pic related; blue-eyed blonde Muslim Bosnians
What do we do about the muslim Europeans?
Nothing. Enjoy your Ottoman Empire redux
Could pass as honoury white. Depends on their act.
Look at the house in the background, does this look like something white people would live in?
Bosnians and Albanians have been allies of various European powers in the last couple of great wars.
Also, they fought valiantly in the 90s.
They can stay. If they behave.
Colonize and convert
They are going to live on a certain French farm. We'll put a fence around it to prevent breakouts.
>they fought valiantly in the 90s
ECKSUSE ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
Take the gypsy pill and steal the children
I've heard the Croats know how to habdoe these people well.
They are my brothers , bribes me Islam an a few rocks and let the fun BEGIN !
how about you worry first about the Europeans who follows a Sandnigger Middle eastern relgion (Cucktianity)
Same with chriastianity in europe
ey, my cousins look exactly like that
One bite of McDonalds and they'll turn full blast thot patrol the chemicals in those things turn every women in to whores
Imagine thinking a Semite man is God.
You aren't even white lol
>Charlemange was kangz n shieeet
literal nigger operating IQ here
Top Lith IQ here. Yes, friend. That was the point.
>he doesn't know about theodosius ii
live in the dark, goyim, the light is not for you
Built for BBC
Serbs and Romanians will murder them
>imagine thinking God have a son
besides don't you Cucktolicks worship virgin Mary as well? and correct me if am wrong but isn't she a Semite?
not to mention that the most of the early Christians were jewish converts and they are the ones responsible for spreading Christianity to your continent
Based, kill all mudshits
>not to mention that the most of the early Christians were jewish converts and they are the ones responsible for spreading Christianity to your continent
A goat herding Algerian actually knows more about christianity than Europeans. Shame on you, "whites".
It is taking over. Unless you get something powerful to stop it.
>doesn't know about pagan persecutions of christians
tell me more o light of the West, or maybe you should go out and worship the sun a bit
At first I thought it was a German house
But then I noticed that there isn't enough mud in the construction materials
The Urantia Book disavows the Jews
Israel had repudiated the Son of the God who made a covenant with Abraham, and the plan to make the children of Abraham the light-bearers of truth to the world had been shattered
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]
His father Joseph's people had rejected him and thereby sealed their doom as a people with a special mission on earth.
The Master realized that the rejection of the spiritual concept of the Messiah, the determination to cling persistently and blindly to the material mission of the expected deliverer, would presently bring the Jews in direct conflict with the powerful Roman armies, and that such a contest could only result in the final and complete overthrow of the Jewish nation. When his people rejected his spiritual bestowal and refused to receive the light of heaven as it so mercifully shone upon them, they thereby sealed their doom as an independent people with a special spiritual mission on earth.
The apostles learned that the Jews were spiritually stagnant and dying because they had crystallized truth into a creed
"And now I take leave of you. You have heard my message and have made your decision. Those who have believed my gospel are even now safe within the kingdom of God. To you who have chosen to reject the gift of God, I say that you will no more see me teaching in the temple. My work for you is done. Behold, I now go forth with my children, and your house is left to you desolate!"
From this time on the Jews were left to finish their brief and short lease of national life wholly in accordance with their purely human status among the nations of Urantia(Earth). Israel had repudiated the Son of the God who made a covenant with Abraham, and the plan to make the children of Abraham the light-bearers of truth to the world had been shattered. The divine covenant had been abrogated, and the end of the Hebrew nation drew on apace.
>let me tell you about mmmuh shoah
XD imagine playing yourself into a corner, what a typical jew
end yourself
literally whiter than most of the board, Yas Forums envies to have white and blue eyes and LITERALLY every non white here would want to be reborn white even if they're in a mudshit religion
can't prove me wrong
Math is not white. It started either in Egypt or India. Math is Brown. This is how stupid you are.
>why do nasty christians persecute pagans sooo bad?
>well, because they were heavily persecuted for 3 centuries and..
>nn--nnoo, you cannot just refer to another shoa you rabbi!!
>let me tell you about mmmuh shoah
That's literally you, rock worshipping shitskin
That would work if that's how Christianity was introduced to Europe. The Romans willingly adopted it under Constantine the Great, and all of of Rome's successor states became Christian because of it. Only in the baltics was it forced.
This is the God I worship. Describe yours
THE Universal Father is the God of all creation, the First Source and Center of all things and beings. First think of God as a creator, then as a controller, and lastly as an infinite upholder. The truth about the Universal Father had begun to dawn upon mankind when the prophet said: "You, God, are alone; there is none beside you. You have created the heaven and the heaven of heavens, with all their hosts; you preserve and control them. By the Sons of God were the universes made. The Creator covers himself with light as with a garment and stretches out the heavens as a curtain." Only the concept of the Universal Father—one God in the place of many gods—enabled mortal man to comprehend the Father as divine creator and infinite controller.
By other whites, at that too
Are the serbs in pic related white????
Cute. I'd adopt them
He get enough gibs with his herd, no need of more childrens
Yeah, white Muslims from the Balkans are clearly our number 1 issue to treat, way before the hoards of Christian niggers who rape our women.
Hey may need some of that pure aryan stock to breed his children with. Gotta be careful with that as a zookeeper / racerealist.
Just force them to leave their braindead cult. They are probably whiter than most Greeks. Only 51% of Bosnia is muzzie anyways, so easy for the rest to chip in and convince them.
Breed them and save them from Abrahamic lunacy
> Be slavs
> Muslims invade
> "Convert or else"
> Ok
> brown horde bounces
> Is now Bosnia
> Be slavs
> Muslims invade
> "Convert or else"
> get roached
> Is now Serbia
What have we learned? Sometimes kids, it is better to just comply instead of becoming rape babies.
