Why are americans so demoralized?

These jews humiliate them and bully them through the most cruel non-violent ways and they not simply take it but love it and donate money to them. Sweden is like Nazi Germany compared to this shithole.

Attached: EUEt4uEWoAI26Ed.jpg (1200x806, 149.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because "people" in California are fucking faggots who let Jews broadcast cuck shit everywhere.

Yeah but this is on another level. He outright harasses them and uploads these videos online. They don't even take them down.

I report all his videos for harassment, I hassle the hassler

But that wouldn't make a difference, really.

reminder sam hyde drove across state lines and fucked a 15 year girl named marky in 2012 and makes jokes about to this day

reminder that sam hyde activiely has a bunch of sextoys

reminder that sam hyde fucked and sent his dick to multiple trannies and femboys/ladboys

reminder sam hyde makes $68K a month from gumroad because people think he's based


Attached: 1567286594276.jpg (1536x1098, 323.8K)

Here is the girl. At 22 she exposed him

Attached: 1570624233938.jpg (720x1280, 341.47K)

>reminder sam hyde makes $68K a month from gumroad because people think he's based

you can pretend to be a white nationlist and make it big. Nick the spic who is literally 20% spic 5% nigger is the highest paid streamer on Dlive. A place where pewdiepie streams. Amerimutts are retarded
