Why Are the Irish Such A Fucking Joke?

>There is something absurd and rather tragic about setting out on a journey around a country, knowing that if you speak the language of that country you will not be understood. It is even more absurd when the country is your native one and you are speaking its native language.There is something absurd and rather tragic about setting out on a journey around a country, knowing that if you speak the language of that country you will not be understood. It is even more absurd when the country is your native one and you are speaking its native language.
>I chose Dublin as a starting point, confident in the knowledge that in a city of 1.2 million people I was bound to find at least a few Irish speakers. I went first to the Ordnance Survey Office to get a map of the country. (As a semi-state organisation it has a duty to provide certain services in Irish.) "Would you speak English maybe?" the sales assistant said to me. I replied in Irish. "Would you speak English?!" he repeated impatiently. I tried explaining once again what I was looking for. "Do you speak English?" he asked in a cold, threatening tone. "Sea," I said, nodding meekly. "Well, can you speak English to me now?" I told him as simply as I could that I was trying to get by with Irish.

>"I'm not talking to you any more," he said. "Go away."


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>I really needed a map for the journey ahead; it would be hard enough to get by without having to ask for directions constantly. I tried addressing the man one last time, using the simplest schoolroom Irish that he must have learned during the 10 years of compulsory Irish that every schoolchild undergoes, but he covered his ears, and I was left with no choice but to leave.

Are they actually retarded?

I'm guessing you are an American with a Romaticized idea of Ireland?
Of course they dont speak Irish everywhere, the same as most Americans dont speak Navaho or whatever shit they hummed before they got ANGLO'D

Speaking english benefited the Irish. Yes, it's sad to see the native language go but, it has little use outside of Ireland.

Do a bit of fucking reseach stupid cunt. "Why don't the Irish speak Irish?" There you go, copy and paste that into Google.

Oh look, a kike trying to stir some shit.

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too bad the irish cant even use english properly

Most grow up planning on learning the language, then you quickly realize its a waste of time and you can help your country in more important ways. That said, those that do go on to learn the language don't regret it and perhaps rightfully feel they have a stronger connection with their country. Theres no right or wrong, its the same case in Scotland but because they are still under British rule nobody outside even knows they once had a native language.

And you shouldn't care what happens outside of Ireland. With the current climate of Ireland, I agree you might as well stick to English alone. But its quite a defeatist attitude to call your language being lost as beneficial, in an ideal world every Irish man speaks Irish and only Irish.

why didn't they just fish during the potato famine?

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>in an ideal world every Irish man speaks Irish and only Irish.

Why is that ideal?

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It stops foreign cultural traits spreading amongst the populace. It keeps a pure unique culture, not the hybrid types of English speaking countries. Regardless its irrelevant, this ideal world I speak of involves the changing of history, an Ireland that cannot exist, even if they all decided to learn Irish.

because the coastline was mostly owned by the landlords and prohibited, also they did not have fishing equipment. It takes a skill set and materials to make a fishing net (could you do it without any modern materials or looking it up on the internet? How long would it take you. Now build a boat, with no tools, adn no materials. now go fishing...

it is harder than it sounds when you think of it.


I guess its an inter-celtic thing.

People in Wales, Cornwall, Scottland, and Brittany.

These aren't exactly the same languages, but something is there.

I don't know too much about Asturias in Spain.

Check out the Interceltique Festival in Brittany (Bretagne). There is a whole lot of culture there.

Irish is a beautiful language, I think the Irish can keep their language alive through music at least.
I hope to learn enough to follow along listening to their folk songs.

>wants to speak Irish
>goes to Dublin
Uaireanta ní féidir liom Béarlóir a fháil i mBÁC agus tá tú ag lorg Gaeilgeoirí? Ceart go leor, a stór

A net is easy to make, just get some holes and tie them together with string.

For sure it will always survive, their wont ever come a time when its entirely gone. National anthem is sung in Irish, street names, tv programmes/radio, theres a fair few instances where its used, not to mention the pockets of the population who speak as there first language.

Do you realice even 80% europe speak their mother tongue + at leas english.
Here in Spain millions of kids learn their regional tongue that is totally useless like Basque or Catalonian + Spanish + English
Are you Irish retarded?

