What the fact is happening to the human race? Where the fuck is the empathy and compassion?

What the fact is happening to the human race? Where the fuck is the empathy and compassion?

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We sent hundreds of thousands of men to their deaths in WW1 and 2. It's women's turn to die to save us all.

Based Graham

YES HAHAHAH draft the whores for the china war too

My nurse neighbor has been on leave since this shit started. They signed up to meet doctors to marry, not to die in a great plague.

Because it's fake. They are doing it for attention and putting it online for social recognition.

male fatalities on the job account for +95%, yet men soldier on without complaint. dont believe me? just look up how many of your local garbagemen have been killed over the past year or so. men are willing to eat crow for the common good of the tribe as long as they can get a family out of it. but feminism? feminism exists - can ONLY exist - as long as things are peachy keen. any society that relies on its women as the backbone is destined to suffer far more than they should when times get dark and women revert back to their true nature. be looking for this whores onlyfans, patreon, or sexcam account in the near future. and theres nothing that the leftwing feminist allies or the rightwing feminist tradcons can do to stop it.

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imagine those soldiers blogging crying trying to get likes online... and we wonder why we don't show empathy towards these women

people dont really go into medicine to help the sick. they go there to get paid well and get lots of respect. video is what happens when you actually have to start helping

Why are wh*toids without empathy?
This is why wh*te women prefer Lebanese dick

Meant to show flag

forcing everyone to tolerate homosexuality, for the sake of novelty, has really put a callous on people's hearts

elohim will judge

Graham Ledger (literally who) sounds like a moron

he's right, there are cunts making shit up for attention in every country right now.

>the absolute state of women. Quitting when it gets a little tough. Imagine my shock

>They signed up to meet doctors to marry, not to die in a great plague.
Sadly, mostly true.

>Where the fuck is the empathy and compassion?
too many people with victim mentality to have compassion for all of them, you can thank USA for saving jews and giving them their 6 gorillion fairytale for that

To many simps enable this behavior.

>Because it's fake.
That 39-year-old Tara girl who blogged from a hospital bed was on Sky news yesterday and today.
They showed her video and deliberately cut out the part where she warns others to "put down the cigarettes".
Whether fake or not, they hide what they don't want us to see and amplify that with which they want to influence us.

So much this

>feminism exists - can ONLY exist - as long as things are peachy keen. any society that relies on its women as the backbone is destined to suffer far more than they should when times get dark and women revert back to their true nature.
this. next she'll be posting about why she didnt get enough trumpbux.

honestly, though it is fucked up they dont have enough ppe. in the past men have been sent to do work with no protection but that doesn't happen now unless you work in some shithole country.

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the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

no one should be asked or told to enter a COVI19 ward without PPE. As an EMT, I would not go near a COVID19 patient without a facemask.

what if you became a nurse at a dermatology clinic but then got redeployed?

Feminism. Remind them about equality on twitter.

the healthcare workers will spread this to everyone in the hospitals within 2-3 weeks. its gonna be bad user.

Need to start praising them as "soldiers" on twitter to force the equality angle into their minds. "If they quit are they really capable of being soldiers?" Then remind them that they can't compete in a single professional sport, even billiards and chess - bring it back full circle.

Lmao imagine becoming a nurse and not becoming a real doctor.
That's like becoming frontline infantry and not becoming officer. And not the cool infantry like that one guy from Behind Enemy Line who looked like Niko Bellic.

You don’t have to quit and cry like a whore and post it on social media. You just demand a mask. This cunt is emotionally weak and wants attention. She’s in the wrong profession

"Go weld that pipe! Welding mask? Nah, we are saving money for my pay raise. Btw, we will fire you if you go blind."

>nurses (read: women)
>social media attention whoring
>media calling them "heroes" and inflating their egos
>a society based on superficial appearances and attention instead of living a life of quiet virtue
it was a recipe for disaster to begin with

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He's right

God does have a funny sense of humor. Nurse thots getting wrecked

Would you work without protection, having a high risk to be infected and infecting your family with a virus that causes acute respiratory disease?

Theres no way in hell her superiors actually were forcing her to go there without protection unless she was a huge problem to begin with and they wanted to figure out a way to fire her

Why would you except empathy from roasties?
Are you a virgin?

If the pipe getting welded immediately meant saving the lives of people, a man would just shut up and do it.

>You just demand a mask.
they dont have enough masks thats the problem. in a lot of cases theyre only giving them a fucking face shield and gloves and telling them to "be safe" kek.

Sorry kike but your argument hinges on the most obvious lie of this whole larp

SeeShe is crying like a whore on social media to get attention.

