
Is he finally about to go completely off rails? Feels like this has been coming for a while.

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Where is he wrong

It seems like Varg has absolutely no influence from other men at all. Like he’s alone with his thoughts 24/7 and is just going more batshit insane.

What a fucking disgrace.

He basically wants to genocide meds

The faggot Brit wants influence from other men

He’s not wrong but imagine posting that absolute cringe unironically

The guy has no friends and no life

So not wrong at all.

I didn't say he was wrong in this statement, but Varg generally is wrong about tons of stuff on an almost daily basis for the past 5-10 years. It's been a near non-stop clown show from him.

But he's still kinda based and comfy.

The Canadian doesn’t believe in brotherhood

>t. stupid fat impolite ugly reeking paranoid coward envious jealous hateful brown ignorant christian muslim hindu insane greedy jew

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>Is he finally about to go completely off rails
Has anyone ever used "Varg" and "sane" in same sentence?

he contradicted himself various tines with the last 2 phrases.
dude's a complete derailed schizo.

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he has a better life than you. you're domesticated like a nigger cattling slaving away so a jewish hell society can eternally function, and you do it all just so you can consume in return, watch another game of thrones episode haha le epic tyron lancaster cock joke play another video game eat another burger now pay your taxes to a government ethnically replacing you
yeah, he's really got no life raising a healthy, happy family away from your sick concrete hellscape you're in love with so much. anything so you can watch another star wars hollywood jew movie marvel big up big purple meanie

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>t. 65 year old edgy goth teenager

He's further evidence that women literally cannot be trusted to pick their own partners. They genuinely cannot seem to breed with anyone who isn't severely mentally ill, sub-80 IQ, crippled, a nonwhite or some other unforgivable thing.

the reason you're mad is because you're obviously one and more of the things Varg listed

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Serious question: why does Varg think he's a better man than Jesus? Do you think he has even contemplated that? What kind of person hates Jesus anyway?


Shut up cunt, you don’t know what I’m doing. I have a comfy rural life. Varg is raising a family of hillbillies in a barn, good for him but those kids are gonna be fucked when they’re 18 and have to fit in somewhere other than a tent.

I’m not mad, Varg is just a retard

He really doesn’t lmao

and yet he didn't say a single thing wrong in that post
in fact that post alone makes him more of an intellectual than doctors and lawyers who think the holocaust actually happened. they most be beyond retarded
it still stands that you're one and more of those things Varg listed

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Varg is just being Varg. How can anyone hate crazy uncle Varg?

>this is your brain in white power

So according to this backwoods idiot only the people he hates will die, his family and close friends if he has any will be spared by the yellow plague.
This is how most of the idiots on this site think unfortunately and I exchange thoughts on the regular with.

I hope he catches it soon, fuck this cringe faggot

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Getting up to any more demonic rituals in the woods my Homeless plastic paddy fren?

half of these adjectives would literally fit him.
that being said he tried to warn us about what's causing this shit

Of course. A fucking American. The USA. THE shittest country to exist in all human history
bunch of literal sub-humans so biologically altered from normal humans through countless generations pump fed corn syrup and s o y, chemicals in their food, chemicals in their water, 5G radio waves rotting their brain, processed food, mac and cheese, fast food with s o y, fast food chemicals made from plastics, estrogen in their water supply, consumerist, materialist culture,

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the closest apostles of jesus were jewish; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

>I hope he catches it soon
but user, then you are as bad as him

of course. a christian.
>you will spend eternity in "paradise" full of shit-skins, spics and niggers, goy
>statistically Christianity is majority non-white on a global scale
>go to heaven and spend eternity with niggers and mexicans
>turn the other cheek
>suck black people's toes
>jew on a stick
>jews are the chosen race
>Israel is your holy lands, not Europe
>doesn't matter if whites go extinct as long as the swarthy brown horde are all christians that want to suck jesus' toes
>worship a holy foreskin of a desert jew carpenter that got yeeted on by Roman paGANGs
>niggers and spics are equal to white men
>it doesn't matter if you're a pedophile rapist as long as at the end of it all you repent and subject yourself to Yahweh and his physical jew incarnation, Jesus
>if a nigger-mexican hybrid spic rapes and kills your blonde 7 year old daughter, don't kill him, just turn the other cheek... oh now he's repented and turned to jeebus, nice you can spend eternity with your daughter's pedophile rapist murderer that ate her pussy in heaven and your 7 year old daughter's in hell because her Nazi grandma told her about indigenous European gods and goddesses and she really liked Frigg and made some offerings to white gods. but that doesn't matter you don't need her, you can play black jack and poker with her rapist murderer in heaven
you're the biggest blight to the white race that has ever existed. a spiritual semite

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are you anti-white or something ?

