Why are Germans butt hurt about Slavic superiority?

This applies to those 16 year old former athiest now tradcon Catholics who think Slavic people had no right to defend themselves from Germanic subhumans

How do you cope, how do you cope that you lost, subhuman?

How do you cope that you lost to supposed subhuman Slavs?


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Germans are subhumans

fuck you guys you are a bunch of commies

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Such a proud slaveshit while his subhuman parents knew better and fleed those animal lands

Shitty troll thread

Germs are always butthurt since they wifes cuck them with pakistanis Just let them be salty

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Slavs superior wtf? no Balts and Germanics are superior and all Slavs must be genocided for Baltic-Germanic living space!

The Danish should be genocided for Germanic living space! You are the biggest pussies in europe btw.

Fun fact: most Germans are Slavic rapebabies. Anyone East of the wall might as well be a chink.

Ok Bolshevik Jew Australoid now go kill yourself

>Fun fact:
Americans are nigger rape babies they are all niggers

Australia must be nuked for German living space!

Your candy colored flag is fun, but seriously though, anyone East of the wall might as well be a chink.

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I'm pretty sure the nazis didn't actually consider them subhuman. That's just jew propaganda made to make slavs hate nazis and nazism.

Patton sure was assblasted about a lot of things. See how he clumsily tries to sound learned with awkward phrasing, like some redditor.

Slavs are the niggers of white people as proven by their unretractable cocks and obsession with fucking / dick size.

Literally false

The red army was based. Imagine blaming them for what they did after everything the germans did to them.

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Show flag

Germans raped more than the Soviets did with hundreds of thousands of potential rapebabies
On the other hand most German women impregnated by the Soviets eithabortioner were unable to keep their babies alive or decided on abortion

Lol such nonsense, Germans didn't rape. Poles are more similar to Germans than Russians

>Germans didn't rape
Yeah, and also didn't loot and murder? Face it chap, Operation Barbarossa was a modern Barbarian invasion

hardly counts as "rape" when it was mostly just a barter transaction for cigarettes and canned food

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1) Patton was not a good general
2) Just because he was aware both the soviet union and the western allies were controlled by jews doesn't mean shit. He was actually incredibly bluepilled for someone who had so much inner access. That's why braindead faggots like Bill O'Reilly look up to him.

This. If people could finally open their eyes for once they would see that Eastern Germans, Poles and the most Western part of Russia as well as Belarusia are often the same people more or less.

No, you don't understand what I said, Poles are closer to Germans genetically than they are to Russians. Compare Poland with Germany, not a huge difference, compare Russia with Germany, huge difference, they live in wooden sheds and have no roads, we live in proper houses and we have roads.

>different infrastructure = different genes
What did he mean by this

Stupid Pollack, when did I say that?
Look at the genes and see for yourself.

Poland is smaller and relies on gibs. Russia is massive and had to fund everything themselves.

So we've looked at the genes, and what we found might surprise you.

Why are all your countrymen such retarded ultranationalists who view Germans as their mortal enemy, Polebro?

it's the only reason poland is not a desolate slav shit
be glad franz, that you have strong german genes instead of polak ones

An Aussie has no business calling others subhuman.

It only started with the Soros acquisition of polish media if you wonder, it wasn't an issue before that, I've met so many poles in my life and been friends with them where I live.
Clearly one of my favorite people in the world, at least when it comes to worthwhile qualities to have friendships over or start projects that involve blood and sweat to be economically successful.

Typical ignorant Amerimutt, can't even focus for a minute and understand what I wrote.
Germans and Poles are bros, you get it now?

Slavs have no honor. They are a horrible mutt race that is primarily jewish and controlled by jews. It is no secret that the russian mafia are famously israeli jews and are closely linked to the government.
Russian children grow up hacking in video games because they cannot take losing. They are weak willed and weak of body and spirit.
In the Russian army the primary hazing rite for new recruits is to be fucked by their superior officers. Nearly every russian soldier has had several cocks up his arse and he then claims to be anti homosexual while fucking the new recruit when it's their turn.
The russians are a jewish experiment to see how far a human can be degraded and it culminated in Communism.
Only a russian, a degenerate, disgusting, mutant of a human being could walk into eastern berlin and for two months rape every woman and child they came across and kill those who ran from them.
There is none on this earth more disgusting save for their masters the Jews.

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that the red army raped so many people is mostly propaganda from outside of germany that came with the cold war
there have been a lot of studies done on the topic, even by american or canadian scientists
overall it seems that the russians punished soldiers with death if they raped and in one case killed off a whole batallion
americans on the other hand dealt with it differently and still do to this day (see okinawa or any other place with a base)
it's also mentioned in "This is what winning looks like" and the rape of young boys by american top brass and officers.
No proper discipline, that's why they lost so many wars against shitniggers and chinks with sticks.

as much as i hate to agree with that retard paton, russian red army was idd just bunch of savage tribesman taken out from deepes regions of russia, to whom concept of watch or toilet was foreign

>muh air superiority wins any war

They lost those wars because they were not interested in winning, just extending as long as possible to keep the military production machine going. Remember that before Truman fired McArthur he had subjected him to some of the harshest military restrictions in history.

You have to admit the right-wing in your country is highly tryhard and snowflakish.

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That's right, germoid, we have slaughtered you once, and we'll do it again

Projecting: The Post

Any fag who thinks that russians are slavs, or that the communist party of russia were slavs, or that nazis were not commies is a fucking joke and deserves to be hanged right now.

