Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Julchen Edition

>Election analysis 2014-2019

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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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>The Secret Social Lives of Extremists
Remember when it was just republicans shitting on democrats?
Few years down the line, it's right shitting on lefttists.
Clear separation point was done, now you have extremists shitting on liberals.
You see? I see it.
Do I care about her "infiltrating" some camps and writing a book about it? I don't, I never wanted to be part of any controlled opposition.
Yes, controlled opposition.
You see, it's a very big deal for her, because she finally achieved something in life, now she can give lectures, she get's paid. Look at her red cheeks. It's her time to shine in all this attention.
For me, those "extremists" are just local Yas Forums folk, who have quite radical opinions and are ready to take actions.
Shes there to be ahead of them and stop them from taking any actions. Her only weapon is buzzfeed and talks at big tech companies, so they could take action in tracking and censoring.
It's her only weapon. Will she succeed? I don't care about controlled opposition.

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Moin. Who's the jewess?

thats how my ex calls me

>Who's the jewess?
Julchen is our little bitch.

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guten morgen bernd
was passiert eigentlich an Ramadan? bezüglich versammlungsverboten und ausgangsperren; macht da die regierung wieder den Kotau vor den sandnegern? hat auch was gutes wenn die ziegenficker sich gegenseitig alle anstecken.

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Just a girl that likes to browse Yas Forums and tricked someone to pay her for it.

Tits or gtfo

Till then the lockdown is over.

But why? That isn't long enough. They are just afraid that the muzzies may spaz out.

A Jew who wished she was really an Austrian so larped as one for two years, runing countless German Nationalists lives. The worst kind of traitor.

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Are you sure? Im seriously asking because the propaganda machine cant make their mind up on how to handle this situation.
>Oh yeah its basically over curve isnflatte ing yadda yadda
>Oh its fiiiiiine
I still dont get it.

Its the peoples fault for falling for a woman who claims to be purebread but has mutt eyes. Also whoever joins clntrolled oposition is an idiot anyways.

>tradwives = female misogynists

Maybe they are taking a WHY CONTAIN IT? kind of approach to the muzzie side in the upcoming civil war. If the muzzies are so dumb as to ignore the biological warfare front, one might as well use their willingness to ignore Corona-chan to fire the first shot in the conflict that's coming anyway. Wouldn't take too much for an enterprising Ministerialbürokrat to nudge their nominal superiors towards permitting large Muslim events in the name of Tolerance™ and Inclusion™. For that would likely lead to infecting and ultimately killing a lot of these mud rats, thus taking them out of the race war equation. And their shit colored skin gives them a nice immutable uniform as far as avoiding them like the plague later is concerned, so they might not have a chance to infect too many whites...

Who says biological warfare can only be used in conflicts between states? Right here there is a whole lot of potential to effectively employ it in the upcoming civil war.

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We just thought she was an Italian mix, dont blame use for her wrongs. She thought she be famous & rich by doing this & it completely failed as the books didn't sell & now she's alone as a 30 year old women with no kids living in central London....

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the one on the right is not her.
It's from some instagram account with the same name, but it's not her.

It is her.

no it's not. If you think so you are face blind.
The one on the right looks like a 16-20 year old Turk.

Was Julchen stretched by the ole BBC yet??

Literally who? Did I miss something?

Ah, now I remember. That infiltrator.

I was one of the idiots who fell for her bullshit, it's her! Rich crazy Jew girl who pretended to be my based Austrian friend for over a year... I'm depressed & angry but fuck it there is nothing I can do about it now.

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she cute


nice edition

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Impossible. There are no women on Yas Forums.

You guys listening to any music now??? I am listening to the old Die Krupps albums right now.

>Austrian so larped as one for two years
she infiltrated for two years?

>Also whoever joins clntrolled oposition is an idiot anyways.
you could enjoy LKA paid sex, buddy

fuck it was her, she also "fucked" me over

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Yes but it was weirdly social, I think she is mentally ill to do what she did for two years because we talked for hours about nothing every week, nearly everyday.

It doesn't make any sense.

Landser of course. While driving through Berlin Neukölln.

I prefer the Zillertaler Türkenjäger. Best song is Sonderzug nach Mekka.

>I think she is mentally ill to do
yes, infiltration has a price, the mental toll the least of what you ought to worry about though

>It doesn't make any sense.
consider her a chameleon

are you sure she is "rich jewess" instead of being recruited from being mentally ill to begin with? it could've been a bargain deal, here you are from a foster care into the big world with paid university diplomas, you will be something...

or, here we are, we caught you lying/cheating, you would be in jail for years, or you could take our offer...

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>Das schlimmste ist ja, dass uns das ganze Spiel als Marktwirtschaft verkauft wird.

Meine Antwort:
>Herr Goldberg und Silberstein lassen grüßen.

Antwort von einem (((anderen))):
>Zwei Juden die es gut mit den Menschen meinen, bitte diese feinen Herren nicht kritisieren - schon gar nicht als Deutscher!

pic related.

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I dont know & I'll never know, all she is to me now is a traitor & i'll just put her out of my mind.

She wasted two years of her life just to end up in a London flat at the age of 30'ish alone.

No one has "won!" ha

Wie lange dauert diese beschissene Sperre noch an? Endlich läuft es bei mir mit Mädels und ich hab n qt3.14 mit der ich täglich telefoniere. Wir verstehen uns super und wir harmonieren sehr gut. Will sich aber nicht treffen bis die Lage sich entspannt hat. Ich hoffe doch sehr auf den 20. April. Ich meine, junge Leute müssen doch eh irgendwann wieder in Schulen und Unis, das kann doch nicht viel länger so weiter gehen?

>cannot criticize non-whites
Because to them, you are the money man maker, and your job is to make them happy. You're just "Siri in the phone" to them.

Cry harder.

>Ich hoffe doch sehr auf den 20. April.
Unwahrscheinlich. Ich hoffe du hast die Geduld bis ende Mai durchzuhalten.

They can just fuck right off.

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Catafag hat die schon GESCHWÄRZT.

You'll like this!

My goal every time I am around black people is always to get the fuck away from black people.

This is amazing!

die alte mutt schleuder mit seinen 2-3 pics von 90% plus weißen mutts

Only Asian women are traditional you lying roastie.

you know what to do boys

Vivaldi?? Consider yourself filtered.

Download them before "they" remove it!

He is an evil mongrel, Asian women are traditional and superior to him and his muttwifes in every conceivable way.

>Only Asian women are traditional

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here and now go and live out your yellow fever somewhere else

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Cope harder roastie.

Why do you have it on your computer then? Are you living in denial?

One time when I was 12 I said nigger around an Asian woman and she yelled at me. You are right their child abusing skills have not changed.

>Kotau vor den sandnegern?

what do you think?

Because she knew that it wasn't meant serious and you are lying roastie even back then you were. Most likely even burned the coal as a 12yo. You are disgusting you muttcunt.

>Why do you have it on your computer then? Are you living in denial?
not really

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Are you fucking serious? How did you ever think she was Austrian, she's obviously a kike
Fucking retards, let me laugh at (You)

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>Die Krupps
holy shit didnt hear the name for years.

whats next? `das ich` ?