Seems interesting to me, at least the similarities to Britain.
How do Russians feel about their government?
Russia is an absolute shithole filled with subhuman Sl*vs.
actually there is no problem with political autocracy
but Russia need liberal economic and support for small and medium business
also need to deport churkas and other shit from north part of country
Ya moosheenuh.
You're just projecting because you stole their flag. Faggot.
Bunch of lying shameless honorless niggers
How do you guys feel about Putin's move to be the leader till 2030 or whatever?
>north part of country
As in?
playing by the rules and then breaking them? Not cool, mate
Isn't pic related a typical Backyard in the netherlands?
St Petersburg, I guess
I unironically wish the red army fucked you guys over. Finns are cunts.
Putin is based. Democracy is retarded.
Yeah, but it was my understanding that he was incredibly popular over there. Now I understand that Russians posting here probably have dissenting opinions, but what does the average person think?
for info I've been learning Russian for a couple years and want to go there sometime.
A bunch of vultures feasting on a rotting corpse of USSR. Decades of selective breeding (execution or exile of anyone remotely competent) has made them completely flexible, as if completely without vertebrae. The 1.5 million government workers here are like American TSA, a sham to help employ moronic relatives and friends. They don't do shit, we spend more effort teaching these macaques to type than they will ever make.
Also might be worse
he was alright in the early 2000s but now people grew tired of watching the same face for decades. He is still popular among boomers.
First post best Post
Putin isn't half as bad as Merkel or some globalist kike shill from Eastern Europe but he is still a corrupt olygarch civnat.
Maybe 10 years ago. Libshits (and we have a lot of them, thanks to western media and ineffective propaganda from Kremlin) hate him for obvious reasons (not pro homo enough, doesn't import enough niggers), nationalists hate him for obvious reasons (importing churkas, corruption, liberalism-light, hostility to ethnic identity unless it's jewish). He is a "centrist" and we are heading towards communism vs fasicsm 2.0 just like other white countries.
Putin is based
>has mountain muslim goathumpers rammed down his throat by an autocratic government
>has said autocratic government strip away power from ethnic Russians and give them to literal autocratic snownigger mayor
>Loses an ability to ever get a government that doesn't pay tithe to Chechen chad from his taxes, autocratic or not, thanks to the autocratic government that sees citizens as sheep to shear
>UMMM autocracy is not a problem!
There is no hope for changes if Putin stays.
This idiotic olygarchy economic will collapse (bad oil price is pizdec)
This sounds pretty shitty. But surely it can't be all that bad. I have the impression that Putin encourages civic nationalism for mostly the same reasons as the West. There are many minorities there and so encouraging anything else would destabilize the country. I doubt Putin is trying to replace the Russians though, at least from what I know, it seems to me he is a Russian nationalist first and foremost.
It's actively supporting the moslem takeover so the millions of arabs that are soon to inherit the country are all for it.
Whole country is wallowing in shit basically.
He persecutes any real Russian nationalism.
in democracy leftists have serious advantages for electorate, so there is no stable growth
>he was alright when he blew up 5 apartment blocks on NY Eve to start a war that would flood Russia with even more churkas and help saudiggers poz Sufist Chechnya with wahhabism
>He was alright when he colluded with George Bush and his Saudi friends to start a neverending war on terror
I'd like Ustinov and Lebed' back, thank you very much.
>I doubt Putin is trying to replace the Russians though, at least from what I know, it seems to me he is a Russian nationalist first and foremost.
It is because you are an idiot that believes RT bullshit
This, but they are mongoloid slaves not slavs
Check out how much 14K rubles is kek
>He persecutes any real Russian nationalism
Like Slavic supremacism, or just rejecting the Asian admixture from the south? Either way, that's too bad.
I don't read RT, I know it's propaganda like US NYT or British BBC, I practice my Russian by reading smaller Russian news sources and looking up words I don't know.
best government in the world, which is not saying much though
If you go deeper, you will note that nationalists hate putin for prosecuting them and the ones who are allowed to exist are just feds
>doesn't import enough niggers
Wrong, he's pumping them in by tens of thousands. Old-school Liberals in Russia have a right-wing tilt because in the 90s, libs were for fighting against internationalist Bolsheviks, plus because mudslimes generally hate liberty and equality, so they don't deserve it. New libs are anti-immigrant because Navalny was in DPNI. The only tolerast butthurt is from far-left who never saw a muslim in their lives, and aren't liberals at all because they sympathise with anti-liberal barbarians.
they are nazi tier. gays are getting hunt and opposition as well to death.