>way before the hoards of Christian niggers who rape our women.
that's a rude thing to say about your brothers in faith, Black Christians are based they are going to join you hand in hand in the next crusade against the savage muslims and jews and you will finally liberate the holy lands
not to mention your daughter will have the honor or marrying with a proud Black Christian and forming a traditional family with him, just imagine yourself attending the church at sunday with your mut.....i mean mixed beautiful grandchildren ;)
Most of them are about as muslim as americans are "christian". I personally dislike them but its got nothing to do on a religious basis. At the end of the day we speak the same language, listen to the same music, watch the same movies and all that shit... the only real tensions between Serbs and Bosnians are for the most part imported as foreign influences from both west and east. The only reason they are even muslim is because it gave them a leg up in society when the turks were around.
About albanians, it doesn't matter whether they are muslim or not, for the most part they are a "hybrid" nation thats why they have blonde blue eyed people and people who haven't made the evolutional leap from the caveman. Its really weird, the balkans is a place where like common sense, genetics goes to die.
these guys... these days there is an artificially grown "right wing" movement existing for the sole purpose of orchestrated nationalism under the control of the ruling party which does the dirty work of the globalist elite. The gypsies in your picture are nothing but paid actors. No one takes Cpбcкa [sic] чacт seriously. Not even they themselves.
The only normal people are Slovenians.
tldr; balkans is a 7 to 9 way fuckfest, always has been, always will be. No rules apply, never have, never will.
We know nothing, only Ante was Croatian (and he himself was married to a Jewess). All the generals of the movement were Jews and majority of the grunts were Herzegovians
Fucking based
Black christian who replace europeans will go on crusade against black muslim who replace muslims then.
You are way more exposed than us, and will be happy to give your daughter to your khel muslim brother.
Why are you so racist when the guy who you worship was black?
the hate on that niggers face and the innocent sad look on the white girls face is a nice little microcosm to sum up america today. feels bad for her bros.
This. Force them to marry foreigners and that's basically it. Their children won't be any different from others. Done. I seriously don't get why so many pol users don't get that nationality doesn't mean race plus the fact that almost White people can simply be used to breed Whites. The main problem has always been the mass influx, not the individual. You can easily normalize this or a Nick Fuentes in one generation. It doesn't work when it's millions of full-blown Arabs, Niggers or Indios though. Just get those who are sufficiently fitting and breed them, get rid of the rest.
why do you dislike them?
Build a dignified non-muslim society. Resist shenanigans. Cultivate mannerisms that inform and entertain people around you. Be certain people would be happier as one of your sect, without becoming arrogant to their wellbeing. Help others while remembering the love that makes you want to do it.
They fought for the Kaiser against S*rbian terrorists, they're ok.
imagine being black and having to look at white people like that
that's completely untrue
just ask the torbesh (converted slavic macedonians) we have here
they're all 1/8th albanian, quarter turk, 1/16th gypsy
they willingly state this
Thats France tho, american are lucky, your country is so big you will always have a place to white flight.
unlike you we don't give a big importance to race
religion is all what matters, and if becoming majority black will result in the reviving of the Caliphate i'll be the first one to open my doors to Black muslims from all over the world
how did you come to the conclusion that i am racist?
> if becoming majority black will result in the reviving of the Caliphate i'll be the first one to open my doors to Black muslims from all over the world
Topkek, topcuck.
>they're all 1/8th albanian, quarter turk, 1/16th gypsy
still purer than the average Serb desu
stop coping nigger
the only reason why you have non turkefied people left in the balkan is because of the christian faith
everyone that converted did it, willing gave up their identity for the purpose of climbing the ottoman hierarchy
to do this they willingly interbred with them
the torbesh admit this
history admits this when you just look at albanian emperors of the ottoman empire
and now you are defending the people that literally raped you out of your language and country you berber subhuman
>everyone that converted, willing gave up their identity for the purpose of climbing the ottoman hierarchy
fixed wording
Kek, until your sister fuck a nigger and you kill her, like it happen regularly in France.
Arabs here have a saying "Brother in faith, but never step brothers"
translate that gibberish varg
>the only reason why you have non turkefied people left in the balkan is because of the christian faith
Serbs Gayreeks and Bulgars kept their faith and they are most TURK'D people in the region
>you are defending the people that literally raped you out of your language
lol the Turks never forced us to speak their language we have a few Turkish words in our dialect her and there but nothing major like in the case of Balkaniggers
Turks didn't try to civilize us because we were already civilized, while on your case the Turks brought you civilization but you being a gypsy tier subhumans rejected it and insisted on clinging to your barbaric savage traditions and life style
you are just jealous because we get along with each other
meanwhile Christian frogs are more racist to black Christians than to Muslim arabs/berbers
really makes you think....
Imagine being a cuck at this level:
> saying *clinging to your barbaric savage traditions and life style* while wanting to import and marry niggers to support a religion that isn't even your own but got raped into you
Sides crippled
Reminder that France is nafri land.
From left to right:
>Thanks Omar, since you buyed samba i can rest
>Nigger sound
>You know i cant refuse you anything, my beautifull Safya
>Look at Safya, always showing her ass on instagram. Samba im sure you can fuck here, she loves blacks.
>Dont worry, i will fuck her, i love beurette(french slur for arab girls)
>Arabs and Blacks we are brothers.
How are they different from Afghans? I only have been to that place so far. It's a shithole.
I thought during the ottoman empire in europe other religions only had to pay taxes and muslims didnt. They werent massmurdered
Arabs are civnats it seems kek. Coalburners kek. Thanks for the translation.
Muslims pay tax too.