Have we been brainwashed?

Last night I felt like I had some kind of revelation that as a young black man living in america. In this society democratic party is wanting to push this notion that I am a victim and could this be the reason why black lives don't get any better in this country? Is it true that for the last 60 years the democratic party has done nothing for the black community?

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Correct on all counts, you’re late to the party but welcome anyway.
Also jews are bad

You had 8 Obama years, don't be so ungrateful.

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I personally didn't vote for him but I get your point he didn't change anything for black americans

Yes and no. They need you to be a victim. Used them to ride to your destination.
Fuck left and right. Go forward.

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Don’t listen to these other guys, reparations are where it’s at

Everything coming from your TV is a paid advertisement including this pandemic outbreak and its response

>is it true that for the last 60 years the democratic party has done nothing for the black community?
LBJ made sure you vote democrat for the rest of your lives with his meme rights act.
Also, what has "black community" done for black community in the past 20 years?

hahahah i see what you're doing there.

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If you're not a larp then good for you for finally waking up.

vote democrat, which turns out hasn't done much to help

im not a larp, just ready to face the facts

yeah its true and sad that this is happening that the democrats can do this to us . I've heard that the democrats hate black people and I get why

>democratic party

Not just the democrats, but the whole system. Ironically, SJWs and nazis agree that the system takes advantage of blacks, Yas Forums just names who is doing it, and who wins when blacks are disenfranchised.

Yes, they bought your vote decades ago and they are getting their money's worth no matter the cost

Democrats never deliver. They depend on people feeling victimized for votes. If they delivered results, you would no longer feel victimized and wouldn't vote for them.

Here's another example: they always say they'll legalize weed, but when they have the chance, they never do it.

so you do/did exactly what the racist white man said you'd do.
Almost like some sort of slave

>I've heard that the democrats hate black people

Just imagine how much Orthodox Jews hate black people, especially black people who ask questions about why Orthodox families have 8 kids and live for free on welfare in giant segregated boroughs in New York and why they can't have the same treatment

The truth hurts, but the blacks been taken advantange of by the dems and in return they didn't do much for us. Just failed promises

personally i dont think were being brainwashed enough

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Yas Forums unironically wants what is best for black people, complete autonomy and self direction, as opposed to being led around by your nose in pursuit of "anti-racism"

it is ironic and its fucked up seeing the twist in how dems have lied to blacks after all these years.

>and in return they didn't do much for us
that's an epic understatement my chocolate friend.
They not only "didn't do much", they systematically destroyed the entire idea of the United States of America,
all with your help, btw.
The popular meme for blacks is that they "built this country", as in, they were the tools used to put bricks on houses and tracks on land. Debatable, but sure, I can see why it became a meme.
They didn't plan it though. They didn't imagine it, draw it up, plan for every possible outcome and then put it into motion. No, they just built it. Like a bulldozer.
And now you helped destroy it too.

BHO set Race Relations back to the 1960's, so there is that...

but even further , since the beginning of the democrat party and all through out its history, they have always been against blacks

Not in a cool Sci-Fi way anyway.

It's more like trying to bore you into submission.

I have a point of advocacy for people like you and I. We are diaspora living in a land which is not that of our people. It is on each of us among the upper crust to develop ourselves as best we can, and upon the whole of us to establish a framework with which to lift up the whole of our race. I’m thinking something along the lines of United Peoples of the African Diaspora, or UPAD for short. To seed technological society where there was none is the goal, and this will likely be achieved through strict regimentation of social strata(think modern apartheid stripped of its racial element), with a focus on civil service and offering up one’s children in service to the state for those of the lower strata. Those more capable of the lower strata will be lifted up, and those of the lower must be quickly dispensed with or set aside, because the stark reality is that most of Africa is ill equipped for technological society as a matter of course, simply due to the distribution of IQ. IQ is the problem, and it is a tough solution by humanitarian means. Short of genetic engineering, this is the only approach I see as tenable.

>user first rational thought
Gibs make you weak and unable to accomplish anything.

Jews have weaponised your people against whites by fascinating you with false promises and appealing to your egos
Enough is enough stop kicking whitney while he’s down and focus your ire on your true enemy
Jews owned the slave ships that brought you to the US and whites have show more empathy and altruism to your race than any other on the planet
The way your people terrorise and debase our culture and communities on a daily basis is incredibly sad, all because the Jew chose your people to act as their golem in their eternal spiritual war against Europeans

implying a nigger will understand a word youre saying

get fucked, you deserve to get replaced for loving the nigger so much filthy westerner

just thinking about it makes me angry at the democrats for how they screwed us over.

Imagine being the kike behind this thread. Duh dumbocrats wuz da weal wasists.

democrats used racism to profit off of black vote. i think its the way democrats has convinced us for years that we blacks have become conditioned to trust them at every election

im black though so I don't understand what you saying

You need to listen to Jesse Lee Peterson.
>70 yo Black man
>Lived under Jim Crow
>Black Republican
>Named Trump "Great White Hope"
>Calls BLM an extremist organization founder by a bunch of Black Lesbians
>Wall going up
>Calls out monkeys

He'll lay it all out for you.

If anything he kinda set u back.


Shut up and take the welfare Jerome.

