Stupid useless cats are degenerate diseased vermin while dogs are too busy biting burglars and helping farmers to get sick and spread bataids, here is the proof:
Every onions you've ever seen pewling about his precious little kitty is going to die face down in a litterbox thus proving the existence of god

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Are you ok?

my cat could probably be trained to smell cancer, but the hard part will be getting her to give a shit. cats aren't stupid. they just don't care about humans so they don't respond to you if they don't feel like it. cats can also be stubborn or get annoyed if you bother them.

sorry bud, wrong type of mutt, you're probably still going to get the rona so you should go try to lose weight

Cats are based af. Dogs just sit around sucking their own dicks until you give them something to do.

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that retard can't even peddle his bike, the dog smelled his dead end genes and tried to help society while cats condone the proliferation of human invalids

The personality traits of the owners do actually differ so that dog owners are more sheep than cat owners.

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If I could be immortal I'd be willing to be a dog, though lifting this earth to immortality seems more the work of a dog reversed.

Toxoplasmosis dude. Fuck cats and their mind-altering parasite. Literally a creator of the leftist mind.
Toxoplasmosis in itself is actually possibly relevant to the current situation due to it's suspected connection to rh negative blood. Take a mad dive into ACE2 prevalence, HIV-immunity among some whites, CCR5 delta32 deletions, royal blood and all that good shit. tl;dr: fuck cats.

Just don't let your cat go outside and you won't have anything to worry about.

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this observation deserves a (you).

they're equally important if you're on a farm
they kill pest

I've noticed a common factor with these neurotic dog vs. cat faggots.
They have dogs because those are easiest to train as mindless followers but they hate cats because they lack the skill to train cats the same way.

Also, then what's the use of a cat? Let them keep your barn free of mice and never let them inside in the first place.

So which is it, are cats aloof and assholish or valiant arbiters of handicaps and children?
I'd point out you shit the bed, but that was probably intentional.
Being you're a canadian and all, isn't your entire country predicated on protecting and medicating genetic dead ends?

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vermin carry toxoplasmosis you retarded dog fucker, cats only get it if you let them eat them

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He doesn't know how to write sõy.

My cat has killed many a rats in his lifetime. Post your address kike. He'll snuff you out next.

>attack in packs, literal slave race, loud as fuck, extremely poor hygiene, loved by fat low IQ white trash women
Damn I hate niggers.

Maybe it's because it is a kid, you absolute GIGANIGGER?

lol, what? Dogs provide all sorts of shit to mankind.

>Hunting dog
>Seeing-eye dog
>Herding dog
>Cadaver dog
>Search and rescue dog

Etc., etc., etc.

Cats do jack shit. They're like niggers, worthless, laying around expecting to be fed just for existing.

Cat lover here but keked irl at the pic. Well done, OP.

Pardon me.
was meant for


dogs: childlike, cries when left alone, wimpers, can't do anything on its own, only loves you cause you're it's literal parent; eats and rolls in shit

cats: adultlike, takes care of itself, enjoys solitude, loves you because it actually loves you; buries its shit and disregards it like a sentient being

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I keep 1 of both. Cat for the rats, dog for the blacks.

You sound pretty gay, OP.

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underrated ravioli

cat ppl are evil like cats
women love cats, not a coincidence

you just described the NEET's of Yas Forums

>Anal receptacle dog for lonely hockeyniggers
missed one.

So you have butt sex with your dog?

Enjoy being ass raped by rats and chad mice

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This is a slide thread and you should kill yourself.

dogs are better at hunting those

Everyone in this thread with a cat is really just a toxoplasma gondii parasite.

So your cats hates and disrespects you? Sounds like a great pet.

Cats would literally kill their owners if they got the chance.

Dogs would die for their owners if they had to.

Gee, which would I rather have .... hummm....

nice reddit spacing

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Dogs can’t be trained to smell cancer. They can either do it or they can’t. It’s not like drug or bomb sniffing.

Umm, dude, cats are the ones with dander all over... you know... they are constantly licking themselves everywhere and shearing dried saliva.

Get a clue cat-let

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I see cats can be trained to thot patroll

Dogs had to be breed to hunt mice

Nice faggot posting.

I’ve spaced like this before reddit was online, and before new fags in the chans started saying “muh spacing”

You are a faggot, get your cat infected shit outta here

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OK Chang.

if you're rural dogs act as a rudimentary security system and cats kill parasitic vermin.

in the cities cats and dogs have no purpose. they are friendship slaves. dogs especially are detrimental to civilization as they do nothing for it while shitting/pissing all over everything, attacking children, barking at 3AM etc. one of the few things sand niggers are spot on about.

ok reddit

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Dogs are louder, more destructive, require constant attention, are completely retarded, less cute, can eat you, and are way more work. Ever since I had a kid my cats constantly piss me off, if I had a dog I'd have given it the chink treatment with no remorse by now. Animals belong in a cage or a barn. Fuck dogs and all the leddit dogdads on here.

Comfy cat

You have to go back.

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Cat shit smells ungodly. I don't care what kind of litter there is I can always smell there greasy shit. Nothing ruins a meal like a cat taking a shit mid bite. Only niggers/animals hate dogs.

actually you are our boots so that we don't have to get dirty by standing on filthy mexico without protection

imagine being a canadian redditor

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The psychology of this shit is easy: Betas will gravitate to cats and Alphas dogs. Dont know why this is but it holds true 100 percent of the time

>stupid useless mini-apex-predators! My dog is superior for licking up its own puke and eating turds of other animals!

I suppose if that’s your criteria for winning, I have no choice but to concede your victory. Congrats user.

there is no such thing as someone who owns cats/dogs in a city that isn't a beta. the only reason to own them is friendship slavery. they do nothing else for you if you live in a city.

>A fucking leaf

Yas Forums is a pro cat website

Cats are excellent rodent exterminators. Your doge will not flatten itself against the floor and lurk in the kitchen for hours to catch a mice. You will understand the need forr cat ambushes once you find your woman standing on a chair screaming hysterically while the vile rodent does its business. The cat will instantly be propelled to most valuable pet status once this happens.

Bark all day like your pet you little bitch.

That's a namefag you FUCKING NEWFAG. Goddamn it where are you people coming from??

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