Smoking reduces COVID hospitalization 90%

I first noticed this with Chinese data, then Italian data, and now US data. The pattern is remarkable. Smokers are underrepresented in COVID hospitalizations across the board. Can anyone explain this? Should at-risk people take up smoking for the duration of the pandemic? Would cannabis provide similar benefits? We need this data and explanations for it, because it's very counter intuitive..

Attached: smoking_cures_chinese_aids.png (1367x911, 418.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lungs are protected by a layer of smoking residue.

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Italians smoke like freight trains though.

Smoking is very common in China, too.

It's not Ace2 it's attacking hemoglobin.

Attached: Coronavirus attacks red blood cells ability to store iron and oxygen.png (1898x1801, 525.23K)

a preposterous line of reasoning which has nothing to do with the NY dataset presented

>tfw only smoke cigars so I'm still fucked

There seems to be a similar under-representation of smokers among Chinese COVID hospitalizations as well. People were (somewhat understandably) skeptical about relying on Chinese data but the American data shows the same pattern.

Attached: smoking_and_china_aids.png (934x1183, 108.18K)

Can anyone here posit a theory taking pic related into account?

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dont wash your hand after you shit user. e cola also protects against corno

>a fucking tobacco leaf

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no man, smoking sucks, it weakens your lungs and irritates your throat. i have smoked for 25 years (40) and i always get very sick in winter.

Keep smoking goy

but it tastes good

Any medfags here who care to comment?

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Oh my god. This is China's way of killing all the not cool people on Earth. They did flatten the curve. It just killed anyone there who doesn't smoke.

Wtf I love China now.

Americans lie about smoking for insurance purposes
Everyone in china and italy smokes

It tastes like ass.

t. Smoker and ass connoisseur.

One needs to consider many smokers don't even get to the age where covid fucks you up... something one needs to take into consideration! If there are still less infections than there should be, we might have something here ;)

what is it with human beings and their inability to process data? the data here is clear and undeniable, yet you resort to speaking in terms of generalities. I have SCIENCE and DATA and you have "smoking is bad bro!". We all know smoking is bad in the long run for lots of reasons; the interesting question is why it seems to protect smokers from severe COVID19 infection.

Attached: smoking_cures_chinaids.png (711x564, 120.69K)

im the scat man

I've been smoking for 15 years (still am) and have never been sick in my entire adult life
you're just a weak fucking 3rd world faggot with a decrepit body and shit health and immune system lmao
fucking pathetic

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Smoke more = higher hemoglobin

If the hemoglobin being destroyed by Corona is true, then smokers might be a little better off

The vast majority of COVID patients are not old enough that the smokers of their age are already dead. We are talking about a 10:1 under-representation here.

For maximum protection you need to smoke it in a bong filled with alcohol 70 degrees.

yeah thats exactly what I mean, this needs to be taken into consideration

Yes, they would be less likely to experience the "shortness of breath" symptom that is widely considered the deciding factor between who is told to stay at home and who is admitted to the hospital.

You should actually shitpost/spam that on Tim Pool or Molymeme's channels until they notice.

and I'm telling you it doesn't really need to be taken into consideration because most of the patients we are talking about are NOT OLD ENOUGH that smokers their age have all died from smoking-related diseases. It's completely out of the question that this would result in a 10:1 under-representation.

>low hemoglobin non-smoker detected

This dude is LARPing hardcore. Doctors are already treating with oxygen before putting onto vents. His entire rant is redundant. He also finally says he doesn't consider Chinese citizens as assholes, just their evil government. Well bud I've got a newsflash for ya, they all support their glorious leader. Have you ever spoken to or listened to a chink? They all swollowed the cool aid, they all support their govt and therefore are responsible for it.

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you go on ahead then

> it seems to protect smokers
Spray harsh chemicals on virus ( Lysol) they die , inhale poisonous cancer causing smoke it most likely kills the virus like Lysol but not the person.

Considering the long-term health effects of smoking for a few months are pretty minuscule (at least as long as you're relatively young and not particularly sensitive to the smoke), would it be unreasonable for some people to take up smoking if they were concerned about becoming infected? Perhaps if they lived in a hot spot?

Looking at the data, it seems obvious that it the benefits are worth it. Yet there is so much anti-smoking programming within us all, and it's so counter-intuitive, that it still seems kooky despite the data all pointing the same way.

chronic smoking hurts lungs.
I suppose it may stimulate the immune system to protect the lungs if you smoke randomly with prolonged periods of abstinence.

Yah. Thats the crazy part. Way back in the day.
>t. old fag smoking for 45 yrs
Drs. Used to tell patients including children to smoke as a means of killing germs/ viruses to prevent childhood diseases. Thats why theres so many black n white pics of kids smoking.
Cigarette ads used to advertise Dr approved. Could just have been crazy times or there is actually a small benefit in the short term.

>would it be unreasonable for some people to take up smoking if they were concerned about becoming infected
It is not a good idea simply because a few months is long enough for addiction potential to start. For many, yeah, they'll quit, but they actually enjoyed it while they were doing it, so it won't hurt to have a cigarette here and there. And then eventually they'll roll back into it.