Dumb bitch just had to contact her union/HR about unsafe working conditions. Lmao retard didn’t have to quit her job.

Nurses and doctors having to treat patients without masks. Yeah, definitely don't go to a hospital for testing. You're more likely to contract it there than anywhere else at this point. Hell don't go at all even if you think you have it unless you begin to have trouble breathing. You'll be getting fresh viral loads for your body to fight from everyone else there sneezing and coofing. Not to mention there's multiple strains you can catch, so no thanks hospital.

yeah i totally signed up to kill my family treating your boomer ass without masks
idk what kind of a cuck does that but i would rather starve especially after reading that tweet

based and woman pilled

I bet she quit because she had to do a hard day’s work for once.

Women are children. Nothing more.

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slightly related, but hospital administrators need to be fired, maybe sued (if the stories of having no supplies is true, which i doubt in most cases)
see pic related

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empathy is a finite resource
deal with it

Bet a dozen bagels she's a Jew.

Fair enough.

she's a woman so she's already half-jew anyway

If anyone believes in an abstract thing such as empathy when you're surrounded by lower beings with lower levels of perception and understanding, I feel sorry that you still have hope for such unreal emotions.
I'm not going to speak for the nurses. I believe the best course of action is to ask them directly; not rely on nigger sources that repost it with their own individual perception when it does not match the view from the actual person mentioned in the video.

Jew who skimped money on the safety equipment can go do it himself. Selfsacriice is for tools.

Narcissists and sociopaths ruined compassion amd empathy by turning every tragedy into an attention grab. You can also thank feminists and kikes for contributing to the eternal victim culture, where the tragedy itself is never the worst part, instead the sociological impact of the tragedy is, for example all the think pieces about how the racism is worse than the virus.

>Graham Ledger
looks like a kike

Expecting Empathy and compassion from the Synagogue of Satan ?
just how stupid people are ?!

in heathcare they dont "force" anything. what they do is have a big meeting and explain that the health authority has decided that all you fucking need to protect yourself from an airborne virus is a fucking face shield and gloves. then they tell everyone to be safe and if you want more protection to ask for it, not telling everyone that they don't have enough masks. then they tell you to go collect a sample from the COIVD patient.
>you ask for a mask
they tell you there are none, but you have gloves an a face shield, which is the standard protection as determined by the health authority. women being npc will usually feel guilty or that they're being unnecessairly difficult and just go do the collection rather than complain to their union head about unsafe work conditions because that would be too abrasive. then the go home and cry to their husbands, or to their cats and on social media if theyre a roastie.

>t. healthcare worker

>do your job without your equipment
go do any job without your tools and tell me you wouldnt complain

Empathy and compassion disappear when your own life is in danger. The drowning man analogy.

That guy was pretty sweet, Serbian operator in an adidas track suit.

This is obvious bullshit, moron. No superior would assign a nurse in ICU to a covid patient without AT LEAST a mask. I have nurses in my family that are complaining of a lack of masks because they're absolutely required and saved for ICU staff. Dis bitch will do anything for attention and a gofundme

Shut the fuck up, kike.

I'm an essential and I'm not bitching. Why are men so much better than women bros?

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>Rest of the world
Nurses and doctors voluntarly go back to work to help their countries take care of this pandemic even tho, at least here, acknowledging that their work conditions are far from optimal

What a subhuman country

She is a nurse
when have a jew worked anything substantial ?!

Graham Ledger clearly works in TV
the most jew filled profession after holywood

>Selfsacriice is for tools.
Self-sacrifice is an admirable quality when applied to ethnically similar genepools.


The modern kikes are just Satan worshipers
not related to them in any way

>self sacrifice is for tools
You and your family wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for self sacrifice

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Mercy towards evil never remain unpunished

i think you are the one who prefers lebanese dick

j FGT mhmm

>No superior would assign a nurse in ICU to a covid patient without AT LEAST a mask.
kek, oh user

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How do you still have the gook moot virus?

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Yeah, to bad the patients need weeks of recovery fucktard. And only one if them will recover making the endeavor neutral since she's likely to get it. It's not someone braving radiation to save thousands.

Your job is your job, why do you think nurses are paid so well? It’s the same reason oil workers and miners are, its dangerous sometimes.

do you fail to understand that they arent given the tools they are expected to have?


That happens in national emergency situations. You realize that people in the past have had to deal with this right? Would you prefer the hospitals just turned away covid patients to die at home?

if it means more dead americans
why the fuck not?
can you really argue with the benefits of that?
given which people gladly infect themselves thanks to their superior intellect?

>sign up for job
>circumstances change while pay stays the same
People commonly bitch about this. Why is that bad now?

the Lebanese is a cocksucker
this was too funny thank you

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