Posting facts is projecting? Using the response "projecting" just shows you don't have the experience to argue and give up the argument. It's the equivalent of "NO U!" but even more pathetic and cringe.

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>or that nazis were not commies
what is this bullshit. the nazis never socialized or took part in class struggle, they we're capitalist from bottom up

stop crying about shit that happened 80 years ago faggot. We all know that none of our ancestors would want to see europe niggered. If anglos, slavs, and nordics saw their countries now they would join Hitler in a second.

The nazis were 100% socialists. Goebbels said Lenin was the second greatest man to ever live besides Hitler.

wtf I hate Nazis now.

It's the only sane nationalism in Europe, together with Hungary

They actually socialized quite a bit. They just privatized too. They had a different approach to achieving the world revolution.

>t. Balfour declaration

You’re posting from a literal commie wet dream of a nation

The bong has no honor u guise

Hungary is a country run by oligarchy with massive corruption and it's the right wingers who had allowed Orban to run their country into the ground for the last 10 years

took you a while


You amerimutts and the whole wignat movement are retarded. Nazism is the same as communism. Its an anti cultural ideology. Only difference is that nazis killed jews, while commies were jews who killed goyim. But anyway the nazis were a tool of the jew and served their purpose just as intended. The right is now demonised (as the nazis are being called rightwing) khazar jews were decimated, and israel came to being. With a gag on amerimutt politics. Bravo, you faggots.
And it's Poles who are snowflakes cause we reject the shit you gobble up from the Jew xD
-most antisemitic nation member-

You're literally that one meme comic of a guy posting shit on Yas Forums because someone IRL bullied him. Probably got bullied by a random pole gopnik too

Fucking pussy, grow a spine

>Nazism is the same as communism. Its an anti cultural ideology. Only difference is that nazis killed jews, while commies were jews who killed goyim.
please stop being a retarded neoliberal midwit and read some marx

>-most antisemitic nation member-
sure buddy

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Goebbels diary. You know agriculture in the third reich was state controlled right?

Holy shit, you are so retarded even Erich Ludendorff would take off his Pickelhaube and perform a salute.

it's not sane, it breeds corruption and war

state control doesn't mean socialism, socialism means worker's control

Yeah its kinda funny that an American general went around calling people mutts while living in the OG mutt land, kek.

But for real though theres not much humans left in the world that arent mutted at this point, maybe some african ethnicities here and there in sub saharan arica and maybe small ass ethnic groups in asia so the whole word mutt has fucking lost it meaning at this point.

You're retarded. The nazis didn't kill jews. They killed slavs and gypsies. They were a zionist movement designed to move jews into Palestine.

Yet more proof that anyone who uses the term wignat is a retard.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The two ideologies share some starting assumptions, but are different in method, and come to wildly opposed conclusions.

I mean I agree nationalism isnt good but if u try to fight it hardcore u end like the west, so finding a middle ground is the best thing a country can do.

so you are saying it wasnt the british who ultimately gave the jews the land?

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This was the lowest IQ opinion I have read on pol all day. Congrats, I guess.

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And in reality that translates to state control. The nazi economy was more private than the soviet one, but that's just because they saw it as a more efficient way to achieve the world socialist revolution. It had to do with the economic development of both countries, the soviets didn't have that much to lose by collectivising everything, the germans had massive amounts of foreign investment still.

You 15 or something? Then again you're a mongoloid, maybe the smartest in your region.
Their view on ownership should suffice to prove they were commies. Just because private people were nominally owners of companies doesnt mean the companies were not nationalised. If a german killed "his" pig without gov approval he'd go to a camp. Todays commies dont care abbout class struggle either. They care about fags. Does it mean they are not commies?
You retard.

>seething this much
Are croats Slav or Germanic?

It was both. Balfour declaration gave them Palestine but they didn't wanna move there. Hitler came into it to scare them into going to Palestine and to create a permanent boogeyman.

>Nazis were jewish puppets
>Nazis were commies
Thank you Yas Forums for teaching me something new today

They are butthurt because they think, that by constant hard work they're making their lives better,

when in reality, by constant hard work they're making their lives constant hard work.

And that makes them stupid.

Props for the precision, though.

>Slavic superiority
>Enslaved by jews
>fight for jews in pointless jew wars
>die in the tens of millions at the command of jews
Sounds like jewish superiority.

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>And in reality that translates to state control.
it doesn't, stop being retarded.
the nazis weren't socialist, they were the final death throws a dying imeprial capitalisim in germany. but I saw your other posts and I see you are too stupid to see beyond that

those aren't commies, those are idpol capitalist succdems, faggot
nationalised industry doesn't mean socialised, stop being a retard, read marx's capital, it's not hard and even a mongloid like me understands this shit better than your stupid third position nationalism which is not capitalisim but really is

russian uebermensch in germany here they arent everyone here praises jews and niggers and dont care about us

Holy fucking shit

What’s with poles, Ukrainians and Slovenes claiming they’re Germanic.

Talk about self hatred kek

>Not real socialism

Come on dude. Socialism inevitably leads to state control and it inevitably requires top down control because turns out comrade Ivan doesn't know the first thing about running mass industry.

The only sane Polish were National Socialists at the time, who fought for the white army, and died horrible deaths while America, England, France and in some ways Germany, sat and watched.

The greatest tragedy is that Poland's leadership at the time was fucking retarded and bought into the jewish gambit that he should fight his brothers across the border, instead of the common enemy like they had fought together against the Hun, the Arab. The Jew is simply another invader, who unlike the Hun and the Arab, swindled brothers into killing each other. That is Europe's greatest shame.

Also Croatians