> Germany Rejects Spanish and Italian Demands
No Gibbs
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Bye bye EU
Same here, the Northern European countries do their upmost best to keep debt low as possible while the lazy Southern European shits don't give a damn until they need help and immediately ask for gibs. Our citizens pay a shitload of taxes more compared to you and we shouldn't just hand out money.
I see Germans dab on other euros more than america itself these days. Makes me sad; aren't we enough for you germany? :(
Oh we'll pay, just give it a couple more days. It'll be fun how they call it though. Euro Bonds are explicitly illegal.
You are literally occupying Germany kek, what more do you want?
They should just take it. Whats Germany actually going to do? Threaten them with brooms?
A flu that ended the EU.
They aren't black enough
you'd like that, wouldn't you Boris? divide and conquer
What are you talking about? You guys are the biggest gibs takers in the EU.
Can we find out which jews profit from this?
>germs destroying their own european empire
What's new?
Maybe true for net contributors but Leeches like Poland probably not.
The German EU empire will collapse sooner than expected then. Excellent.
Everyone that tells you that capitalism never works and that is looking for an excuse to take away your property for the (((greater good))). So the greens the left and other red scum.
Eurobonds are the most communist thing you can make in capitalism.
The question is which jew doesn't.
Fuck Germany
Fuck Netherlands
And fuck the EU
Silly non-Germans. Gibs money in EU is strictly reserved for bailing out German major banks; I thought everyone knew that?
Beggars btfo
every remotely sane person wants that
but EU good
Meh, you'll pay for Italy as usual. Wouldn't want that precious new reich destroyed, would you?
Fuck all of you French manlets, go get winedrunk at 13:00 and stuff your face with a Camembert.
You have to go back
If only, then we'd be rid of broken, Africa tier drains like your country
guess why they inflated their death numbers so much?
Italy tired to socialise their debt before, but failed and tried to use this opportunity to rename their bail out.
What's there to conquer?
refugees and debt?
Italian Master Strategists
You are already their jewish constituion
oh yes pls conquer all these somalies and muslims that have absolutely nothing to do here
Imagine thinking like this and not realizing that it's either the EU or being bought out or governed by China or the USA 30 years down the line.
Democracy and politicians thinking about the next election in their own country is what has killed Europe.
Pretty much everyone is realizing that all the good words and ideals were there as long as europe was a happy little market where germany could export its shit while having control over the currency and fucking over states in order to buy shit cheap (like happened in greece).
Surprise surprise our government is taking measures to constraint the amount of stocks and proprieties that external companies can buy from our own, giving special attention to French and German companies, i.e. companies from the same countries that are in control of the EU and want austerity for others.
Some years down the line this will be obvious to everyone and history will not be kind
to germany and france.
Pretty much everyone, even the most hardcore europeist, has realized that the EU
needs to either die or that it must fundamentally and structurally change, starting from the head.
At least countries like poland or italy don't have no go zones and aren't infested of shitskins. The next big challenge for france and germany will be demographic, because while our refugees and in their little pens, niggers and arabs are now part of the french and german society and they have been basically normalized. Good luck with that.
Yeah, germany cares so much they pledge 1 BILLION for the outbreak, while the eu forbid italy to pledge anything meaningful.
Southerner states also pay their quota for NATO. Germany doesn't, and they haven't paid their fair share since the nineties and they blatantly say they won't pay until 2024. They do military exercises with brooms.
The euro is modeled after the deutch mark, which destroyed italian export. The eu has always favored germany and outright crippled competition to germany from other countries.
It's easy to be on top when you don't pay your due and the system is rigged to favour you. You stupid snownigger.
>The euro is modeled after the deutch mark, which destroyed italian export.
your idea of export was to devalue the lira every couple of years...
Lmao, exactly what the Euro does for Germany
It is fucking law market, you moron, it was not 'devaluing lira' but mark increased its fucking value.
Surplus means more people buying marks, if more people buy marks its value increase and if people want to buy German stuff have to pay more.
ABC, savage.
Thank you, and good luck to you too with becoming greece 2: spaghetti boogaloo
Just let the French handle it. They've been ignoring EU rules on finances for fucking decades.
Yes,it will end in civil unrest at best, sooner or later, so why not sooner. Or its our grand kids who gonna of will fight and be killed because of us and our parents' mistakes and lack of strength
In your dreams
But you couldn't say no to some illegal immigrant... Good job?
