Something big is happening. Someone linked me this video and its Unlisted
Unusual Arctic ozone hole
Polar shift
5g antennae are evaporating the ozone layer bro.
People don't keep denying but no one is listening, 5g is going to kill us all
5 G also caused the second world war.
5g doesnt have the range to get to the ozone layer lmao
A light bulb is a million times more powerful than a 5g antenna.
5G killed my horses and raped my dog.
5g antennae just flew over my house
That's weird because air / atmosphere pollution has never been this low since these past 30 years with China and the rest of the world halting to a crawl, the sky is lacking clouds tho here in europe, it's completely devoid of it...
Maybe earth has been hit with a huge sun EMF eruption / wave...
Listen canadian frens, if air outside start to smell like bleach just rush inside and close all doors.
wow looks like all that air pollution was pretty handy after all
this was there in the 80s too
they told us hairspray cans and Freon caused it.
Frank Black's song about monkeys in heaven was bitching about it.
>happens every year
who writes this shit?
happens every year in AUTUMN
not spring
5G caused the ice age and killed the dinosaurs
>due to unusual atmospheric conditions including freezing temperatures in the stratosphere.
But I thought there was a global warming bros?
in the stratosphere over the arctic region?
Magnetic North Pole is drifting and weakening.
It's too early for that. There's about 15 more years before can happen.
>Copernicus sentinel
At the risk of sounding like a madman, they are once again lying about the nature of things and shoving it in your face.
5G turned me into a newt
If you want to see satellites in the sky, go to youtube, search Starlink train. You can even set search options to search for videos from this month or week and you will still find videos of starlink satellites filmed by amateur photographers very recently.
Many theories will have to be revised after this quarantine effect on nature.
Ozone layer wants BBC
Wow it's almost like there's a massive complex system of natural forces that create a cycle of changes over long periods of time.
t. ChloroFlouroCarbons did nothing wrong.
Didn't know your mom went to the north pole.
>raped my dog
Sorry that was me
Is raining in fucking Los Angeles, it never fucking rains in Los Angeles.
Must be the 5g
A newt?
My cousin's son Q. Covfefe that works in the 5G division of Nintendo just flew over my house confirming this
look at that gape mane...shiiiiieeeeett
5G killed all my brain cells, we need to stop it
stfu fucking idiot. the hole is recovering already faggot
in the 80's they told us it's CFCs. Now what, the non existant pollution because everyone is staying at home?
But surely the sun's orbit doesn't jump between those rungs instantly, it would have to gravitate between them
So why doesn't his sky photo have a screwthread-like line occurring?
this nigga knows what's up.
he has been risking his life and freedom for years now to try and show us.
the earth is a dying star... a gas giant shedded of the majority of its atmosphere.
Please no, shut up with these horrifying theories.
starlink satellites are only in train formtion right after they're launched
clustering together like that would completely defeat the purpose of their intended goal of muh global internet
I bet the Chinese did this
>A light bulb is a million times more powerful than a 5g antenna.
It's the weak ones you have to watch out for. They stab you in the back or poison you. The chad light bulb is strong enough to say fuck you in your face and be done with it, living his shining life. Meanwhile the virgin 5g is like a sneaky little... you know what it is, do I have to tell you?
So the earth is actually flat?
Jesus was crucified on a 5g mast
Perhaps it is weapons testing? Which governments operate there?
Stay at home, UV rays are gonna kill you!
Hey kids!
Go learn about Kristian Birkeland and the concept of Birkeland currents because jews don't want you knowing about him, and I'm not even joking
Wouldnt we in black out conditions if that happend?
Wich means he probably took the pictures once a month and he did not have a camera sitting there taking pictures 24/7
it's from hundreds of millions of dead chinks being incinerated
5g raped my dog's anus. 5g gave me cancer. 5g set my hair on fire. 5g sure does a lot of stuff.
Please for the love of vagina just research the solar cycle.
It's not hard.
It's a giant clock with two arms. If you understand what each means to the Earth things will become a little clearer.
It’s probable that Western European IQs 200 years ago would be 110 on today’s scale, we had such a strong run there from1500-1900 but then the Jews with their tay-Sachs came along and displace us,
It's not even June yet, how the fuck do you have this article?
Is that why people installing the 5G antennae wear heavy duty radiation suits?
It's the schwarzwelt from SMT: Strange Journey
Anons help me out:
>Sun activity is fucky
>Coronavirus is basically hypoxia or height disease
What if the lack of oxygen due to flares is what's causing the supposed virus?
Chemtrails have always been used to create a reflective screen against sunlight (also for rain and poison if you want)
Maybe they're not spraying anymore? My chemtrail theory is that they did it out of necessity because the atmosphere was way more destroyed than we were told.
Antichrist / Satan woke up
Checked, so many shills triggered bots ect responded to your post. Responses were inorganic. Probably to cover hypoxemia connection to corona.
Then just giving people oxygen woud fix everything
attend school
>he believes in ozone holes
There is no layer you fucking idiot, there are regions where youre more likely to find ozone, which in itself NEEDS UV rays to appear in the first place
Nobody is giving low pressure + max oxygen, and blood transfusions would be needed once one reaches the ventilator stage. Also explains why people are suddenly collapsing, hypoxia may take a long time to shut down organs.