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the closest apostles of jesus were jewish; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

>he's main gig is being a faggot (((influencer))) while spending his Google bucks to dump other idiots in to hating Google.

Fuck off, any e celebrity is the same cloth of parasitic ttention whore faggot at least the soi boys aren't pretending to be bravado rough necks living in the wilderness

Doesn’t have to say anything wrong for it to still be retarded. Posting the picture combined with the statement makes him look insane, which any self respecting man wouldn’t do. Imagine posting that to social media, lol.

Sorry you’re impressed by lonely boomers LARPing as le crazy Vikings

what the fuck kind of bot script is this?

I won't regret it if this faggot dies, that's for sure.

i reported his tweets, hope he gets suspended from twitter aswell

Varg is literally jewish.

you kikes said the exact same thing about Hitler, Anders Breivik and Brenton Tarrant
it seems that every time there's someone who actually does something you don't like you just call them jewish

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He's such a bell end.

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It seems so, but that's a solid point nonetheless.

>Hates Christian
>His alias comes from a Character based on the resurrection of Christ written by a Catholic author.

Muh economy never crash.
Oh it crashed I'm wrong.
But I'm right about everything else.

>Imagine posting that to social media, lol.
Social pressure based on lies, is truth!


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He has a point. I'm so sick of this false compassion in social media. Everything is so fake.

The chainsaw pic obviously.

>look guys I’m really threatening I’m holding a firewood collection tool :) it go brrrrr

Katana-fedora tier cringe

varg is:
>probably reeking judging by his lifestyle
i wont regret it in this case

>Blessings from an aussie

A kike is someone who hates Christ. Varg is a kike. Varg speaks like a Jew, advocates for anti European tradition by denigrating Christianity, and acts like a Jew by murdering and being a kike, a denier if Christ.
If it looks like a Jew, acts like a Jew and speaks like a Jew it's a Jew.

People who hate Christ are sexual deviants and have been given over to a reprobate mind. They always have a hidden evil past. Varg burnt a church down and killed a man along with killing his best friend. I wouldn't be suprised if he was homosexual.

"Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity."

hes the definition of Yas Forums

a complete crazy insane schizo

He is clearly projecting, though. All those adjectives (stupid, impolite, reeking, paranoid, envious, jealous, hateful, insane, greedy) are 100% him.
He's a retard. He hates himself, probably.

and bald, don't forget bald

>being this in love with Varg

I have reported a batch of Varg's tweets, specifically the ones that explicitly mention Jews in a negative context. I want him deplatformed from the entire internet, with no motive other than to make him lose his shit and go postal on some Frenchies.

>stupid, impolite, reeking, paranoid, coward, envious, ignorant, greedy, hateful
Says the ex metalhead, muslim apologist, who lives off of welfare, and quite literally stabbed a friend of his in the back killing him after said friend invited him into his house, because he was a paranoid schizo. His kids are home schooled, and just like him, don't have a single friend, and don't even know anyone outside of the immidiate family.

Vargs real first name being Kristian (read Christian) will never not amuse me

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Good goy

Hindus? I thought Varg liked people practicing their own local pagan religions.

He's probably referring to Orientalist Westerners

>Vargs real first name being Kristian (read Christian) will never not amuse me

If he was going to officially change his name, why would he pick fucking Louis Cachet as his legal one.

I always laugh when the Natsoc and esoteric Hitlerists worship him and wear Burzum shirts.

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yeah and?
got a problem with that you nafroid?


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>too many posts by this ID
Then keep talking about how 'not mad' you are you fucking idiot. You're not fooling anyone.