Is it true that people in the medical field have a sort of God complex and they get a sort of adrenaline hit when they manage to exert their authority over patients, the media and the masses?
Is it true that people in the medical field have a sort of God complex and they get a sort of adrenaline hit when they...
Yes, mi sembra ovvio frà
Nel mio paese 90% dei sindaci sono stati medici di famiglia, tutti i boomer li hanno votati in automatico. Sarebbe interessante vedere che relazione ci sarà fra dottori e politici prossimamente.
I would say yes to some degree. Kinda like police and military as well. Not all, but a high enough number for it to be a problem.
of course, saving a life is the ultimate power trip
I would say taking lives in the name of "good" is. More in general, control over life and death is the ultimate expression of godhood.
Can't speak for the doctors and nurses out there, but I work in EMS and I can tell you that there are definitely people in EMS who feel like people owe them some kind of debt of gratitude for doing the job. I would imagine the medical field in general probably draws in people like that.
I guess in their minds the people paying their bills and taxes so you get a paycheck isn't enough. They feel like they should be worshipped as heroes even though most of the people with that mentality would never put themselves in danger for anyone.
They also do like to try and excercise some type of "authority" over people they think they're better than. Which is funny because as an emt nobody has any obligation to do a fucking thing I tell them to.
Having said all that, I do work with a lot of excellent, hardworking, normal people that just want to work their shifts and collect their paycheck and live their lives. Those tend to be the people who are better at the job in general.
>be me at 17
>huge pain in the head
>doctor proceeds to do 5 surgeries
>didn't solve shit
>he is shocked that it didn't work
>"I did it a million times before"
>ego is now fucked up
>he is depressed and leaves the hospital
No ,but they are very wholesome, virtous, loving, humble and caring people who happen to be much smarter, useful, talented, and better than you in every way.
Thank you doctor tho seriously faggot. One of the worst jobs for the best pay ever.
That's also why they can't stand anybody criticising them or any forms of disobidience. Heard stories about some doctors sending patients to the mental patient section because they threatend to file a formal complaint.
No, it's like this
90% of medical professionals are chill and understand they are just doing their job.
10% are loud-mouthed, self-loving, pat-themselves-on-the-back 24/7, I'm a hero/angel' arseholes -note these people are usually bottom of the pile nurses
The 90% hate the 10%
What about you?
He died.
I bet, I feel like the heavyweight champ just when I make the wife squirt. Savin a life is probably a hell of a rush
No wonder they get along with feminists so well.
Anyone else having doctors and nurses in the family who are a lot more insufferable lately?
I don't mind doctors, it's all the nurses that expect to be called heroes and revered constantly for wiping asses
Not really. Im a doc and every step is patient consent. You explain everything to them, give them pros and cons, they say yes or no to everything. Even then in the people who just say yes to anything it's just a job. I do my best and just view them as polite. There's literally never any sense of 'superiority', even in substance abuse jobs or psych jobs.
If you're going to feel 'superior' over being in a position of relative authority you'd be that sort of sad sack in any job, even if just for the brief moment at the checkout where you have the person's credit card.
Only by proxies. Some of my sister's friends are doctors I get the whole marketing talk every time I talk badly about the profession. When I make good arguments and she can't wiggle herself out of it she says something like, doctors are just humans too and I respond that's what I'm afraid of and the discussion is over.
Only the women and minorities because they've been fed a lie that they're held down by ebil white men and think it's some of retribution
"saving" a "life"
To be fair, healthcare professionals arent the only ones. Dont forget teachers, professors, psychologists, and lobby group employees. All of them think they are the fine line between saving grace and anarchy, all of them tell myths about themselves that arent true. Especially public school teachers.
Women who also breastfed and did all the house chores managed to teach their own kids the basics, and your whole career is spent complaining about why you don't get paid enough?
This is very true. I knew people who in first year of medical school went round acting like heroes. Once some guy fell in a pub, nothing bad just cut his ear, two students went over to help, told him he was very lucky as they were med students, then made him remain sat on the ground for at least an hour until an ambulance arrived because he might have a spinal injury, despite the fact he'd already half gotten himself back up. Judt embarrassing.
Most aren't like that at all but there are some, usually the girls.
I'm an EMT, gonna get my Paramedic license over the summer if my course isn't delayed any more over the Recent Unpleasantness.
