Iran is a threat to entire West Asia, Middle East and Central Asia.
Iran is developing nuclear weapons and they have to be stopped. Iran also constantly funds terrorist organizations and wages wars in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine.
Iran is a threat to entire West Asia, Middle East and Central Asia.
Iran is developing nuclear weapons and they have to be stopped. Iran also constantly funds terrorist organizations and wages wars in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine.
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Thanks for the reminder Chaim.
We would still drag your people by the hairs and slit your throats in the streets when the times come.
Death to kikes and memeflags
And America isn't/doesn't?
Iran is pretty cool.
fuck off kike
without irans help, iraq and syria could have fallen to your ISIS terrorist friends
you are scum and should get extreminated
Bull-shit. Iran is NO threat to anyone.
The only reason you are infesting France is because of Jews, Achmed
it was the US airforce that ended ISIS
Iran only needs Nuclear Weapons because its neighbors do. Nuclear Proliferation
Ok Moshe
yeah, as much as the US army single-handedly defeated nazi germany's armies in WW2... r-right?
I hate Russians but I don't hate any ethnicity with as much hatred as I hate fucking Iranians. Neither Turks, nor Russians or Jews. I'd love to see Persians genocided to their last baby
>muh iran
>muh russia
>muh china
wow, the amount of jewish scum here is extreme.
i better preheat the oven
>Richard Nelson Frye defines Greater Iran as including "much of the Caucasus, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, with cultural influences extending to China and western India."
>According to Frye, "Iran means all lands and peoples where Iranian languages were and are spoken, and where in the past, multi-faceted Iranian cultures existed."
>Only in modern times did western colonial intervention and ethnicity tend to become a dividing force between the provinces of Greater Iran.
>As Patrick Clawson states, "ethnic nationalism is largely a nineteenth century phenomenon, even if it is fashionable to retroactively extend it."
>"Greater Iran" however has been more of a cultural super-state, rather than a political one to begin with.
>"Many Iranians consider their natural sphere of influence to extend beyond Iran's present borders.
>Portuguese forces seized islands and ports in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the 19th century, the Russian Empire wrested from Tehran's control what is today Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, and part of Georgia.
>Iranian elementary school texts teach about the Iranian roots not only of cities like Baku, but also cities further north like Derbent in southern Russia.
>The Shah lost much of his claim to western Afghanistan following the Anglo-Iranian war of 1856-1857.
>"Iran today is just a rump of what it once was. At its height, Iranian rulers controlled Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Pakistan, much of Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Many Iranians today consider these areas part of a greater Iranian sphere of influence." -Patrick Clawson
You fucking devil zionist imperialist pigs. You will NEVER divide IRAN and will NEVER make us forget about our roots.
TFUUUUUU on your mothers pussy for giving birth to such devils.
I love how people will defend Iran because they hate Jews so much, as if they're not both shitholes that should nuke eachother.
>Pan-Iranism is an ideology that advocates solidarity and reunification of Iranian peoples living in the Iranian plateau and other regions that have significant Iranian cultural influence, including the Persians, Azeris, Lurs, Gilaks, Mazanderanis, Kurds, Zazas, Talysh, Tajiks of Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Pashtuns, Hazaras, Ossetians, Baloch of Pakistan, etc.
>The first theoretician was Dr Mahmoud Afshar Yazdi.
>Iranian political scientist Dr. Mahmoud Afshar developed the Pan-Iranist ideology in the early 1920s in opposition to Pan-Turkism and Pan-Arabism, which were seen as potential threats to the territorial integrity of Iran
>On the eve of World War I, pan-Turkists focused on the Turkic-speaking lands of Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia.
>The ultimate purpose was to persuade these populations to secede from the larger political entities to which they belonged and join the new pan-Turkic homeland
> It was the latter appeal to Iranian Azerbaijanis, which, contrary to Pan-Turkist intentions, caused a small group of Azerbaijani intellectuals to become the strongest advocates of the territorial integrity of Iran.
>After the constitutional revolution in Iran, a romantic nationalism was adopted by Azerbaijani Democrats as a reaction to the pan-Turkist irredentist policies threatening Iran’s territorial integrity.[11] It was during this period that Iranism and linguistic homogenization policies were proposed as a defensive nature against all others.
> Contrary to what one might expect, foremost among innovating this defensive nationalism were Iranian Azerbaijanis.
>Iran-e Bozorg was a periodical published in the city of Rasht by the Armenian political activist Gregory Yeghikian (Armenian: ?????? ???????).
>It advocated the unification of Iranian peoples (e.g., Afghans, Kurds, etc.) included the Armenians.
> Yaqikian believed that, with education and the rising of the levels of people’s awareness, such a goal was feasible through peaceful means.
> It also published articles in support of the Kurds who had risen in rebellion in Turkey, which caused the protest of the Turkish counsel in Rasht and led to the banning of the paper by the order of the minister of court.
>Yaqikian tried, without success, to have the ban removed and eventually moved to Tehran, where he published the paper Iran-e Konuni.
Ok Kike. Now back to the oven.
