘Nuff said

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Oregairu this week bros. We're all watching it, right?

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>We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and ... correct the public health.

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Reminder it's just the flu. Only chinks, kikes and assorted sand niggers will disagree.

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And thank you president trump for doing the parts of the shut down that stopped the virus, but not doing the parts that hurt the economy.

bold strategery joe

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Bros, there are 3 electricians outside my place of business not practicing social distancing. Should I call the police?

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>chink visited white house when coronachan wreck havoc in wuhan, no one said a word
>WHO was silent for weeks, reluctant to call it a pandemic
>Trump closed off borders before it was designated a pandemic by the china owned WHO
'BUT DRUMPF' posting is the last resort of you slaves. keep bumping the threads

Are they white?

I thought /ptg/ always defends straight transcripts because spoken English is often mixed up. At least that’s the response whenever trump transcripts are posted.


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>We're all watching it, right?
Correct, WE (as in Yas Forums) will be watching. But will there be a "real" ending? Did the manga conclude?

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trump has a way of speaking with lots of interjections, biden legit has dementia

>forgetting the subject

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>t. hasn’t watched biden’s dementia ravaged brain try to make his mouth move and words come out

> always defends straight transcripts
Wut? This thread is not one person but I can assume most prefer a literal transcript of what was actually said

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Anime name? I’m yearning for some spring 2020 recommendations

he is saying cause trumps statements, when written down look really dumb. some trump people defend him. therefore Biden can say whatever whatever dementia bullshit and it doesnt matter

How much of a shill/willingly ignorant do you seriously need to be to believe this

I'm formally inviting you to vote for Joe.

My fellow Americans, please recognize this historical moment. You can help to undo USA.


Thank You.

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It's not a manga, it's a light novel. And yes, this is the end.

Oregairu S3.

True, the flu is actually more severe.

>t. picrelated

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Does the fetish match what is popular in your country / state

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Trump’s most recent press briefing:
> We’re looking for an obvious focus in the focus of some hardest-hit regions - their focus. Some of them are obviously and some aren’t so obviously. They spring up. They come and they — they come, they hit you like you got hit, an area that wasn’t at all focused. You look at what’s going on in New Jersey — the governor is doing an excellent job, by the way — but how that sprang up.

> he is saying cause trumps statements, when written down look really dumb.
Not this dumb. Convoluted, controversial but this dumb?

context of this pic?

Should I marathon to catch up? What’s the QRD?


JEJ, link to the segment?

what the fuck is going on here

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The trump one is far more coherent

Some kind of pattern I reckon

Joe who? Scarborough? Biden?! Rogan?!?!

How the fuck do you still think the flu is more severe than this

Oh, the country is basically shut down right now.

Good morning everyone.

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3 days after Trump released the transcript with Zelensky.

>What’s the QRD?
typical harem story

>Should I marathon to catch up?
I would say no. It isn't that important.

What’s trump saying there?

Because it kills tens of thousands more

> typical harem story
Hard pass

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>CCP shill retard can’t into statistics

Because I'm white.

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>3 days after Trump released the transcript with Zelensky.
oh boy they fucked up royaly there

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>can't even read the teleprompter
somebody give him a loli

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>coronavirus ends up saving thousands of American lives
What a twist!

Yes, they are white. Could be Portugese or German. I called my wife and her boyfriend got on the phone and said I should call the police.

I don't want to be a Karen, but I'm scared to go outside right now.

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>speaking with lots of interjections
it sounds like nonsense but it's because he's constantly pivoting and saying whatever comes to mind as relevant
it makes for word salad sometimes but you can tell it's done with cogency, whereas biden has a literal mind fog it would seem

we were warned years ago

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Read it again you idiot it’s literally not hard to understand

> We’re looking for an obvious focus in the focus of some hardest-hit regions - their focus. Some of them are obviously and some aren’t so obviously.
Some of the hardest hit regions lacked focus

> They spring up. They come and they — they come, they hit you like you got hit, an area that wasn’t at all focused. You look at what’s going on in New Jersey — the governor is doing an excellent job, by the way — but how that sprang up
Sad regions, like New Jersey, got blindsided for lack of focus


If they’re white they can carry on, Coronachan is mild for whites

>be journalist
>the evidence clearly shows that we should be shut down forever (until a democrat wins office) to save lives

they're weak to fire user

get on birb's level

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hey, germany joins the 100k club, welcome

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I would have said thank you for baking

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Omg this is just like Harry Potter

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40 posts for someone to notice
> reading OP
> reading OP title
At least I didn’t forget to link in the prev thread

My pleasure

Where the hell are you getting "CCP shill retard"

The flu kills more because IT'S INFECTED MORE PEOPLE dammit! If you compare the amount of ppl killed by the flu in ONE YEAR with the amount of ppl killed by coronachan in a FEW MONTHS (especially with the Chinese government coverup) then OF COURSE THE FLU'S KILLED MORE FUCKING PEOPLE! The kill rate per infected person for coronachan is at least 10x that of the flu.

Sometimes I think the white race is doomed because of all you fucking brainlets.


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imagine being this retarded

> The flu kills more because IT'S INFECTED MORE PEOPLE
JEJ, doesn’t that mean it’s more dangerous?
> Coronachan BTFO

>people keep thinking the robot revolution's gonna be terminator, but it's gonna be more like the shining
absolutely based posts

mind you, it's infected more people EVEN THOUGH a fucking vaccine exists

That's cause the flu has been around for far longer while the coronavirus is still spreading.
