
>no lockdown
>doing better than Italy
>doing better than UK
>in deaths per 1m population, doing better than most countries

We did we wreck our economy again?

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they are lying about their numbers. the china way

It's because your population is so much smaller, higher density = higher infected count

its all population density

media keeps acting like big outbreaks are coming to suburban cities but they arent

So is America but they are inflating the numbers

more tests = more cases

>whoever is reporting something that goes against consensus is lying

they put restrictions on, they cant hold events but they were less strict and it shows as ten times more ppl died than here
and our countries arent wrecked, only shitty american jewish greedy cunts will get wrecked, we will help our ppl
get fucked meme flag

no idea what the fuck you're trying to say

>sweden covering up migrant rape statistics
In the same way that our Prime Minister's wife's salary is a secret.

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they are just late to the party, they will catch up


nordics have some genetic thing going on where they retain surfactant on their lungs so during infection they don't dry up and it becomes like trying to squeeze a brick for air

We don't know how bad it is because they only test acute cases.
Our gov is lying about everything, they are corrupt and not to be trusted with anything.

Sweden is the worst affected country in Scandinavia though.

They got 400 deaths and 500 prople in serious condition. Compared to their reported cases this is a huge number which is equal to countries with 2 or 3 times more reported cases. Sweden simply follows the tactics of being blind and deaf. They are still gonna have serious times with this, I wish for their best but it looks unlikely.

This. They're avoiding testing people as much as possible and it's quite likely that they're suppressing the number of dead, attributing it to other causes.

they realized

The situation is still new and no government actually know whats the right thing to do. We wont know until the end of this situation.

However, at this very moment it feels as if our approach is the right one. The virus doesnt seem to be as lethal as suspected. I was one of those screaming for more actions to be taken by our politicians, as of right now I’m happy they didnt totally tank our economy.

I mean, our economy is semi-crashing right now, if we had a total lockdown... holy shit

/Swedish, but always get an austrian flag when posting from my phone

Still far, far, far, far, far, inferior to the LAND GIRT BY SEA. FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL YOU GODDAMNED KEKS!!

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wtf these niggers have filtered the Swedish national fetish to kek

>it's quite likely that they're suppressing the number of dead, attributing it to other causes
is that better or worse than attributing every possible covid related death as a covid death like a good number of countries are

literally just a flu

the media hyped something up and you fell for it because you are gullible. you literally listened to kike media. you are retarded

We are worse liars

>401 dead, 205 recovered
>39 dead, 2432 recovered
Kek are swedes retarded?

I'm not sure, but I reckon he thinks you're a fag and that you should fuck off or kill yourself.

it's nothing new. it's been happening for centuries.

the only part that's new is the media and their ability to rile up the entire world with their fear mongering

You have more deaths than all of the other nordic countries put together

Well other countries aren't going out of their way to infect as many as possible.


Once a jolly Swagman camped by a billabong

>Kek are swedes retarded?
That or malicious intent.

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>no lockdown
>doing better than Italy
>doing better than UK
>in deaths per 1m population, doing better than most countries
Sweden keeps racing ahead of Norway and Denmark.

The only important thing is which country has the most whites dead relative to total white pop. We have very few white rural deaths, who gives a fuck if somalis and urbanfags die?

Probably all the migrant swarms spreading it around like swedish children.

>who gives a fuck if somalis and urbanfags die?
All of your women and politicians.


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Well... fuckem.


They need to keep working to provide for all the shitskins they imported to fuck their wives and daughters

It plays a role for sure but even the rural or suburb society in our western world can spread the virus very fast. People from suburbs are depndent on their core cities. It is enough if one dumb boomer brings the virus from his office to the suburb. Everybody in the suburb feels safe therefore they do not pay so much attention in social distancing. Meet some family, have a small chat with some neighbours, everybody is doing their shopping in malls and markets...and hey, we got pandemics even in your bumfuck nowhere or rich white suburb.

I forgot the boomers, I'm honestly surprised that 30% of your young men wants to vote for SD.

what the actual fuck

retarded mods filtered the capitalized version. Unbelievable cucks.

sweden knows only the muslim communities will be heavily effected because of their popular density and isolation. they found an opportunity to uncuck themselves without seeming racist and they took it.

