China owns all of Americas industrial capacity

China owns all of Americas industrial capacity
>Nuh uh, Americans own it. We just use their land and workers for us.
If its in China, worked by Chinese laborers and the expertise to use it is located in China then its Chinese. The CCP has the right to nationalize it at any time but chooses not to... yet.

>B-but America has money and wealth! China is poor and third world.
Hello? 1980s called. American money is essentially valueless because America has zero manufacturing capacity. Its economy is entirely service based and therefore useless. Americans are only allowed to use Chinese labor by the good graces of the CCP.

Yes. 20. And zero capacity and expertise to make more in a hurry. Should a war break out. China could print ships and drown America in a wartime economy if it chose too.

Face it. America exists at the mercy of China. You cant even control the labor you claim to "own" China makes your medicine, your computers, the computers in your jets, your clothes, your life.
What was the last great thing America did? You landed on the moon in the 70s and then nothing. You're useless weak and sold your power to china for some cheap ass Mcdonalds toys.

Go on. Try and refute me. You know you're fucking done. Scream into the void about how you have a gun and how chinks have a tiny penis. It means nothing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Someone post the pasta

>China could print ships


>You're fuckin done kiddo

mutts be seething

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But who has the nukes?

russia, and they're china's allies

I bet this is a chink works at some restaurant in Yokohama China Town

You post it?

US businesses have been moving manufacturing out of China for over a year now. It's not cheap anymore and given the shady practices that happen in China, it's not economically sound either. Coronavirus will just speed up this process.
As you said, America doesn't own anything in China either, which makes pulling out of China very quick, easy and costs almost nothing.

US manufacturing is still huge, and they have the ability to restart it with little effort. Back when China was threatening to withhold rare earth minerals the US was quick to restart it's manufacturing of them and could rival Chinas production of them by the end of the year if needed.
The US only manufactures shit in China because it was cheap, not because they needed to.

The US not only has more aircraft carriers, but has much more expertise at building them than China.
To date, China hasn't built a single aircraft carrier of their own. They purchase old soviet era ones and refit them.
In the next decade, China has plans to refit 6 more aircraft carriers. In the same time the US will decommission over 10 old aircraft carriers and replace them with more advanced models.

Shut up tiny penis, who has sex with bats.

we got em, right here bud

Attached: superior.jpg (400x371, 43K)

Thanks lad. I didn't want to eat breakfast anyway.

China has nukes, not as many as the US but enough to turn north america into the sahara. Plus why would they use them? They've got america in a chokehold, the two nations have zero reasons to go to war and china is on a steady course towards world domination. This isn't the 18th century, you don't need a war to take control of a foreign country.

China is building their own aircraft carrier right now - the Type 003. In this next decade they'll build 4 more.

Why the fuck do you people even speak? Nukes aren't a doomsday weapon. They are not that destructive.
China has like 200-300 nukes. You couldn't even wipe out half the cities in the US with all those. Hell a city like New York alone is going to take over 10, probably closer to 20 to level.

If by building you mean buying soviet tech and trying to reverse engineer it, then yeah they are. And even if they build 4 more in the next decade, they are still something like 14 behind the US. And the US has plans to build another 10+ in the next decade.

I can sense the small penis energy.

It’s crewed by the same navy who sunk a sub marine because they forgot how portholes work
Sorry if I’m not quaking in my boots

China doesn't need to build as much as the US. Their goals in the next decade are to push the US out of the South China sea, which they'll be very much capable of doing.



Based China.
Once China completely takes over the world, as it's destined to, will you be kind to us Europeans?

>China owns all of Americas industrial capacity
No it doesn't, and the rat-faced CEOs that moved American-owned company's production out of America are going to suffer.

Oh, and all US debt ""owed"" to China will get voided.
Because fuck you.

Attached: china holdings of us debt.jpg (960x739, 47.95K)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Companies are abandoning China. Strategic production being repatriated to western countries. Lower tier goods production moving to India or Vietnam or Mexico or ANYWHERE BUT CHINA.