>Goes to a city
>Expects the people will be traditional

How dumb are you?

maybe you are shit at speaking Irish and no one could understand you.
or you came across as bit of a wanker and no one wanted to speak to you.

kek, underrated.

>Being replaced by anglos will benefit the land, its sad to see the native irish go, but they were of no use anyway
You pathetic little cucks disgust me
At least a reminder to all faggots out there not to be like this

You dont speak Gaelic you lying rat

Americans don't claim to be fucking Navaho is the difference, you fucking retard

Just stop LARPing as Irish and there will be no problems. You're absolutely pathetic and you have the gall to call yourselves fucking Celts still.

You're west Englishmen. And fucking shittier ones at that.

the irish are drunken apes, we've known this for centuries.

Scotland is a completely different case. The Lowlands are literally just English and have spoken English for 1,500 in large parts of it, they're even the same genetically. They also mostly have English names. Over 50% of people in Scotland are descended from Germanic peoples who settled the region between the 500s and the 1200s and so their ancestors never spoke a Celtic language either.

You're more comparable to the Welsh, who actually largely can still speak their language. So what's your fucking excuse, retard?

Meme flag slide thread.

They're working a new angle with these threads, the country vs country divide and conquer tactics. You'll notice a lot of them in the catalog at the moment.

Put sage in the options field so it doesnt bump the thread if you can't help replying to these obvious bait threads.

More people would speak Irish if it was privatised if you look at it realistically

How is this honestly a legit question. If you're speaking the language of a people you don't consider yourself to belong to, at best you're a fucking cuck. At worst you're indoctrinated from birth to viewing the world and absorbing information about it through THEIR lens. If you do not have your own ethnic language, you are a half-people at best. If even. You have absolutely no control over your own world. You're even referring to yourself through the name OTHER PEOPLE decided for you.

People don't speak Dutch in Dutch cities then?

hows that working out for you?



Stop including Scotland in this. This was only ever accurate for certain regions of Scotland and even there the language is dead now and everyone has been assimilated. Even genetically Scotland is about 50% descended from Germanic peoples and 50% descended from Celtic peoples. Calling Scotland Celtic with a straight face just further emphasizes what a vapid nothing term Celtic actually is today.

Fuck off. I’ll sage a thread when I want to. When I feel it’s justified. Not when some kangaroo fag inflicts his righteous opinion on me.

My suggestion: Make a suggestion, not a command.

You can’t sage shit you fucking faggot

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Lol it's from an actual Irishman (someone who speaks Irish fluently, has an Irish name etc.), retard:


Did you even read the original comment you stupid fucking wop burger faggot?

That’s rhetorical, you didn’t. Why? Because you’re a stupid fucking wop burger faggot.

I fear, because you’re a stupid fucking wop burger faggot, that you have missed the point of the is reply, so please let me reiterate it: You are a stupid fucking wop burger faggot.

>Fighting Irish Myth

>Sir John de Courcy (also Courci; 1150–1219)[2] was an Anglo-Norman knight who arrived in Ireland in 1176. From then until his expulsion in 1204, he conquered a considerable territory, endowed religious establishments, built abbeys for both the Benedictines and the Cistercians and built strongholds at Dundrum Castle in County Down and Carrickfergus Castle in County Antrim
>John was very ambitious and wanted lands for himself. He decided to invade the north of Ireland which was controlled by Irish dynasties. In early January 1177 he assembled a small army of 22 knights and 300 foot-soldiers and marched north, at the rate of thirty miles a day. They skirted the back of the Mourne Mountains and took the town of Dún Dá Leathghlas (now Downpatrick) by surprise. After two fierce battles, in February and June 1177, de Courcy defeated the last King of Ulaid, Ruaidhrí Mac Duinnshléibhe.
>He did all this without King Henry II's permission.
>After conquering eastern Ulster he established his caput at Carrickfergus, where he built an impressive stone castle. Other monasteries and castles that he built are Inch Abbey and Dundrum

He conquered half their shitty little island with 322 men. And only was stopped by other Normans and expelled in the end otherwise he would probably have conquered the entire thing and enslaved them all.

take off the meme flag


He's an austic burger just larping. It'a painfully obvious.

He kind of has a point though. Can you imagine if literally everyone in Greece spoke Turkish and tons of them even had Turkish last names. Can you honestly say Greece was even still Greek by that point. Don't give me your fucking blood answer because you know as well as me how fucking mixed the Greeks are.

