Holy shit it's actually happening

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We are all on oxygen bro.

As I watch Ross King choking up on Lorraine kek. What a timeline.

He's just the weaker part of the herd



That's what he gets for reading Classics

i wonder what other clown the tories will come up with when he'll be pushing daisies

>50% risk of croaking

Why is he on the television for women network?

Also when the elites were plotting this shit I imagine their leader said "They'll expect one of us in the wreckage"

No, no, he's just developing herd immunity, it's a hoax, he'll be back and supporting Zionism in no time.

Let me guess it's dailymail?

Its a sacrifice to Moloch.

Boris wanted to be PM so badly, he was offered a deal. Oversee the engineered outbreak but he will be killed to provide legitimacy for this fake virus. Similar to Jo Cox.

He took the deal. Expect Boris to turn up dead, having fulfilled his lifes dream.

Shit. He's got a 50/50 chance then.


Chloroquine and Zinc for a few days and he would be fine. But the "doctors" are like nah, don't listen to "fake news". Boris is going to die because medical professionals fell for the oxygen meme.

Boris the animal

no source
OP is a fag. Triple saged

Some of us are on smoke hehe yes men

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Yeah, he will be fine but they need the clicks

This means he can no longer lead the nation, who is the acting PM right now?

>Jews run the media
>Believes Jewish media

Can you explain this reasoning to me?

'You have to break an egg to make an omelet!'

In Greek and Latin you fucking philistine

being on oxygen and being on mechanical ventilation are two completely different things

He will die.

Parts and parcels.

why doesn't he just inhale deeper like that covidboomer streaming from the cruise ship???

you can be on oxygen without being intubated though. maybe just a nasal cannula

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First comes the oxygen then if lungs keep failing them comes the vent

Sure, this is being reported so it's being discussed but it would be foolish to automatically assume it is automatically either true or false because Jews run the media and the media is untrustworthy.

The Queen

Restore absolute monarchy

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are you guys trying to shut down a happening-craze?

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Good, fuck that Jew.

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some of you may die and im willing to make that sacrifice

key word

Why Boris Eltsyn couldn't just die in 80s

Have we started a fire?

>former smoker
>drinking problem
>congenital ear malformation which is prone to infectious diseaseses

He won't make it lads.

Oh God, please spare him.
I really like the chap.

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>why contain it

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I hope any useless nigger that praises this drops dead on the spot. Scum dogs.

>the black flag will fly above the dome
oh no no no

happier times

Oh well, president Raab and his junta will be in charge soon

Random grandpa down the street passes away and nobody aside from his immediate family even gives a shit. Some faggot (((politician))) might die and OH NO, THE WORLD IS SUDDENLY ENDING!! He'll be replaced. Nothing of value would be lost. The same applies to every (((politician))) and (((celebrity))). You need to remove your rose tinted glasses.

At least Bob Page made the vaccine before he released the deadly virus.

If the sun says something then you should assume the opposite is true.

Imagine actually believing or reading anything in (((the sun)))

No source.

for the herd!

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I think he's a typical moderate case with low O2 sats. The unlucky 40% that develop the moderate stage of pneumonia. O2 nasal or mask seems enough for these cases.

There's a chance he might go severe, though.

which dome?

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Covid patients are going from cannula to intubation in the blink of an eye. Once they’re on 6 liters you might as well tube them before they crash.

Similar to who?

Someone redpill me on herd immunity.

It's in all the tabloids you twat.
a streetshitter apparently

Launch the nukes before there is nobody left alive to launch them!!!

The escalation is: oxygen -> CPAP -> Ventilation -> death

Hillary Clinton.

lol. Go back, you pitiful cunt.

boy i'd rather have comrade corbyn at this point

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Most live some die. The problem is in this case it might be 5%. The black plague was only 1% and it caused specialized jobs to be absent in Europe (high quality glass making) for a century.

>UK finally gets its shit together
>God casts down their elected PM
Cursed ground.

Lord Rothschild

Based I'd support this

Don't get my hopes up user

>on oxygen

fucking kill your self

>using cpap on patients with an airborne illness

Fucking cavernous brain no wonder Europe is shit

Jo Cox died because she was a stupid Fabian cunt who neglected her constituency in favour of glad-handing with Pakis and Trannies like they all do, and one mad glorious bastard smeared her dirty brain-paté up the street.

God bless 'im, and vile burning death on all Fabians and their kin.

And on you too, for being a liar.

thats exactly what the virus wants us to do

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westminster dome?

>It's in all the Jewish tabloids!

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