Nurses do sometimes get a weird sense of ownership over people, but for the most part they act like auto mechanics trying to fix a busted radiator fan. If anything there's a general detachment from patients as humans, at least from my end of the whole thing.
Most of them don't care if you're sick or healthy. They got into the field because they want power and get laid. That's it. Behind closed doors they mock their patients and they don't give a shit if you die, as long as it's not seen as their fault.
I stand corrected. Medical students are the absolute worst of the lot. Just thinking about them makes me want to punch them.
Always ruins my day when they tell me I have a student following me around
law students are up there too
I can only imagine it's like med students but with the usual humanities need to prove how smart they are 24/7
I'm a med Student. It's fucking insane how batshit crazy most People in the medical field are. I wonder every day again how These People manage to slip into their positions because they aren't very competent and they believe dumb shit like alternative Medicine more often than not lol
I'd never let a female doctor treat me btw.
Literally none of that is true. You do care about your patients, of course you can't possibly care as much as they or their family do because you aren't them and have to make rationing decisions. Totally false to say you don't care though, i remember a enormous number of my patients sometimes even those who I saw for a week or so.
Medicine won't get you laid or 'power', maybe with chavs who just like hearing some sort of career but there are better paying jobs for that effect.
Finally as for 'making fun', never in a medical sense. No condition is remotely funny to us, I've worked gastro jobs and myself have a gastro condition, probably the most 'embarrassing' area of medicine and its a clinical mindset.
Maybe in psych I've accidently laughed once when a schizophrenic patient was going off on another doctor for working alongside jfk to host a takeover of ireland. I wasn't laughing at the guy though, it was just funny.
Again the vast majority are fine. The ones you don't want are the asian students, they view you purely as a portfolio case and have all the communication skills of an autist.
> Claims to be a doc
> starts Blogging and acting entitled
shut the fuck up and get off my Yas Forums you loser
holy shit. nobody cares if you are a doc
imagine being so pathetic you have to fish for sympathy by LARPING as a doc and also flaming asians to have some NEETs commend you
>control over life and death is the ultimate expression of godhood
Lol, no... Did you forget to read the part of the bible where God made the sun and stars, and shit?
Yes. Most arrogant assholes around who thrive on controlling the thoughts of friends and family
Male nurse here.
Yeah there's some nurses that have a superiority complex and display it on social media.
90% of actual nurses are just trying to get through the shift so they can get a paycheck and get the fuck out of the chaos, trust me.
Been working as a CNA and an RN for a total of 8 years.
Doctors laugh at everyone
Doctors laugh at everything
Medicine is probably the funniest profession there is. It's a fuckin hoot
let's hear those good arguments
lol. and nurses are known to be the biggest whores around. it's literally a magnet Job for broken trash who wants a secure fairly comfortable Job
Most went to the cities to practice so i don't work alongside any. However as students they were all the stereotypes. Complete worker drones, could not relate at all with patients and their imitations of caring were laughably bad, asians across year groups would purposefully keep any exam/revision advice amongst themselves. They had these whatsapp type groups with hugely sophisticated course details, subject summaries etc that were just for other asians. A real attitude of getting ahead by putting others down.
Maybe if you're a sociopath..
You'll do well to avoid them outside of social settings- like you don't want to find yourself on the business end of a stethoscope. Ironically, physicians and nurses tend to be some of the unhealthiest people on your street. They eat lots of junkfood and drink tons of wine.
Yes and nurses are worse than liberals
Oh bro, it's like shooting fish in a barrel, im surrounded by 90% women.
Cute new grads are my favorite :)
It's literally a thread about doctors so feels somewhat useful to say i am one, if you can point to where i act like anyone should commend me for it that'll be good.
My stance is just the truth, doctors aren't the inhuman saints people sometimes say but they're also not bad either.
Remove from your post the following parts:
"in the medical field" and
>be braindead
>post on Yas Forums
How does it make you a sociopath?
It's a funny profession, it's got a lot of humour involved both talking to patients and with your colleagues.
