What political party do we need to vote to consider women as property again?

What political party do we need to vote to consider women as property again?

Attached: Twerking_Is_Nigger_Tier.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

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Theres no way to vote yourselves out of this mess.

Literal chimpanzees are now taking women from niggers!

she prob literally fucks black dudes

God, I hate women.

this is a pale imitation twerking

again,go to islamistan to allahakbar with your brothers

Yo dis the new lil wayne music video? Its pretty lit

you have your gay rights now in ukraine

Fund local incel terrorists


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>our closest evolutionary brothers share an understanding of our mating rituals
>we're supposed to act like that's surprising or strange

As opposed to figuratively fucking black dudes? git gud at grammar.

Please stop, women aren’t property they’re people and deserve rights.

Most important thread.

Someone put a Blacked logo on this


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Do you have a sister, mother or daughter? Do you really consider them to be literally property or do you think they’re people??

It does though :/
Just because you have a penis doesn’t mean that you should literally get to own people.

Where would we be without Marie?

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you haven`t learned to smell the kebab yet?

shut the fuck up cuck, women deserve the fucking rope

A hearty kek

I think your a faggot

Her husband did all of the work.

Lmao that Chimp is a soccer mom

It doesn't matter if she's your mom or sister.


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If she wasn't working with all these radioactive elements, and her husband was doing all the work, why did she die from radiation poisoning?

stop posting cringe or I will take away your civil liberties, kaafir.

dont worry when the sandniggers take over your country they will be property again, but you will be dead

Soemone else would have done exactly as she had done.

You think Thomas Edison was the only electrician at the time?

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For shame, show your mother some respect incel, it's not her fault you're not able to get pussy.

Holy shit, how uneducated.
Go back to rottit.
Women deserve the rights their owners allow them.
Women are incapable and inept to live on their own.
Women are even oppressed by aor conditionings.
Women are the most retarded vermin on this planet.
Women are a parasitic entity and thus their hosts should own them and have full say.
Women are not persons.

Do you think that these people in the thread are actual Muslims?
No they don’t. If anything men deserve it since they commit almost all of violent crime and bad things that happen in society.
I think you’re an asshole.
>It doesn't matter if she's your mom or sister.
So you honestly think your mom, sister and daughter are just “dumb ho’s” and should literally be considered property and their “owner” can just do what they want with them?? :|
Please don’t. Also what do you even mean by that?
Go back to Saudi Arabia please.

>as I lay in bed phone posting fondling my wife's ass

My wife knows her place.
Thank you, Jesus!

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That’s not true, women are people and deserve rights. And they defiantly shouldn’t be property.

I don't know, but whoever it is, they have my vote. It's exhausting trying to be an independent wahmen. I'd probably be better off if I was a white man's chattel. Keeping a house clean and cooking chili or chicken and rice for a man seems so much less stressful than what my life is.

Go ahead, take away women's rights, I just ask that my future owner allows me to keep my guitar, my Juul, and my handheld Sega emulator. I'll be a good housewife and do everything you say, I just wanna be able to play Ecco the Dolphin while the roast is baking and the babies are asleep.

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yes.90% of anti-woman threads are made by islamists.10% misogynists cryptogays

cool perception, sugartits


All I've heard is view points based on emotion, no actual hard facts.

Literal no difference between that chimp and a nog.

and a left

>still believing that voting can change ANYTHING


Your one in 10 BILLION in 300 years exotic exception example is useless.

Without women, the world would be better off. Wayyyyyy better off.

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The fact you have stupid loli anime saved on your phone, is proof you dont know a woman.

She has a wonderful heart but has no place leading anyone as she's a woman.

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>90% of anti-woman threads are made by islamists.10% misogynists cryptogays
I feel like 90% of users here are anti-women and would be considered that Tbh.
Don’t call me that please.
Why do you think men deserve rights then? Shouldn’t men just be property too then?

Need more women like you.
As a man I don't understand why women would want to subject themselves to the shit we have to go through. The natural order is a good deal for everyone.

