It's time that white women get called out...

It's time that white women get called out. They are the #1 benefiters of the SJW agenda for a decade now and got away with it somehow. White women are responsible for so much fucking evil it's not even funny anymore. If you deny this you are a fucking simp and a cuck.

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white women are pure trash

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>working class

These people dont work, nor do they speak for those that do

All these sickos play hero in their head

Once white women stop supporting this SJWLGBTQBLM non sense it will die a savage death.

I actually like that. Let them wake up to the SJW and uppity negroes.

This. It's to distract from their own privilege.

Becky is a slur, I don't think Karen was initially intended to be an only white thing, it's like saying "ok boomer" is only a white thing

Listen here spook., you get these if you shut the fuck up and not get the fuck out of my property nigger

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>t. A poor lower class nigger.

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Nah fuck white women. They made their bed

My poor fiancée's name is Karen. Feel bad for her bros.

>weaponise their status
You mean know what they’re entitled to and can’t get it from the minimum wage worker that just wants so smoke pot and go nowhere in life?

Finally, one of them admits it. Now, what do we do about the Shaniquas?

Ok boomer is only white. Karen is white. It's antiwhite astroturfed propaganda you dummy

>working class
>verified twitter
Ok fagbitch

>image has 'colored diatribe'
>It's time that white women get called out.
Mutts law is not a thing, it's the ADL and their racebaiting campaign.

Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.

And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.


This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.

Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.

They have not forgotten, and neither should you.

Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.

One of the few cases of true justice in the US.
Praise this occurence daily and arm yourself with this jew slaying sword.
It cuts deep into their shriveled black hearts.

How does it feel, Shmul? How does it feel to see precious Leo Frank, with his neck broken, dangle from the noose which he wanted the nigger to have around his neck?

It makes me feel real good, and if I could go back in time, that is the one thing I would want to watch in person.

Ww2 and stuff? There's a lot of murky shit in the history, can't be sure what happened or what didn't.

But the hanging of Leo Frank?
That happened for sure, that, for sure, was Germanics hoisting up a jew and 1488% for sure killing him.

And the entire jewry couldn't do a thing.

How does THAT make you feel, Shmul?

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I agree, but than you have to accept my slur. Nigger. Has a nice ring to it.

niggers need to be in cages

Except SJWs use Karen too

>read my opinion and that is the end all be all of everything related and everything I say is absolutely right so you do not have permission to speak or think after I’ve told you what to believe and how to act

Based Kraut

so it's a slur

As soon as White women realize this agenda is meant to disparage them and not help them they might bolt.

Let's encourage this.

I just need to live long enough to see white women be on the same level playing field as that what they despise the most white men.

Absolutely based.

>Nah fuck white women. They made their bed

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Bioleninists cannibalize themselves again and again.

Man thats the most based german I’ve seen in a while

>everyone who isn't me is the problem

Because middleclass isn't working class?

Ok boomer started on Yas Forums you newfaggot

Bait? Middle class is white collar or high paying blue collar, usually with some kind of college. While working class is blue collar and usually no college


>White women are responsible for so much fucking evil it's not even funny anymore

I can actually point towards people I grew up next to that were forced to grow up away from their dads as proof of this

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Nigger is a catchall.

No it's isn't.
It is literally a phrase repeated over and over against from a shitty game. NPC's have internalized it.

Pic related

>I actually like that. Let them wake up to the SJW and uppity negroes.

These people don't identify with their race, and when they do it is in disgusting displays of self hatred.

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Yas Forums is 70% non-white

ok, shaniqua

Point yourself into traffic

Don't blame me for the reality I've observed faggot, take it up with god if it bothers you so much

I call all black wymen Dysheeka and explain to them it is a catch all for the ignorant obnoxiously loud and abusive behavior of middle aged female niggers everywhere weaponized against whites by the Jews.

Supremely based

Ok boomer started on Yas Forums and Have Sex started on /sp/ in the wrestling general

Good. It's time for white women to go under the same bus they threw white men under.

I don't care what niggers think. Just call them niggers and watch their spirit break.
The saddest thing about niggers is their ego.
If you want to offend any other type of nigger, just call them nigger. The gook, spic, and sand nigger all think himself elevated high beyond the African nigger. All you have to do is call them nigger to bring them crashing down, too. They don't want to know that they are niggers, too.

Stop being a simp

Civil rights helped out white women the most


Still I have an Asian gf.

Based Kangess. Middle class huwhite wamyn are the lowest of the low. The way they use institutional power to harm men is unforgivable, and fuck the gynocentric stormcucks who defend them.

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Been saying that for years. I'm the working class

>showing two ends of the spectrum
i can do that with an attractive white woman and a fat zipper head too. the fact you don't show an attractive what woman to get them at least a chance allows me to reach the conclusion that you're a jew

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wait is that seriously his son? you could tell me he's adopted and i'd believe you

assuming your white you should try to find a nice german girl that isn't brainwashed (yes i know it's difficult) so you don't muddy your Germanic genes

What is the point of attacking white women though by white men? The only outcome I can see leads to mgtow or racemixing. Seriously, what is the point of it?

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Here is his family

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It's his biological son. I don't understand the "Fuck White Woman" crowd. Are they advocating racemixing then?

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Unless you're in the top 20-10% of sexual market value, you're not getting a slender young white woman who isn't a single mom. Due to this reality, his pic is correct to show a white hog next to the slender Asian girl. Even if you are a Chad and get yourself an attractive white woman, she'll age in dog years anyway.

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>gets asked to clarify terminology
>"shut theeeeee fuck up"
The only reason anyone would get so defensive when you ask them simple questions like this is because they understand on some level that it's all built on silliness.

So the solution is to pump out cross-eyed mutts?

Being this insecure, and being a twitter faggot

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Imagine being non-white and speaking English as your primary language. Cope with the Dependency!

>What is the point of attacking white women though by white men?

You don't need to attack them back, but to forgive them is tier 1 simpery/cuckoldry. You're your own man, do what you like, but be aware that unless you're a Chad, pic related is what you're gonna end up with if you spend your life dealing with the white roast.

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ugly women are the cause of at least half of society's problems
my only concern is that women like being abused so having SJWs openly insult them will probably just turn them on and make them support it more

No, it destroyed the family, you demonic fucking kike. May you all burn for eternity.

>"So the solution is to pump out cross-eyed mutts?"

At what point did I advocate plowing American women?

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>using tranny language, black woman
true, but fuck off

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