Brit/pol/ - STONKS edition

>Coronavirus: 'Under 25's and women among worst hit in lockdown'

>Coronavirus: Domestic abuse calls up 25% since lockdown, charity says

>After this crisis, remember the NHS is not drained by migrants, but sustained by them

>Rees-Mogg firm accused of cashing in on coronavirus crisis

>The coronavirus crisis has exposed the ugly truth about celebrity culture and capitalism


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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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>Mounting fears for Boris Johnson as PM STILL has a 'persistent cough and temperature' in hospital and No10 refuses to say if he is suffering pneumonia - but insists he is in 'good spirits' and still working

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When was white people introduced into the UK? Before WW1?

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Whats the best way to eat Marmalade?

>Still working
Get him some bedrest ffs

White people have never been in the UK

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on toast

On toast.

from the penis of an african bull

White or brown? Should the toast be buttered?

Not the Tigerinooooooooossssss!

I want to go back to work. Hate this working from home shite.

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White people arrived in the 1960s user

on baked potato lad

Of my balls

for me, it's brown, but any will do.
no butter, keep that zesty flavour of the marmalade

will he be fine lads

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The better question is "how soon can we expel them from the UK".

he's on a ventilator, according to leaks from russian media.

My morale is falling rapidly now. I really wanted to sort my life out this year but CV has stopped all the progress. My parents don't want me to start working because they're worried about getting ill and I can feel myself beginning to not care about stuff again

Feels bad man

And another normal fag reveals himself. Brit/pol/ isn't for you lad, this general is for those enjoying working from home, those that have been made unemployed and now living off BorisBux.

How fucking drunk was he last night?

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In the bin

On de boat called de whiteyrush.
Dey ad to rush them ere, see. Cause de 'ot jamaiycun sun was burnin dere skins off of dem.

>>Coronavirus: Domestic abuse calls up 25% since lockdown, charity says

Imagine if football was still playing,See Glasgow for details.

Sorry taged you by accident

Guys am I being brainwashed by The Daily Mail or is Boris literally the best PM we've had in decades? He's only been here for 4 months and seems to have had a bigger impact than anyone in the last 20 years.
I just hope he doesn't croak.

He doesn't drink

Thats not drunk the lying faggot isn't even a drinker. That was his shit attempt at being funny. The twat needs to be gassed he's the worst poster on this general

even more boring when he's pissed.

They have been a tax burden ever since. They think they helped us beat the nazis too, fucking idiots.

meant for

Keep your chin up lad, at least everybody else will have a CV gap too. Try and learn something new - programming language/gardening/baking whatever. It will pass soon.

marmalade made with seville oranges and a drop of bergamot on hot white toast spread with chilled salted butter,

marmalade is also good with cheese in a savory situation.

>best PM we've had in decades
that bar wasn't set very high

>you will get married and ask your wife what she did during that crazy quarantine period
>nothing much teehee

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He won't croak. This is a heaven sent plague.

>its just a flu bro
>ok it's serious but we are all going to get it so there is no point shutting anything down
>banning flights from china or italy ? woah calm down we don't want to hurt the economy would we
>still not any screening at airports

I'd go brown with a bit of butter myself

>Boris dies without naming a successor
>it's up to the queen.jpg
>she names Tommy Robinson

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Ok, no probs

>muh virgin neet living off tendies in mummys basement meme

I miss my wife, miss my mates at work.

>I'll miss the comfort of my mother and the weight of the world
>I'll miss my sister, miss my father, miss my dog and my home

Genuinely apart from brexit (which he doesn’t really support) what has he done to make him the best?

>implying incels will ever get married

CV as in Covid19 not curriculum vitae

>It will pass soon.
it's already endemic and there's no chance of an effective vaccine or treatment. it's not going to magically mutate into a milder form. in fact, it's showing a tendency to do the opposite. infections will skyrocket as soon as they try to go "back to normal".

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Alri Keir

>Try and learn something new
Yeah I'll have to if lockdown gets extended because I'll be so bored. Atm the feeling of limbo is starting to dawn on me

His ok

why do you never post before 1pm?

Why are you a constitutional monarchy again?

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Fuck off to facebook and cry then you normal fag.