Once the investment dollars dry up, hundreds of millions of city chinks who have put on middle class airs will have to move back to the shitty, impoverished villages of their parents in shame and take up dirt farming like their ancestors. But that won't be enough because CHINA DOES NOT PRODUCE ENOUGH FOOD TO FEED ITSELF. So the famine will start. A billion peasants will begin to starve. China is oil dependent as well and lack of reliable energy will contribute to the misery of the new peasants. One of Xi's rivals will stick a knife in him and then you'll have revolution.

The regional Army Group Commanders will begin to operate as feudal warlords and battle one another for shithole supremacy. Eventually, in a desperate bid to retain power, one of them will pop a nuke and China will glass itself. CHINA WILL GLASS ITSELF.

Some years later, after the radiation dies down a bit, Taiwan will move in and retake the country with US support.

Communist China is over.

It's unlikely China in it's current state will survive 2020, let alone until 2030. But even if they do, then what?

You don't achieve world domination by camping in your back garden.

And if China ever become a real threat, the US has proven earlier this year than they can strike anyone, anywhere on the planet in an instant. Xi is personally terrified of this and hasn't been seen in public since Soleimani was killed. He knows if he gets too uppity, this will happen to him.

Stop spreading subversive, reactionary lies.
Know that someday, Yas Forums will be owned by Tencent or another Chinese megacorp, and they will go back and analyze everything you ever posted.

Be careful what comes out of your mouth.

And if we stop buying 50,000,00 Chinese lose their jobs and the rioting begins. Are economies are tied together.

This website is seriously fucking with your mind. Why don't you leave it and see how the world really works?

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Just a reminder. The US owns more Chinese debt than China owns US debt.

There are also plans to take China to international courts over their handling of the coronavirus (which broke international laws China signed up to). Once this happens, it's likely China is going to end up owing the world trillions of dollars and if they refuse to pay there are already talks in place to re-appropriate Chinese foreign investments.

Amerimutts have energy independence though (sadly).

You done goofed, Chang

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Without a doubt, China and it's nationals are wholly fucked.

They can assume every asset that is in another country will get frozen and confiscated. All stock, bank deposits, real estate, etc. China itself will get ripped apart by all it's neighbors and the US, just like what the original communist Chinese fucks did to Vietnam, Korea, etc. All the new, small countries that emerge will be completely subservient to their new foreign masters.

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The United States has greater manufacturing capacity now than at any time in its history.

Manufacturing in the US has *never* been "hollowed out". What was hollowed out is manufacturing *employment*.

The manufacturing tasks that went to Mexico and China were the ones with the worst employee to capital ratio. Our manufacturing output in both real and nominal terms continued to expand all during the growth of the Chinese industrial economy.

English School Teachers deserve the Sodomizing.

Shut up, stupid

damn that would be awesome. Imagine China being split up into Tibet, some muslim shithole in the north and a coastal region that goes to Taiwan and some central region full of bums. This is the best idea I've heard yet to reduce the power of China for a long time, possibly forever

Unless the dragon finally decides to go all out and start World War 3.

these chink cope statistics are pathetic. who's number 2 in manufacturing output? USA. number 3? japan.

the US is not far behind china in manufacturing. there won't be a war. china will avoid a war at all costs because it is surrounded by enemies and american military bases. a month of naval blockade and millions of chinese will starve because they're a net food importer. just a slow, steady decline after china is sanctioned, tariffed and manufacturing leaves the country.

Mutts are done.
The mutt may try to cope using mental gymnastics but even he knows it will only take him so far.
The entire world hates how the Mutt tries to act like the world police.
Now when the time finally arrived for the mutt to prove his superiority when dealing with a disease he ended up being the most damaged country.
Even literal 3rd world countries did better.
Its a sad day to be a mutt indeed.

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Bullshit, technology has come a long way since hiroshima. Take a look at the tzar bomba, the biggest ever tested. The US has since stopped doing real world tests (as opposed to virtual simulations) but they keep developing and updating their nukes.

Even if what you said was true. You just said that they can raze new york 10 times over, no one wins nuclear wars, destroying the 10 biggest american cities would cripple the country, so much for nuclear superiority.

