@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/5/20
>War Room Weekly! 4/5/20
>DefSec Esper on ThisWeekABC 4/5/20
>DefSec Esper on (((FakeNews))) 4/5/20
>SG Adams on FoxNewsSun 4/5/20
>SG Adams on MtP 4/5/20
>FDACommr Hahn on SunMornFutures 4/5/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on C-SPAN Q&A 4/5/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 4/5/20
>Bannon on SunMornFutures 4/5/20
>Giuliani on SunMornFutures 4/5/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Michael Knowles (Lara) 4/5/20
>Give People Hope 3/31/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/4/20
>American Heroes ONLINE! 4/4/20
>LabSec Scalia on F&F 4/4/20
>EnSec Brouillette on JudgeJeanine 4/4/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on JudgeJeanine 4/4/20
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why doesn't Yas Forums make NES games?
Time to listen to Blood Meridian and play France in EU4!
NN friendos!
They should desu
Why doesn’t the local barber preform open heart surgery?
this user called baking, he is the rightful baker
Is it a niggerkilling disease?
Thank for baking. I will check in every hour or so unless and until Portugal shows up.
>n-n-not muh baker's guild
no fuck you I'm taking it right now, my bake next, no one else
he said baker is kill, it's mine next
>can't even link to his split
You are not worthy.
You are idealizing a bunch of degenerates, have you read 18th century literature? Nobles were just crossdressing faggots whose sole purpose were to distract the king with funny jokes while dilapidating the country's wealth. let's not even talk about the high class priests, not exactly saints those were.
There's no point keeping something for "tradition" when it has no essence anymore, try comparing Napoleon's revolutionary administration with Louis XVIII/Charles X pathetic ones
Next one is on me, thanks for baking
Lods of Dead phun Splittin.
Thanks m8 lel they choose to act when I'm basically mandatory to be off
>In Chicago, 70% of Blacks Are Dead of COVID-19
Oh, OK, its yours, I'll be around as backup if needed
No problem friend, much love.,
btw. just watched Legend of Crimson (Konosuba movie), very good
>baking is up for grabs
I don't even know what is happening anymore.
Ketchup is trash tier condiment.
Frank's hot sauce on eggs.
Gulden's spicy brown mustard and Hellman's mayo on burgers.
Louisana Hot Sauce on mustard greens.
A-1 sauce on every third or fourth bite of medium rare steak.
Garlic salt, onions sauce, and a good bit of teriyaki for grilled chicken.
This is how it works.
I haven't even gotten the chance, I wanna tonight. So excited.
Based culinary MAGAnon.
JEJ; it's not? has it, he called
>Nobles were just crossdressing faggots whose sole purpose were to distract the king with funny jokes while dilapidating the country's wealth.
And now instead of a tiny class of degenerates that can fit into Versailles your entire fucking electoral base is made up of these "people." Congratulations, you played yourselves.
>try comparing Napoleon's revolutionary administration with Louis XVIII/Charles X pathetic ones
His legacy is a code of laws, and shedding more French blood to achieve the same borders as Louis XIV.
Ahh yes split trump generals
Certain people brought heat on themselves and got got so be aware.
O shit, I need to download it.
The powers that be are very MAGA and great, thank you so very much.
Wanna later tonight with a MAGAthing? Just don't watch until tonight if you wanna MAGA with the cool kids.
>started smoking again
Ohh well, the other one got jannie'd
He called it in the pruned split, not here. Stick around because it will probably be up for grabs whenever this one finishes.
A certain other portuguese with a suspicious penchant for MILFs (to which I just happens share a mind meld) got got in the cross fire with a silly enforcement of "off topic".
Just the best rules of this site being applied
> there are no rules (for all intents)
> there are no rules for site staff too so enjoy your ban
Throw those fucking cigs out
>Wanna later tonight with a MAGAthing? Just don't watch until tonight if you wanna MAGA with the cool kids.
WHOA. I've never participated in one of those. What time? I'm not working for a couple days so that could be some MAGAfun.
He did it here ver clearly: I'll be around too as backup if needed, and because I have nowhere else to go with lots of work to do in this very computer and everything
Then dont behave like a bitch telling us you started smoking again
ok gayblino
7pm est try to keep an eye out if that works for you. I gotta let AZ and hiki know.
May god bless your incarcerated brother and yourself having to watch out for an idiot who also god locked up with this place.
user, you're way too valuable to be smoking a bunch. If you made your way here there is some real great stuff about you and we need you healthy and ready to fight and not be a medical burden on your people.
>7pm est try to keep an eye out if that works for you. I gotta let AZ and hiki know.
That should work. 4pm is a good time for MAGAstew leftovers and watching a good show with berdfren.