We're literally too big to fail, see what happens in the next few days
I hope this includes getting rid of all those Erasmus niggers in the future. If i see another braindead spaniard take up a place in a stem course despite not speaking german or english i am gonna flip
Learn to write grammatically correct English you lazy fuck. This way, people might actually understand what you are talking about.
How long until they tell the jew no?
>muh D-Mark
no you spaghettos, you currency lost against every other currency, and that was intended your whole fucking post ww2 economic strategy was to devalue you currency compared to the mark to be on the edge over the Germans, and for time that actually worked.
Then came globalisation and fucked you hard.
>guess why they inflated their death numbers so much?
Wasnt inflated the old folks did die but what they left out its that its been a common thing in the region over the last years that the flu makes old folks drop like flies, they had a tuberculosis crisis in that region last year and sold all their textile firms in the region to chinks who got a direct flight to wuhan
This is what they do, they pretend to be generous and "give" you money just to shackle you into being a debt slave for eternity, that's what happened when nationalism died and that's what will happen again with this corona crap. Our economies have been destroyed by the EU, we are effectively vassal states right now.
So it's wrong when we do it but it's okay when Germany or China does it?
Which is exactly what japan does, and it works just fine.
So the point of your comment is...? Showing us that you are an illiterate retard? We already know buddy, we can see the flag and all.
get back to work lazy italian
Btw let's talk seriously.
Italy does NOT want gibs, Italy isn't in debt with anybody, it has billions of credits with EU.
>muh public debt
Nothing to do with EU stuff, it is mostly caused by illegal speculation after the divorce from Italian central bank and the goverment, pretty much its privatization made in the last years of the cold war when our real politician were killed or had sof coups (Aldo Moro, Craxi etc.) and neoliberist scum took power with the idea of destroy Italy (Andreatta, Ciampi, Prodi, D'Alema, Napolitano, Monti, now the puppet Conte etc).
Still Italy doesn't own anything to any country.
>muh eurobond illegal
The only country who respected EU laws it is Italy, Germany is the first for violations of EU laws, even if EU laws are made by French and Germans.
>muh eurobond
We DON'T want eurobond, we want freedom and Italexit.
The guys thta are pushing for eurobonds are the last europeists who took power tricking the people (M5S faked about being antieuropeist and went from 30% to 5%) as the only thing they can do to sell it to the people.
They want to dissolve Italy because they really believe in the creation of an European superstate and eurobond are a step to get there.
Gladly the rejection of Germany and France will red pill the last retards who still bwlieve ib this bs called EU.
Lmao look at this dumb fuck.
The EU harmed us way more that china or the usa could have ever done in a whole century.
> we want freedom and Italexit.
just you try, see what happens with UK next year.
hint: we kill bojo, only the first step
UK and if theoretically Italians would grow balls to try a Italexit
we nords will cuck you and your economy to Ukraine Moldova level
Germans hated jews because they were their dorect competitors
Euro is a failed currency then. Turn back to national currency and you go back to your standards of living before Euro.
>Which is exactly what japan does, and it works just fine.
hahahahah, jesus how long where you asleep? Japanese exports have been stagnate for the last 25 years, devaluation only helps so much.
guess who we have to thank for that... a fucking pasta nigger
>who Mario Draghi
he was widely criticised for fostering the "weak euro" police.
Also the Lagarde is the same exact shit.
The EZB had one mandate: to combat inflation and keep it at an acceptable niveau.
They overstepped that shit multiple times, with buying trash bonds, issuing "zero rate" credits and other shit.
all this butthurt spaghetti niggers in this thread lmao, you are speaking like you have entitlement to gibs from Germany.
>We DON'T want eurobond, we want freedom and Italexit.
god speed, i hope that actually works, I despise the EU just as much.
funny thing hans... they already are, and its a billion Euro bomb... thats yours to hold.
If itally says "fuck you", all the target 2 claims against italy will become smoke and dust, and you can be sure spain will be the next.
kek Rip 4th Reich maybe next time G*rms
god i fucking hope so.
kek at all this pastanigger cope
Yeah, I'm sure that's the only reason.
We're the third contributing country to the EU after Germany and France. We get 9 bld a year, and we give back 12 bld a year, meaning we just plain give 3 bld a year to the EU. Say what you want about us, but we're not leeching off anybody.
Doesn't Germany's wealth come from after the war US and Europe money injections to rebuild their shitty country? The wealth is not yours not give? It belongs to all of us.
Germany is literally a doormat.
why do mark rutte hates med niggers like me?