At first all I saw was a giant ballsack hanging off the back of this guy's head.

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uh oh the commie flag chang is awake

>Chinese manufacturing
Kek I'm sure their printed ships will be seaworthy af.

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I'm buying a bicycle/moped conversion kit from China. Only 100 bucks for an 80cc 2 stroke.
Fuggin based, nigger.

>These are the people who use the word "Mutt" and "Incel" and fly the Soviet flag

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>Unless the dragon finally decides to go all out and start World War 3

Against who exactly? And who would be their ally? Not only do all their neighbors HATE them, all of their neighbors have raped China into extinction multiple times over. The original Chinese do no exist.

Look forward to the Second Chinese Exclusion Act passing Congress this decade, along with an independent Taiwan, Tibet, Hong Kong, and whatever else as the Chinese landmass is ravaged from all sides.

Attached: The original Chinese don't exist anymore.png (800x1672, 208.77K)

Yes let's all gather in one place makes it easier for those Russian Missile Strikes.

>Implying we have allies either cause of Democracy and Trump.

The most dangerous part of an invasion of China would be the sinkholes in their shabby roads swallowing up tanks.

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>tariff was first blow
>pandemic will sink it
I am making bank helping companies move out. China was cheap but has gotten more and more expensive. With the tariffs+tech theft+shipping expense+shipping delay+quality+business ethics bs, it just barely makes sense to stay in China. All that risk. Companies will keep some things there ofc but this pandemic has opened a lot of eyes.

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All of these threads are just multiple countries thinking
>p-please America don't destroy china. We like cheap shit
but you're doing it in the faggotiest way possible so we're going to do it for sure. Enjoy paying $60 per funko pop and a grand for dildos

The mutt gets furious. Unable to retaliate his impending doom he hurries over to his maymay folder and picks a photo he associates with communism. Little does he know he is btfoing himself since this image simply proves western degeneracy.

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He fell to the manufacturing economy meme. Industrial revolution is over chink.

Oh yea cause we're the ones posting with Soviet Flags and Dildos up our transexual asses, HAIL THE MOVEMENT! LENIN IS GOD!

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hmmmmmm yes, hows your huawei?

Tokyo calling.
Nanking 2 coming to you.

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Save it for /ptg/ you fucking shill

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Meanwhile in reality the state department is recalling all Americans from Japan. The entire world is rightfully turning on this shithole

China is the one that needs allies, and has none. The U.S. may not even need to get directly involved because so many others smell Chinese blood in the water.

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>because so many others
>Not that I'm going to bother to name any of them

Tsar bomba was a waste of a bomb. Too much wasted fissile material. It's much more efficient to make multiple smaller bombs than one huge one.

You're a retard.

Diplomats need to turn a blind eye if we are to let Japan do what it wants to Chinese subhumans and their wu mao sympathizers.

It will make a good anime.

Attached: We'll kill them anyway, we might as well rape them.jpg (432x358, 20.35K)

checked, what makes it even more laughable is the fact that China is main customers are also USA/Japan/Germany. China has been propped up more than any of the top 10 global manufacturers.

but he is right.

The seething, coping and dilating that these threads generate, coupled with the vivid descriptions of impotent and implausible revenge fantasies, are always hilarious.
Based nip user, keep it up

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Yup that's going in my cringe compilation

>Name countries that hate China

Both of those have naval ability to cut off all Gulf Oil to China and there's not enough Russian supply to make up the difference. That's assuming Russia doesn't expand it's own territory into China as a fuck you.

Then there's

Hong Kong
United Kingdom

They don't need an invasion either. Just fuck up China trade routes, and the Civil War starts. Let's China kill their own and starve, where the prize for the winner is to get killed by outsiders.

Attached: taiwan hong kong not china fuck 五毛党 shills.jpg (300x168, 16.38K)

>they're china's allies

Make sure to show it to your boss so you get that $0.50.

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Okay you have no idea what you talking about

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100% Truth, Japan-comrade.

America will die of their internal contradiction, just as Marx has foreseen.

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If you want to do the Crimea routine to China, we will look the other way. My map says Shanghai is a Russian city.

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