Blood means fucking nothing if you have no language, names and culture. Your identity will die eventually, and Irishness is dying, they just don't see it happening yet.

Language is the main thing that divides people. Complex language is literally what separates humans from animals. After that its phenotype.

800+ years of warfare, both physical and psychological. Anglo burgers are the worst. loving the country you rebelled against.

>Are they actually retarded?
No, Irish is a very hard language to learn as it's not connected to the languages of mainland Europe. It's a very ancient and poetic language that belongs to a different era of thousands of years ago. It's the language of the original Aryans who fled Atlantis and sadly modern man isn't intelligent enough to fully grasp it.

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>He's an austic burger just larping

Try again: theguardian.com/travel/2007/jan/05/ireland.features

Why is this board honestly so mind numbingly fucking stupid.

But Atlantis is in Africa.

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First of all we have more common blood with Slavs than Turks. Second, he could have made some research about the state of affairs before gallivanting across the Atlantic. Third, I didn't really disagree, I was just more amused by the fact that only an American could be so ignorant of history

Do you want me to whip out the endless quotes from Irish people historically that continually claim people who can't speak Irish aren't Irish? That language is everything to Irish identity. That those who spoke English in the country were English regardless of what they claimed to be, that if Ireland continues to lose its tongue at the rate it was in the 1800s they will just be England before long.

And it's happened. You're all just English now relying on fulfilling stereotypical behaviors (oh me alcoholism begorrah) in order to achieve a feeling of Irishness. It's pathetic. And you're constant cope regarding this is all the more delicious.

You are not a people. You are a region of the English world with some Celtic names surviving. History will remember the Ireland of today as English, not Irish.

Ireland was always shit. I don't know why you're surprised.


>Third, I didn't really disagree, I was just more amused by the fact that only an American could be so ignorant of history

The guy is an Irish speaking Irishman with an Irish name born and raised in Ireland an travelling his country of birth trying to converse with people in the so-called Irish language of the so-called Irish people. Only to be met with hostility, frustration and demands he speak English from his own supposed people.

>First of all we have more common blood with Slavs than Turks.

That's not true, you're basically genetically identical to western Turks. If western Turks all spoke Greek and had Greek names everyone would be calling them Greek. Hell you all try to call western Turks Greek even today despite them clearly not being.

But the point I was making is you, along with western Turks, are extremely mixed genetically just like most of Europe is, especially the southern and eastern parts.

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ok ivan

You are anti american, a modern day redcoat. But anyway, why do you want us to be English so bad? Why do you care? We are irrelevant on the world stage.

its called irish fag

>But Atlantis is in Africa
Possibly, but even if it was the people there were Aryans, not niggers. Doggerland itself could of been Atlantis

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Speak about subjects you know best applies here meme flag friend. Also for the record, I don't appreciate an entire European culture going slowly extinct, but if that's by their own choice then what am I -or anyone else for that matter really- supposed to do?

Ireland does want to be England. It's obvious everything that's done here is just a bastardised larp at playing Anglo. Everything England does Ireland tries to copy but worse.

Because Ireland is not fully independent.

Begone memeflaggot

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Irish people are broken and don't take pride in anything Irish anymore without some ironic suggestion that all of it is shit anyway. Mimicking the English is the only signifier most Irish people have that the country is progressing. It really is sad.

The eye matches up with Plato's description of the distance between Egypt and Atlantis, not to mention the shape and geographical detail.

>How is this honestly a legit question.

He said that no Irish person should speak any language other than Irish. You don't think it's legitimate to ask why the Irish should be incapable of speaking any other language?

>If you're speaking the language of a people you don't consider yourself to belong to, at best you're a fucking cuck.

So you must be a cuck. You are posting in English yet you claim to be an Irish speaker. You're defending a poster who said that no Irishman should speak any other language - so you are, by your own definition, a cuck.

>At worst you're indoctrinated from birth to viewing the world and absorbing information about it through THEIR lens.

Again, by your own definition, you are admitting that you are indoctrinated by "them".

>If you do not have your own ethnic language, you are a half-people at best.

So you're a half-person.

>If even. You have absolutely no control over your own world. You're even referring to yourself through the name OTHER PEOPLE decided for you.

So, my question for you: why are you posting in English?

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