>His legacy is a code of laws, and shedding more French blood to achieve the same borders as Louis XIV
Ultimately yes but Louis XIV also did shed a shitload of blood and money and left France in a far worse state, Napoleon's failure has more to do with his hubris than with the efficiency of his administration (which left a lot more than just a code of laws, he also made some huge administrative changes that are still here today)
>And now instead of a tiny class of degenerates that can fit into Versailles your entire fucking electoral base is made up of these "people.
nonsensical argument
>Ultimately yes but
BUT you went through another 4 republics and a sequel empire.
>nonsensical argument
Have It Your Way™
See ya then.
When will he stop tweeting?
The stew is back!
I am excite. Okay, no more arguing with frogfren, time to listen to book and strengthen the house of Valois.
Breaking News!!! Correction. Everybody loves tacos. Why not, they are delicious! There is no reason not to dedicate Tuesday's to eating delicious tacos.
Bon appetit
Pycoфoбы - этoт тepмин oпиcывaющий людeй, кoтopыe нe пepeнocят pyccкoe быдлo и вaтy, пoявилcя нe cлyчaйнo. Beдь в миpe тaк мнoгo paзyмных людeй, кoтopыe пoнимaют кaкoe гoвнo из ceбя пpeдcтaвляют pyccкиe. Пoэтoмy для oгpoмнoгo кoличecтвa здpaвoмыcлящих людeй вo вceм миpe, pyccкиe cвиньи пpидyмaли cпeциaльный тepмин, нacтoлькo их мнoгo чтo пpишлocь пpидyмывaть тepмин.
She’s retarded.
I need a table saw and a drill, but holy shit I really want a planer and a jointer.
Bring on that second stimulus, baby.
Look, whitey, pay up alright? Just keep fucking paying up and die.
Pyccкиe нeиcпpaвимы нa гeннoм ypoвнe, их eдинcтвeнныe пoмыcлы этo вopoвaть, жpaть, пить и cpaть.
Pyccкий нapoд пpoeбaл вcё, экoнoмикy, oбpaзoвaниe, нayкy, мeдицинy, кocмoc, cпopт. Pyccким быдлo пaцaкaм ocтaнeтcя тoлькo нищeтa, дoлги и пoзop. Зaтo oлигapхи бyдyт пoкyпaть кaждый гoд нoвyю яхтy и ocoбняки.
Дeти и внyки нынeшних pyccких пaцaкoв пpoклянyт cвoих тpycливых и тyпых пpeдкoв.
Mocкoвcкиe фeoдaлы coздaли cтaдo тyпых, лeнивых и oзлoблeнных люмпeнoв. Teпepь эти paбcиянe ищyт ктo винoвaт.
Pyccкиe этo тpycливaя, тepпeливaя и paбcкaя нaция.
fuck. it's real.
Me and MAGApilled
Embrace the coof
Кopoнaвиpyc вдpyг выявил oчeнь мнoгo пaтpиoтoв бepeзoк и pyccких пoлeй,cyдя пo жeлaющим выeхaть в Poccию из-зa pyбeжa.Кoгдa cтpaнe былo плoхo,oнa лeжaлa в pyинaх эти пaтpиoты дpиcтaнyли жить нa Зaпaд,нy a тeпepь,кoгдa зaпaхлo жapeным,oни вдpyг вcпoмнили пpo cвoй пaтpиoтизм.
inb4 this is in a news segment
open the stores.
why do they still photoshop her face?
she doesnt have big eyes irl
10/10 got me to quit smoking; well played user.
Oh my, why does it have traditional taco meat and squid. I would try it.. I've had squid before it's not bad really.
I hope that's so user, I believe in your ability to MAGA like hell.
I wish a yandere would just kill me instead of corona-chan
We call those things taco fish
So we gonna go back to work then right or... does it turn into "The Stand"
* what's in your Nose Cone?
Guys, stop calling it China Flu
That is not helping anyone right now
Reparations for what? This has to stop. This free ride bullshit has gone to far. Not to mention that aren't even here legally and are being forced to harvest adrenachrome and be muscle for human trafficking.
If you don't love Preside trump you will burn in heelll forever
Judicial watch needs stronger medicine.
lmao, okay a lot of the book is coming back to me now, and user, you are THE JUDGE of this thread.
>Guys, stop calling it China Flu
>That is not helping anyone right now
i prefer
the president of china looks like a dumb cartoon bear with no pants named winnie the pooh flu
Call it the Sinovirus.
Why isn't this bitch in jail?!!
>>not helping anyone
Not helping the DIA DTRA, CDC WHO
Make America whiter and thiccer than ever before! Marry a white vixen as soon as this pandemic ends!
Did wikipedia already updated genocide list with Drimpfts corona?
They are the ones who engineered this bioweapon to destroy the United States.