No because taking welfare won't make my life better but to keep me down under.

It all started with President LBJ.

They successfully turned Blacks into a "nigger class", that only exists to serve the Elite;
You will attack anyone they want you to (in this case white people) via social engineering.

Guess who owned the slave boats?
That's strange that they're all Jewish.

Guess why gangsta rap was actually created?
Hip Hop was doing a good job undoing President LBJ's successful "nigger class", who were putting down the guns and dancing to positive messages.
Israeli Jews (like Lyor) who were investors of the prison system, needed people to fill it.
So they (the money behind music), decided to create these anarchy tunes that guarantee massive arrests and their investment profitable.

Its the Elite (Jews and Gentile) screwing us all over, not racial groups

I don’t love them, quite the contrary I despise what they’ve done to the west but this guy came here seeking the truth and this is the truth
If blacks can find it in themselves to wake the fuck up and recognise the merchant for what he is the dems, shitlibs and kikes will be BTFO so our people’s can finally segregate and come to some kind of mutual understating
I don’t want to live around them or participate in their culture or pay for their welfare but all peoples should be able to determine their own destiny
Give them some land and let them have a black nation and tell them to leave us the fuck alone

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The democrats are controlled by Jews just look at Schumer he looks like a living Der Scturmer cartoon
Israel also lobbies for control over the Democratic Party you need to wake up and see the bigger picture

democrats use the power of racism to manipulate blacks into getting their vote

Tried that Liberia dismal failure

>democrats are the real racists
Everyone is racist. The Jews just want to manipulate you into doing their dirty work. Take care of yourself and your family and love your people and you’ll be fine

The people who most recently lived in field slavery when given the ‘opportunity’ to go to white man schoools decided its worse slavery than prison.
Libs had to invent institutional racism so whites wouldn’t realize they were bigger slaves than niggersz

That actually happens?
Damn, I'm surprised blacks don't have a copy of Mein Kampf after this little revelation

That failure is on you not the white citizens of the US yet they pay the price every day for your ineptitude

This white man has my understanding. I wish not for the dole and generosity of your people, but ethnic self-determination and for my people to live free of Zionist subversion and debt slavery.
is my post

if not for the democratic party blacks would have probably been better off , since the republican party through out history have served us better

This is a shill thread. Fuck this shit, I’m out.

"Vote for us and we'll entertain all your self- serving delusions"

Democrats with blacks. Republicans with Boomers.

I hope not, but the answers he's giving are a little weird so I can see your concern

Dumb bigger, black lives dont get any better because:
1. Theres too many of you coons here
2. You pavement apes wont do any of the work yourselves that better your own community

maybe because you are so used to seeing a black person giving you democratic answers

but Lydon Johnson said he would give us N-words to vote democrat for 200 years ...

im angry that he is accomplishing this goal

*get us

the democrats have done nothing for us to help make our lives better

Blacks never left the plantation.
Used to be slaves for labor, now you're just free-range vote slaves.

The real truth is you dont belong in north america. As an individual you can wake up and have a fullfilling life, but not as a people, as the system around you is not yours, and you can never integrate to it fully, you will always be a subtype. The best you can attempt to in postracial america would be to chose a state and move all there so its like 70/80 % black, and you can run it yourselves. Thats the only way to have group maturity, control your own life

>Is it true that for the last 60 years the democratic party has done nothing for the black community?
Obviously. They used to lynch you a few years before that.

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I'd say yes I agree, but with the caveat that Yas Forums also wants blacks to be successful and prosperous somewhere else. Yas Forums is pro segregation, and in doing so, are actually some of the most pro diversity people out there. I'd say we truly want every culture to exist and prosper, we just want them to do it away from us

yeah pretty much

yeah they did

what do you mean I don't belong in north america?

>im black though
This message was paid for by the Republican Party of America. Timestamp now or you're a shillnigger.

Congratulations, you just realised that you are cattle.
Instead of being owned for your labour you are owned for your ideology, behaviour and vote.
Welcome to the layer cake son.

You were dragged there, theres three countries one is a french tea party, the other is anglo protestantism and the other is aztec revivalism, where does a black people fit there? You will always be a stranger to not only the peoples there but alsi their laws and customs. As long as you keep being a minority you will lack group strength and you will keep getting lead around the nose. What you need is some place to call yours, where you get no help, and you call the shots, and you can learn to be civically responsible and develop a group mind by being free

Jews actually.
Both Republicans and Democrats are compromised by Jews from top to bottom.

The way politics actually work behind the scenes is:
Lobbyists 1st (Jewish Lobby when it's not the Corporate Lobbies)
Americans 2nd

The politicians are all bribed and blackmailed. You cannot have power if you're clean (look at Bernie).
Most politicians are closeted gays who are into sex with little children (gays are more likely then normal)

Trump is rigged to win, as he's "boiling the frog". Hillary would've been better because the strong half would rebel (instead of Libtards)

The biggest thing you have to understand about this;
The game isn't rigged, ONLY everyone playing in it;
They don't change the rules, only dance around it or refuse to enforce it, etc.

Israel's influences helped get Trump elected, theres no secret council that hands you the position like in cartoons

or i can simply not vote democrat


You will be republican cattle then , a based nigger

so you are saying everybody in government is a jew?