My wife likes to jerk me off while I look at hentai

I knew she was a keeper from the first month I meant her.

>and deserve rights. And they defiantly shouldn’t be property.
All the evidence speaks clearly and strongly against that

It´s her fault for puting bullshit into his about women.

>90% of anti-woman threads are made by islamists
How's that when 90% of western women are islamists?

Found the Sodomite


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Women can be leaders too and I highly doubt your wife views herself as literally your property unless you met her in some dumb cult or something.
No it doesn’t. All evidence points that women deserve rights and shouldn’t be property. Like just look how fucked up they treat women in countries were they are literally considered property.

None, actually. All that's needed is that you slap your bitch up every once in a while, stop whiteknighting and discontinue to enable Feminism.

Islam is right about women

daily reminder that women vote for socalism and to bring niggers in, and that if they didnt work wages would skyrocket

No it really isn’t.

Nice emotion based argument.

You have no facts.
Just feelings.

History was built by men and destroyed by giving women rights.

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Do you have ANY facts to back up your views?

>Women can be leaders too
Yeah, really fucking shitty ones.

fuck off you clearly have no experience of living around women

>Why do you think men deserve rights then? Shouldn’t men just be property too then
Men run this world. All you see around you is created invented and maintained by men, includung the food you eat.
Men deserve everything.

Women are parasites by nature. They deserve to be at the mercy of their host they leech from.


> Corona
> Loli
nigga wat

oh, shit

sugartits is getting upset

better tone it down or fancysnatch is gonna cry

shut the fuck up simp

attentionwhores get no passes on Yas Forums

i want to smell her butt

Women are mothers.
They deserve respect for it but they do not deserve the world on a silver platter and they definitely do not need to be stepping outside of their role.


Woman aren't property, they are neither inferior no superior to men.
Men and women complement each other.
It is ridiculous to apply any other dynamic to this relationship.
I know kikes are involved in threads like these somehow.
They are always trying to get everyone to focus their energy on someone else but them.

you understand how many islamists live in western countries,right?

Do you need everything spelled out you dumb nigger? Here is what user implied:
Her husband did the intellectual work, she did the labour.

>No it doesn’t. All evidence points that women deserve rights and shouldn’t be property
Stop lying you underage, brainwashed NPC

Positive reinforcement, faggot.
Abuse is merely going to drive a wedge further between the genders when we need to go back to traditional roles. Abuse is unnecessary you porn addled queer.

I mean as a normal dude that dislikes women, I just hate their bullshit

Cringey as fuck, KYS asap mutt.

Basically this.
Women and foreigners are controlling our countries through demographic power. And they will always vote for more female supremacism, more open borders... Voting isn't enough to solve things.

maybe she metaphorically fucks black guys?

Yes, the fact that countries were women are literally considered property fucking suck.
It wasn’t destroyed by giving women rights. And history has also been shaped by women you know. Also most of history has only been shaped by aristocrats and rich people does that mean that those are the only people who deserve rights and everyone else should just be property??
They can be good leaders.
I have.
Fuck you, women aren’t parasites and if you haven’t noticed women are also essential in the workforce or have you missed out that most nurses are women?
Can you just not please?
Fair enough, I sadly live in a country in the West that will actually become a Muslim country within my life if things continue :/
I’m 20, and you need to learn that women are people and deserve rights. But I bet you don’t want that since you want them to be commodities that can’t leave you since you’re probably abusive.

Cool, go for the restoration of traditional gender roles, not the childish "women are properties" BS

1. The sexual revolution and "liberation" of women and their consequences have been a disaster for the Western world. Labour is worth less than the toilet paper you wipe your asses with because of women having jobs, so your "freedom" is actually freedom (necessity) to work all day for globohomo corporate interests and freedom to make and sell double penetration videos online, as opposed to building a stable household and family. WOW! SO PROGRESSIVE!
2. Women, overall, refuse to be rational about politics and governance


They're trying to make men into what women fear. The whole reason women were given rights in the first place was this fear of abuse.