So just like Britain then
I don't know about that one, visit Moscow or st.Petersburg and tell me if you still think he cares about slavs. He is not necessarily importing shitskins but he doesn't prevent it either. City I moved in has bunch of niggers for some reason. 10 years ago there wasn't a single one here.
True, Putin pays money to Caucasus for "stability", epic fail. National question in Russia has the same importance as economy. Also Moscow police is fucking pussies because they often fear churkas
Huh? Are you saying that that left movements are always more numerous just cause they are left?
Putin has a massive PR machine, but the image it conjures is thorough bullshit. It's the same strategy USSR was using, except this time the results of it are not vaguely communist Corbyn and Sanders, but for-sale hip right-wingers. The purpose is the same - setting Westerners against one another so that they can't jointly screw with his income flows.
That's too bad.
Because there is easy arguments for poor people (most russians are poor): we will give your money, free healthcare, progressive taxes, other socialistic shit
>How do Russians feel about their government?
One half thinks that they're bad because they are acting like Stalin too much, other half thinks that they're bad because they are acting like Stalin not enough. But in general our political culture is now on the XV century level.
It's almost like you can be right-wing on social issues and slightly left-wing on economic issues to appeal to working class.
BBC is orders of magnitude better than RT. RT is like Daily Mail quality-wise because all the funding is embezzled.
Read about BORN, Combat Organisation Of Russian Nationalists. Nationalists have always been tools to the government. Abroad, they are used to sow discord, domestically they are used to discreetly kill dissidents. The nationalists recognised this in 2007, staged a protest and their ideologists have all been severely repressed afterwards. Then back in 2013 a chaotic outburst of nationalist violence led to riots in Southern Moscow, since then Putin tried to placate them with MUH CRIMEA.
>nationalists hate putin for prosecuting them and the ones who are allowed to exist are just feds
Sounds very similar to the US in that way.
right wing forms middle class by good salary and low taxes, without social payments
Compared to western leaders the guy is practically hitler.
You misunderstand the meaning of right and left. We are fresh out of a literal socialist experiment and here you are, thinking that taxes somehow relate to the country's mode of production. Educate yourself, ciscum.
And so fuck the working class?
Middle class is formed by service focused economy, field and construction workers will never be a "middle class". There has to be a safety net, high focus on employment and removal of parasitic usury based economy
Why would a right-wing state let its citizens have money all? The singular fascist state knows better how to use money than the collective of its citizens.
Be careful what you wish for, as bad as Putin might seem he is the only thing holding back the Illuminati from controlling Russia as well. Russia is the last holdout in the world.
Murica got its middle class by giving its working class a lot of wealth. Boomers there still think a carpenter can earn enough to buy a home in five years like he could in the 50s.
Putin IS the loominati. A sloppy and neurotic and very un-fucking-subtle one... The loominati we deserve.
Once upon a time in Russia there was a huge nationalist movement opposing migrants, kikes, communists, niggers, globalists, etc. They hated Putin. Putin sent all nationalists to prison. Now in Russia, even for commenting on the Internet, you will be sent to prison.
Believe me if Putin was Illuminati the elites of the world and especially the US wouldn’t always be trying to provoke Russia into conflict
Is this true? Does Putin have links to some global network? Always seemed to me, from an American perspective, that Russia was not cooperative with Western goals.
By giving it a lot of wealth after they looted entire world after WWII? It's not a sustainable model. Look at them now, middle class is shrinking and elites are growing more and more wealthy. Working class is in a complete shambles (I'm not talking about lumpenprols, actual workers). If we don't want to go down this path we do not want to outsource our production to foreign countries. You cannot fgee magket compete with people who have lowest standards of living and safety and we do not want to. And we definitely have to take much better care of working class than it is done now. Free market liberalism is not what brought america up, it is what's killing it.
every state wants an enemy to point at
war is the health of the state
Are they that troublesome? Also
Your second sentence contradicts the first.
Sure, and I know all that election interference shit is just that, shit. Nonsense. But aside from that it seems that Russia has always had its own goals, aside from the Western kike bullshit. I know Soviet Russia was run by kikes, but it seems they've overcome that. Or so I thought.
yeah, they are uneducated savages and criminal scum, think refugees