Abo shit go back to sniffin petrol you cunt

the beer flu doesnt even exist, its literally a media hoax.
how can you die from something that doesnt exist, lmao.
literally the entire european continent has the beer virus, and it killed nobody, zero deaths from the beer flu.

>Why did we wreck our economy again?
Who know? Chicken littles thinking the sky is falling. Pharma corporations and hospitals seeing an opportunity to make billions in excess profits. Politicians seeing an opportunity to make money and secure power.


No other country would manage by going with the policies that our governemnt has.

While other cultures greet by kissing on the cheek, and casually go hang out just for the sake of it, it was already in our nature to autistically practice "social distancing"; in addition, we also have a extremely low population density and somewhat compentent health care system(...but with exhausting resources)

Take a look at Singapore, South Korea or the like if you want examples to follow in order to defeat the disease with minimal losses, and New York or Italy if you want the worst case scenario.

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Yeah right
More like their female ran government didn't want to shut down the shops because they didn't want to:
1. Go back to being house wifes
2. Not be able to go shopping for shoes and handbags

Who cares? They have 100+k deaths a year, 401 more does not even register

>The virus doesnt seem to be as lethal as suspected.

That's because it isn't. Governments had a panicky kneejerk reaction to the word of experts who are now revising their models (see Neil Ferguson).

You say this based on what? Your fluency in retard or being an ass-pained little bitch triggered by this thread? If that's the case then why don't you fuck off, you waste of space?

I almost believe this. Anyways, idgaf if they tank the entire economy or if they let the weak be culled. I'm healthy and so are my wife and kids and we have 300m from our property to the next property, we'll be alright either way.

Id= nupol

>you can't legally have infected if you don't test

Sweden has similar infection rate to Australia but like quadruple the death rate. Are Swedes really unhealthy or something?

easy to say for you when you have mongolian super lungs

See what I mean? Sweden has like 1000 more cases but forty fucking times the deaths - and we got Chink Flu'd earlier. What the fuck are your doctors doing?

Probably a bunch of """new Swedes""" ending up among the dead

You asked what he meant and seeing as you are an illiterate retard with no idea how whites function I tried to help you. Nigger.

so swallowing gallons of semen is the vaccine after all (also explains why far more men than women die from corona outside of Sweden)

M-O-O-N that spells herd immunity

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To be honest this is a high IQ move, because most of the dead are boomers and nigger muslims.

They didnt tell niggers about social distancing because all warnings were written in swede and not translated.

It's less lethal to whites than expected. More lethal to niggers than expected.

Also finally put to rest the Healthy At Any Size camp.

Nothing more ironic than a fat prepper.


They also refused to publish social distancing guidelines in any language but English here too...wtf.

There was some controversy because normies were like; "the pajeets and chinks don't understand it. Make them do it too!"...

They were translated, but lots of the nogs cant read so

It is the responsibility of every member of Yas Forums who if infected to spread this shit far and wide.
It is gods work to eliminate the old and the weak and to prepare a stronger human of the future.

Dont be a fucking nigger to your own people, you must travel to Canada and spread it there.

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Nope, nordic people aka white people are just immune, shitalians and spaintards are hit cuz they're not white

You have done 12.000 test per 1 million of population. Sweden has done 3,500 tests per million.
The stats are there for you to look at nigger. Either way, it doesn't matter. A mathematician warned that half of Sweden cold have had the corona virus by the end of april. It makes zero fucking difference. The virus is not dangerous and the entire West is now in perhaps one of the dumbest competions ever. To see who can wreck their economy and limit their peoples freedom the most all so a few really really old people can have their pitiful lives extended one more year.
When all is said and done, the deathtoll from corona virus in various countries will not even be statistically observable.
In Denmark 150 persons die each day. 55.000 a year. Somehow I'm supposed to care deeply that 171 danes died from the "corona related deaths" With only 4 of the deaths being people under 60.


I'm asking this unironically, so hear me out on this, please. Now all these unrescricted, "Thoust what thy will", Crowlean ficking apporach towards the COVID-19 situationh In Sweden; Could this actually be a tenous and abstruce delineation of your government's new plan deviced for getting svealand rid of all the undesirables? This on first glance, liberal, unsanitising apporach towards a pandemic is a facade, but look deep enough, then you'll understand that they only want to mitigate the refugee problem they created a few years before.

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