Political compass thread

Post yours /pol

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Somewhere between the Chinese communist and the nazbol. I’m a distributionist

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Why are you gay?


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Use the sapply test

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That was my compass last year, here's the sapply test
Was I redpilled over the past year?

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so you're Clint Eastwood now?

I just can't see anything being resolved until everything first collapses to be re built. Even so even if I'm red pilled how do I know my children will be. Hopefully Jews eliminated entirely and then there can be peace.

holy shit is that a wojak political compass??
I fuckin love wojaks!
did anyone post this to r/PoliticalCompassMemes yet?
gotta get that sweet karma

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you've got the Nazi on the wrong side...they are leftwing authoritarian

It's a great picture, but totally wrong.
You put The Fascist and The Conservative in same spot.
The Fascist = 0% private market, 100% government control.
The Conservative = 100% private market, 0% government control.

I think this is bollox.
>strongly agree
>strongly disagree
I dont strongly agree or disagree with much. Just agree or disagree, why the strongly? Needs more questions with better thought out context. Its like it was made to make you a moron.

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Cool, my post wasn't all that serious btw, I love Clint Eastwood movies.

Wild ride

Economically they were left, socially they were anti-degeneracy.
I guess being against every leftist perversion places them on the right.

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how is tankie to ancap even possible?

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Are my political values cringe, based or meh?

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btw, I do not believe in God, but I believe in the strength and benefit of the nation from traditions. It's all about rituals.

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>Jewish banker larping as a commie

Stop watching porn you degenerate.

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Guys what should I do
I don't wanna be like Merkel

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Being a tankie in the first place was kind of irrational so abandoning it was ultimately a painless endeavor and improved my mental health-


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What if you're attracted to the male also?

>da joos
I don't idolize trotsky I just agree with his politics
being an ancap is way more irrational than a tankie.

>I don't wanna be like Merkel
Just be yourself.

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Surprised at how milquetoast I am tbqh.

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that's why you watch hentai.
if you're jerking off to AAA plastic drug addled porn starts in Slaaneshi orgies, no shit it's going to affect your brain.
the only """disadvantage""" is that perfect anime girls will set your irl standards extremely high, which they should be anyway, my fellow kings.
Bonus credit if it's monster girls, because they just want your love, and you should be looking at girls irl who want your love, not thot flings.
forsake degenerate 3DPD and set yourselves free. i beg of you my brothers! I believe in each and everyone of you!

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Arent you confusing conservative and ancap now?

> authoritarianism
> term invented by frankfurt school

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>democratic socialist.
Thats paradox

He hated your existence. trotskyism is communism controlled by Jews.

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Pro which authority?
Anti which authority?
Left to what?
Right to what?

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This is bullshit

This. Political compass in general is pretty vacuous.

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Trotskyism is American attempt to take some control over internazies in USSR from Anglos in Fabian Society.

A failed one.

Btw, the ancap and anti-fascists should be in same spot. No, i am not confusing anything. Total liberty is 0 government of any kind. The picture doesn't even works with central government, even less people's government. Libertarians want no government at all, anti-fascist don't want any government at all, the anarchists don't even want any rules. People who don't want rules are obviously liberal, not authoritarian.

I prefer Political Simulation. It gives a much more nuanced and detailed view.

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monmusume are the best because all of those 1000 years old demonic lolis desu

About there

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some what relatable

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Compas is legit if you define the scales correctly.
> authoritarianism
Literally Frankfurt school bullshit from their "authoritarian personality" openly anti-white pro-jid racist """science""".

> muh left
> muh right
Literally propaganda pieces from socialists to declare
< "we are not hitler, peoples socialist [actual translation and meaning of NS] hitler was someone else, like 'nazi', 'fascist' or somthn"

There can be meaningful scales.
> pro Private Property
> against Private Property

> pro traditionalism
> pro meritocracy

> people who can be argued with
> fanatics

Should i be worried.

I'm an INFJ btw.

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Why is this so accurate?

Depends on the day. The extremes are more common.

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Take a salt tablet, you'll be fine.

>left-right dichotomy

>Environmentalist is the only one that looks happy

Communist -> Republican -> Liberal -> Nazi -> Ancap -> Nazi

I started as a flip-flopper, then moved diagonally to the top right

the banker and the lolberg are also happy

I just went by the pictures but it's pretty close to where I am on the fag chart anyways.

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oy vey goyim

why am i such a cringe bringe zoomer doomer peepeepoomer guys

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