Be european

>be european
>browse Yas Forums for redpills
>get redpilled about women
>get called muslim

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Italians are arab rape babies

show flag kike

Italians are arab rape babies

No uyyyumads or ottomans ever invaded my country.

So are you.

now you are called arab too.probablly you are an arab islamist,rape baby or not.anyway.the other side of the sea is your land.

>post about getting called muslim
>gets called kike

and still whiter than you.

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Everybody invaded your country.
It's called H1B.

>No uyyyumads or ottomans ever invaded my country.

You went for the gold instead: millions of negros

she looks so cute but is such a whore, what did we do to this world

I don't really think you're allowed to have any opinion on that. You're literally the sandniggers of Europe and oh, raped my muslims and niggers constantly throughout time

Corona chan did a successful landing.

She was given her looks, her preferences are her own. How is this so hard to understand you fucking simp, the blame lies with her ALONE

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>be youth who is angry at the world but unsure why
>get red pilled on Yas Forums
>desire to kill Federal Agents
>get called a Federal Agent

Paranoia is not your friend and will be our downfall.

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Why is it always memeflaggots saying this

>I don't really think you're allowed to have any opinion on that. You're literally the sandniggers of Europe and oh, raped my muslims and niggers constantly throughout time

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no, the blame lies with males.
females arent human, petro, we have complete control over them.

Go back to pasta land you meatball nigger.

You're a literal retard, and the source of all of our problems.

>No, the blame lies with them and dickheads like you. Females aren't human, but we have ZERO control over them, whether in a democratic setting or otherwise.

You're a fucking poopet, larping as decision makers will only burden us with the responsibility for things we have no authority over

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The female question is unironically a harder redpill to swallow than the JQ for most. Also SAUCE

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women are lower than dogs
this is what europeans believed for 2000 years before the 1940s
just because muslims, and every other people that achieved some kind of civilization also believed this, it doesn't mean it's wrong
it's like being called a muslim because they also drink water and eat food

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Check out these adl cocksucking retards who willingly ignore the roman and goth blood flowing through the veins of Spain and Italy. How easy it is to spot a golem

No, just a blood thirsty patriot who hasn't had his fill of tyrant blood.

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yeah sure because females are capable of concious decisions and totally do everything outside what 'society' or their mate/parents tells them to do

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yes we are and we're proud of that.


Based OP is probably a terrone

that's pretty cool

The female hate here is too surreal to be real. While incels are a real problem created by our culture and nearly exclusive to NEETs, there are many Muslims here too and Muslims hate women. All Muslims need to be violently purged along with all jews and might as welll throw NEETs and incels in there too becauSe they are worthless

i am a terrone, do you have any problem with that?

>t. hole

user, I...

You have shitty Balkan genes and are dumber and less civilised than Western Europeans that's why you think like that

So are 80% of men.
There are no decisions because there's no free will, there's only incentives and consequences.

White knight scum like you are the reason we can't have nice things, I sincerely wish you and your family ass cancer

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This will all end in a brutal 2nd American Civil War

Women will likely be subjugated once more upon victory.

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Yes because it means you aren't White or European lmao

it takes a very high IQ to allow your women to genocide you huh

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>shitty Balkan genes
westerners are ultimate betas
eat shit kangaroo fucker

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so i say females are literal animals and i am a white knight now, k
>there is no free will
suit yourself

white is a kike amerimutt term, i don't care about being white if that means being a faggot like swedes.
true, i am a mediterrenean, in my blood runs the dna of ancient greeks.

based wop

this is the most cucked shit I've read in a while. I'd put you in the furnace first.

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Check out these adl cocksucking retards who willingly ignore the roman and goth blood flowing through the veins of Spain and Italy. How easy it is to spot a golem

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>be european
Alright I'm gonna stop you right there mario

It doesn't matter what you call them when you burden men with responsibilities while offering them no authority.

As matters currently stand, you are the nigger on their cotton field, a serf, posturing will only get us more beatings.

21st century politics is about tribalism and victimhood, and it's time we wise up to this shit as men and get with the times

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Australian posters are really the worse. Moot was right.

look, the logical conclusion of females are animals line of thought is TAKING THEIR PRIVILEGES AWAY, not human=not a citzen, not a voter etc
that is what i mean

>white is a kike amerimutt term, i don't care about being white if that means being a faggot like swedes.

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bogans are funny
their ugly butch dyke women are sad and pathetic

imagine wanting to be white unironically, how delusional can you be.

You are the ugliest man alive.

It's true I would trust the advice of an Icelandic woman as smarter by leaps and bounds than the average knuckledragging Yugoslav monkey. Why are you all criminals? It's certainly not due to brains lmao, you just lack Western brilliance

Holy shit that’s hot as fuck except the lack of cum and stuff in her butt, I really hope she gets assfucked today

>white is a kike amerimutt term

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>i allowed my country's birth rate to go into a genocidal spiral because i have very high IQ
>the true way to deal with maternal cravings is having a pet homosexual whose mind is forever stuck in infancy

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he is an albanian islamist.there is a minority 30% of albanians in this country

Islam is right about women

impressive cope yannis, but i'm 200% orthodox

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And I agree BUT this is not a tenable solution. 99% of the human population will defend female privileges, some with their lives.

The second best option is to reluctantly concede the point and burden them with the responsibility for what they are doing our civilisation and the male gender. It doesn't matter what you believe, BLAME THEM or they will BLAME YOU.

The shit we are currently in is a direct result of macho posturing, don't do it, you're only hurting our cause

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imagine being a half moor with a kikeish God and pretend you're better than Incas just because "muh huwite skin"

post a source Shamus

on the other hand i doubt you're a yannis
probably a filomena
be my wife, hole (if you're a virgin)

Nothing wrong with getting a God-tier Arab waifu.

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>el terroni