That's OK bud

>implying they won’t start raping and bride stealing

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I was thinking of getting my shit together again this year and then the wu ping coof came along and put the kaibosh on that,
I was a bit irritated for a while then I realised that all the loafing around, doing fuck all and not giving a shit I'd been doing over the last few years was actually perfect training for this lockdown!

I am currently in my element, a finely tuned couch potato, honed to perfection and quite comfy!

Not being the absolute worst clusterfuck of stupid at every conceivable opportunity?
As another user isn't a very high bar. I bet Boris could easily toss a small child over it.

>He thinks the queen would do...something.

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>are you
You too mate

whats the source for this?

I mean, even are tone hadn’t shit the bed 4 months in. Boris was a guy looking at amnesty, high skilled immigration and had stuffed his cabinet with neocons during a rising conflict period with iran. Give him time.

Why would the "chads" allow them to do that?

>China's top coronavirus expert urges Western countries to adopt 'REAL LOCKDOWNS' to stop the pandemic
reminder that china's "real lockdowns" didn't even slow the virus down. they still lost 21 million+ people in a few months.

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Learn a new musical instrument. Or language.
Youtube is your friend here, definitely.
I'm learning the piano. I've played guitar for years, but never really grasped music theory. Now, with it laid out before me (colour coded) I'm getting there in leaps and bounds.

I think it will be OK in a few months, with most people able to work and back to normal by next spring. There is a lot of research happening, they will manage to develop vaccines and treatments. If nothing else most will have been exposed by then anyway.

Nice deflection, if a republic referendum were polled in today's Australia we'd leave you to rot, fuck the British royal family, they're nothing but welfare queen pedophiles

Incels have the numbers now. Only compacts have been broken, the means of reproduction shall be seized
Dunno desu

is that infographic true? i saw a Yas Forums post claiming the same thing a while back, but ti was obviously unsourced.

How is it looking in Dorset?

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>infections will skyrocket as soon as they try to go "back to normal".

we should have let it burn through the population, it would have been over by now.

And your elected officials are so much better

>please cripple your western economies even more and also buy our shite
Based china, at it again.

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piano is great for music theory.
flatten the third and fifth on a guitar takes thought, on piano its logical.

I have been growing lettuces and perfecting my chocolate chip cookie recipe they are suprisingly hard to make consistently. I'm trying to make wine but it is not going very well. I might try mead next.

they've identified 3500 or so individual strains so far and there are at least 8 major variants going around. it's mutating faster than any virus in human history.

Incels don't have numbers. The fact is they're just crying manbabies angry everything in the world isn't just falling into their lap with no effort on their part. Most of them don't even want girlfriends, they're just mad normal people have them and they don't, despite the fact its their own fault.

>they still lost 21 million+ people in a few months.
this guy again...

Blair >>>>>>>> Boris > Brown >>>>> May == Cameron

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we are all immigrants. there are no indigenous english. it's not about race, it's ETH-NI-CI-TY and pakis and wogs can be as english as you they just have to drink tea and eat fish and chips and have British Values such as halal slaughter and marrying children and no legal equality for women


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Same could be said about the poor and money

Imagine paying £800 million plus pounds a year to one family for no reason other than "they're special because they were born that way", whilst they not only have control of your country but preside over your ethnic cleansing, telling you to calm down and just die

I never realised the full extent of curtain twitchers in England until this flu.

Many people can't wait to grass each other up.

It can't because the entire economy relies on the fact the majority of people must be poor.

can't sneak a peak at office qt in tiny skirt bending over or flirt at the coffee machine. why live

>Scientist tasked with trialing coronavirus antibody tests says it may take a MONTH before one is ready for Britain to use and admits the ones he has seen so far 'have not performed well'
the antibody tests don't work because the antibodies for this virus only last for a few days or weeks at most after "recovery". they don't tell you if someone has any protection against future infections either. the virus has ADE and it will kill you if you get reinfected while antibodies are still in your system. this happened to all of the test animals during the failed SARS vaccine trials.

Some people are poor because they are lazy or make bad choices. Some people are born poor, die poor and get fuck all choice about it. Most healthy people in the West are in the first category, not all.

We've gone back to the 50s. Rationing curtain twitching, boredom. Hope all the right wing types are happy now.

fuck off you boring spac

>until this flu.
it's not a flu. it's a SARS/HIV hybrid bioweapon. even "mild" infections cause permanent damage.

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People really just needed an excuse.

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Big dave had the best bantz