Silence Refugee
To be fair the jewish infestation is evident even outside threads concerning iranians. Yas Forums was completely destroyed by r/the_donald redditors in 2016
Its neighbors dont fund 5 terrorist militias all over the world
If you didn't surrender they would have nuked you.
Shame really.
Sure, ari.
Iranoids are dying like dominos kek that's what you get for shouting death to ameriga all your life
allied powers will always prevail
that would be still okay
i mean, some coletteral damage impossible to avoid
>implying "refugees" aren't just one of ((their)) tools to destroy europe
YOU better shut up, kikeloving piece of shit
yeah, but it was the red army that defeated us with unlimited manpower, the US did the same as in WW1, wait as long as possible and then push in, when every other player was already weakened
>your flag
yup, on point
We stand united with Iranians, you will not divide us, Jew.
The fact is the entire Middle East knows it would be 10 fold better off under Persian administration. The problem is the kike filth has bought out the entire region and are making their puppet states commit slow suicide.
When the United States collapse the entire Middle East will raise an army of 200 million men to wipe Israel and every foreign military base of the map. If they want to nuke us we will nuke them.
True, they fund hundreds of them
>the entire Middle East will raise an army of 200 million men to wipe Israel
stay delusional mohamed
as much i want to see israel destroyed, arabs can't fight shit
True, that's why I'm loving it that Iran is developing nukes and ballistic missiles. they know what it will eventually come to.
Go suck some baby dicks kike.
Reality is iranoids are weak, they don't have any allies. They portray themselves as better than Arabs but they are found in Arabian countries disguised as Arabs they are kike level 4d chess people. Prove me wrong. Inb4 we wuz zoroastan n shiet
Wait. Wouldn't that map fit with those great kikistan map circulating? Why are jews kvetching about this except for the kvetching itself?
When was the last time Iran supported Egypt in crisis or any other Muslim country? Theyll just sell pistachio as if nothing happend
Who cares?
If we let Iran take over all that shit, there'd be political stability...or at least all the internal squabbling would be Iran's problem.
Your pic would just be a continuation of what the Achaemenids, Seleucids, Parthians, Sassanians, Umayyads and Abbasids had either built or maintained before that. When we switch over to alternative Energy we no longer need to give a shit about Saudi Arabia anymore either...maybe Iran will invade and instate Shiite Supremacy over Mecca. It would be hilarious.
> The meme map we made is what Iran wants.
Okay, Rabbi.
> Iran is funding Hezb who butchered the kikes in 2006
Piss off, kike.
This isn't the first time I have seen you push kike narratives on her, you inbred handout takes.
If that was indeed the case, the US wouldn't be go around toppling every single country in Pissrael's neighborhood by means of subversion or outright confrontation.
The Iranian s might have nukes already. Nukes would be very useful for stopping armoured columns. Also if u say u have nukes u expect to get nuked. Secret nukes. That's what I would do. That's prob what Sweden does.
They probably already baught a warhead.
During the collapse of the Soviet Union a lot of them were made available.
They won't announce it for obvious reasons.
Fucking kike-loving Mar*nite cucks...
That makes sense. Their fledgling nuke industry is more than enough to replenish the tritium booster/neutron enhancer necessary for triggering.
We also have several instances of them buying advanced Soviet tech (the Kh-55, for example) from the Ukrainians.
What they needed to work on is delivery systems.
They already have a shit ton of BMs in Lebanon.
All they need to do is give Hezb the warhead and they can than launch it into the kike's bunker in Palestine.
hating israel is the new thing or old who knows
but if you dont hate israel your a bad guy
booo hoooo
>Iran is a threat to entire global banking cartel by wanting out of it with its own money system, just like Gadafi, Hussein, Hitler, Jackson, the founding Fathers and any other "public enemy number one" that wanted that.
Anyone who has interacted with organised Jewry for a significant amount of time has come to loath them, for some reason.
We need to expand European Union as east as possible.
>Iran is a threat to entire West Asia, Middle East and Central Asia
Why is it countries that refuse to use the jew owned central banking system are alway the biggest threat to peace?
It's almost as if the jew bankers are paying the jew media to say that those countries are evil.
If Iran is such a mad dog threat, why are none of their neighbors worried and asking for American help,
The Iraqis have asked the American military to leave.
The Turks have said they don't want their airbases used to attack Iran.
OP is spouting zionist bullshit,, Israel wants a war with Iran and Israel wants someone else to fight it.
>larger chinkland
yeah no
>it was the US air force that ended ISIS
Ya sure the US Air Force attacked mossad, sure dude.
I thought Israel was america's greatest ally?
Israel is actually the biggest funder of terrorist organizations.
Every single war you'll find Israel funding both sides.
> Iran will have nukes
Repeating the message since 1970, do we, hee?
Fucking based
>Secret nukes. That's what I would do. That's prob what Sweden does.
If Sweden has nukes Israel will be right fucked soon.
The muslim population in Sweden is growing and one it hits 51% they will vote in a radical muslim leader and you can bet they will be throwing those nukes right at Israel.
Jews really really didn't think their plan to exterminate the white race via muslim nigger floods of white countries did they?
>(((West Asia)))
Iran has had nukes since the 90's?
Be gone jew