> take up smoking for a few months until pandemic ends, then stop smoking, long term effect on lungs and body essentially zero


> viral infection requires hospitalization, high chance of permanent multiple organ damage - lung dysfunction, kidney damage, etc

not a hard choice imo

I found a research article published less than 48 hours ago noting (and concluding) the same thing I did, pic related:

Attached: smoking_meta.png (652x131, 17.09K)

Pre-made cigarettes are shit today - various added chemicals to prevent drying out and allowing self-extinquishing are both ruining the taste and ruining the health. Cigars/cigarillos, rolling your own with high quality natural tobacco and paper and pipe are the right way to administer tobacco smoke.

I think it's the way you word it.
smoking a cigarette once in a while doesn't make you a smoker.
drinking alcohol once in a while doesn't make you an alcoholic.

>the one time you get rewarded for fucking up early on
i wish this was true, but why the nicotine? maybe it has other reasons

these are good if you don't want to make a hobby out of it.

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>then stop smoking,
I found a flaw in your plan.
It's very difficult to stop and once you smoke you'll always have cravings to some degree.
t. On and off smoker

Based and French pilled
The shower thing? Bacteria on the skin
Food thing? Keto and big fats in small amounts are best, gut health is the real balancing act
Smoking? This is very plausible. The smoke could possibly act as a pre-filter filter. After all this bullshit, the attack on the tobacco industry seems fucked. Like planned before we were born

Correlation does not imply causation, you mentally deficient nigger.

I smoked for 30ish years and quit a few years ago, and I never have cravings.
My secret is that I told somebody I have no respect for that I was going to quit.
I would literally rather die then live in a world in which they have anything on me, whether they know it or not, from that moment I have had 0 desire to smoke.
People say that love is the strongest emotion, but that's bullshit.
True strength comes from spite.


This is so reductive and such terrible advice that I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers for spreading this disinfo

Smoking and vaping are for faggots with a penis obsession. Smokers and vapers die quicker than those who don't fuck with their lung's health.

Tobacco industry shills please leave, you dick obsessed fags.

>various added chemicals to prevent drying out and allowing self-extinquishing are both ruining the taste and ruining the health.
This is probably the reason it helps kill the virus before it kills you. Like most pharmaceuticals, helpful in small doses but kill you dead in quantity.

don't smoke shit then lmao.

There are some better tasting cigs out there. + its the smell of the smoke that is good if you don't bathe in 50 year old smoke

We may be witnessing one of the original reasons humans decided to fucking smoke in the first place.

/former cig smoker
//current pot smoker

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yes, let the leaf side of the force flow through you

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Yah yah yah. Pearl Harbor was bad for your health too. But that didnt stop you.

Asphalting the airways

>Smokers are 14x more likely to get serious lung damage from Kung Flu
>"Let's try and meme this into being a cure!"
Go do this on black twitter instead. They're stupid enough to fall for this shit.

Smoking is bad for you and makes you more susceptible to lung infections.

HOWEVER, Nicotine is the most effective substance on earth when it comes to stopping cytokine storms, which is what damages the lung tissue in COVID-19 patients.

Get some nicotine gum.

we need a saus

that actually makes sense, saus?

>Smokers and vapers die quicker than those who don't fuck with their lung's health.
You sir are 100% correct. And as a current smoker ( without an oral fixation) im certaily going to die earlier than my peers.
> sure going to miss my 80's thru 90's
> being spoon fed soup, drooling, Alzheimers, wheel chair AND getting my depends changed daily.
Itll be very sad. Being so old i cant put a gun in my mouth to end the misery

Smokers don't get hospitalised because they croak over before even arriving at a hospital.

Thinking that destroying your lungs with the smokejew is gonna protect you from having your lungs destroyed by the chink flu is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.

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According to FHI (Norwegian CDC) under risk factors and I quote: "Smokers seem to have more ACE2 receptors that the virus can bind itself to".

I've been saying this shit since February with the Chinese data. Dab on all you smokelet fags.

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>mfw two packs a day

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Kek tobacco Chads win again, get fucked non-smoking incels.

>According to FHI (Norwegian CDC) under risk factors and I quote: "Smokers seem to have more ACE2 receptors that the virus can bind itself to".
based and redpilled, time for second pack so i can fuck off from this shithole planet controled by kikes and chinks.

I smoke marijuana everyday. I feel perfectly fine, but everyone around me has died of covid.

Well, I quit smoking 20 years ago, here's hoping I have fairly normal amount of ACE2 receptors in my lungs now.


smokers dont run to the doctor every time they have a cough or runny nose.


B-but my selective reasoning!!!

Post proofs.

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Holy shit dude, why do you smoke so much?

Have been smoking about once a week since January. I'm 20yo currently. Only smoked Marlboro Red and gold. At first the taste was awful, but once I got used to it I kinda like it now. I try to not smoke frequently to make sure I don't get nicotine tolerance since I wanna have that nice strong buzz everytime I do smoke. It's just so nice and relaxing.

Anyway, what are some good cigarette brands to smoke?

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i smoked for 13 years and whenever i got sick I'd get a horrible bronchitis sounding cough that lingered for weeks after i recovered. decades of smoking can induce COPD, other lung diseases, high blood pressure and heart disease. these are all conditions that make you very vulnerable to the shanghai shivers.

the chinks said smokers were 14 times as likely to require medical attention in wuhan.

or they just die quicker so there are less of them

Worst larp I've seen in a while