Say something nice about Britain's new Prime Minister

Say something nice about Britain's new Prime Minister.

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Better looking than the average anglo woman

Her earrings match her outfit. How very British.

She's cute but she ain't gonna but prime minister for at least another 10-15 years

Phwoarrrrrr I'd like to spill my spice sauce in her vindaloo

And American woman

Phwoar, I'd like to tear open her peshwari

She frankly looks like an American woman.

she's rather fat, but her face doesn't give it away

she looks way better than the avrage BONGALOID WOMAN !!! even though she is paki.......

Phwoar, I'd like to grind her spice rack into sauce.

Phwoar, id like to colonise her raj

Phowar, I'd like to spread some ghee inside the pocket of her naan.

she likes to holiday in israel.

Well developed primal face I'd like to bruise and humiliate since Indian shitskins deserve that and it's all they truly understand.

She's very beautiful


She looks like a poor man's Tulsi Gabbard with added weight

build for bwc

>She looks like a poor man's Tulsi Gabbard with added weight

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She is prety hot be fair

true, the braplovers always ignore the fact she is fat. middle age is a terrible time for pakistani and indian women, they all get fat as fuck, but she at least has avoided the fat neck

poo in loo

I know trannies and That is a tranny. Good job wee Britain

does she habitually shit on Downing Street?

Behold, the new Prime Minister of Britain.

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I'm unironically attracted to her.

but this is the new PM

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take your meds

Hoiii sieee!

nice cheekbones

Dominic raab is okay, i guess

Here's the new Prime Minister of Britain doing some community service.

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bojo like his indians ! her and that Indian version of tony blair !

Corrupt zionist and globalist pawn.

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phwoar, I'd spill my saag all over her aloo

in english please

*Blocks your ventilator*

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man, bongs are so cucked.
i wonder when its going to be open season on them in their own country


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she has quite a slim face for being a chubby woman, imagine how good she would look if she lost fat !

lol her husband looks like the amerimutt meme !

>she will never bully you and call you a useless piece of shit in front of all your co-workers
Why live bros

Looks british enough

Poo in the loo

He's a unit.

God, I would love watching her in designated shitting street.

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Literally built for the BBC.

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dear lady I receive you
I kiss your naked body
when you come bangladesh

if we have to have a shitskin then that's the one i'd pick, but i'd rather boogaloo than have a shitskin.

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It's a gypsy mating call.

She gave Britain the much lessar evil in regard to immigration (mass skilled/high IQ, instead of mass importation of unskilled savages), she enjoys riding her husband's BWC, she's called out the bongish police for being garbage and set new strict standards for them, and although she's only a milquetoast conservative, compared to the average huwhite wamyn politician, she's based.

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Thai ladyboys are better looking than the average Anglo woman, that's hardly a compliment. She does have a pretty face though.

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Is she paki?

Also, what is it with anglo fems that is disgusting? there is a certain look i can't pin point with average anglos but i see it all the time what is it? forehead? chin? jaws? its this weird look they have in the face that i dont see in other races with this look? pic related is it her chin? what is it?

So all the British “elite” gave up on their duty... hand over the keys and watch it burn from the castle widow. At least the queen still pretends to care.

I dont.

You deserve this traitor.

I can hear her heart ticking "tik tik tik tik" like C4's

Pretty sure that was Amber Rudd, m8.

Mutt's law

All of England will now be designated as a shitting street.

Rugby ears

His ex wife was half Indian you know...

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