Some great memories:
1) Patient caught retrieving self-made dildo (pringles can and some tennis balls) only for nurse to lock eyes with him and offer him a 'doggy bag' for it
2) Nurse accidentally shocking a patient with a non-shockable rhythm who was in PEA arrest and already dead
3) Patient shoves pepper shaker up rectum which then breaks open causing intense irritation due to pepper in his rectum. Couldn't sit still for the scan so had to call the surgeons (still laugh at this one)
you LARPed as a med students just minutes ago, though
you Sound like you are the type of trash that doesn't get invited to Groups because you are insufferable to be around. i just hope you don't actually do any important work in the Hospital (you probably don't, or you wouldn't be Posting here)
sure , but Keep in mind you too are trash otherwise you wouldn't be a "Nurse". and i'm not saying that because you are a "Nurse and not a doctor" , im saying that because the medical field only attracts trash in General
yes and we ARE gods (we surgeons,at least)
Doctors and nurses become assholes when you go against medical advice. They will even call the cops and make up stories to keep you there.
You're not even from America.
I always post here even on shift tbqh. That said im off now because of the pandemic as im on all sorts of immunosuppressants with my crohns.
Depends on the specialty.
Vascular = gods man so fuckin cool
idk they've always been very kind to me
because i am one? it's ridiculously easy to get into medical School in this Country, you just have to take an IQ test and most People fail it because they are outright retarded.
i get to see medical professionals almost daily and they are so fucking stupid its hilarious. they all think they are smart and educated more than others but can't do the simplest shit
worst of all are the "woke" doctors like this british nigger in the thread, who Always subtley Needs to steer any conversation into something About himself
imagine having to deal with this Retard 24/7
Well there's nuclear warfare for that.
thankfully I get to fuck them and calm them down. I still prefer those who work in the humanities though. I can dominate them easier and they are less cocky than those who study medicine on average
You're in Romania, aren't all the girls pretty much poor and dumb and if you have any money you can have a supermodel?
What do you do? Go "Nyah, nyah! I'm just as smart as you so I'm not listening!"
Bro, you're supposed to be like, "Okay! I'll fill that prescription and see you next week, doc!"
lol. your Country is a joke. the People who fail the entrance examination in our Country go to your Country to study. that says it all
stop Blogging you dumb niggers
Why are nurses such complete whores?
I get to work on the spine for the most part so I guess I can call myself god since I literally fix other people's backs.
Nobody has money in Romania...except for this guy. Ask any romanian. Anyways,to answer your question,no. Most girls need more than money,they need a SHIT ton of attention and asslicking but is worth it in the end cuz you can get to fuck them and then ditch them if you want to...or you can get to marry them but I wouldn't recommend that (most of them are indeed stupid).
Yes, med is filled with power hungry fags (I know several).
That's ironic because I'll most likely go to work in switzerland in a couple years and nobody seems to have any problem with that. Are you from Gèneve? Ça va bien?
Petty abuses of power by people who have very little of it are the worst. The only thing that separates them from tyrants is opportunity, not their own goodness, and every single one deserves to die a tyrant's death. No, seriously.
Nope. Not geneva, geneva doesn't have an entrance examination. Anyway, People will abuse you and throw you away if you come as a foreigner. Having success in this Country is only possible if you already come from a successful Family.
Might have to do with being forced into a job with night shifts. At night they can't just take some pressure off by texting like they do all day, so stress builds up and they need a quick release in the form of dick.
Had a meningitis once and got to the hospital being semi-conscious riding the back of the ambulance. At one point they parked on the highway side because they figured I might die, which my dad told me in retrospect. Had half of my face paralized with some of my limbs moving in weird patterns on their own.
Anyhow was staying in the hospital for a few days and got asked shit about what happened with them being kinda mad that I couldn't tell every detail perfectly because I was too aware at the time. Eventually they figured I must've imagined it and got a speech from one of the doctors about blabla it probably is just in your head but we need to keep your for another day, with mentally preparing to see a shrink. Next day literally sitting on packed bags I had another stroke like event 5 minutes before my dad was to pick me up again. Again, face paralized, limbs moving, feeling like my brain was sliding away into another dimension with me seeing stars and so on. All around worse than the first event. They do a spinal tab and notice I've got too many white blood cells and conclude it must me meningitis or lyme. Another one and a half weeks later of medication they just send me home with a diagnosis that has fucking typos in it and them not even trying to explain what happened.
When I was there I heard everything from the guy in the next room screaming for hours and hours in pain and other shit like the previous room mate of my room mate shitting himself and nobody cleaning it up with flies buzzing around because the balcony didn't have a screen. I for that matter could hear the doctors talk mad shit about the patient while they stood in a locker or some crap, also talking about which nurse they would fuck on the streets. All arrogant douchebags.
After this this whole thing dragged on for me and I kept having health problems for years, with little episodes... tbc
it's not only power abuse, i've seen female docs literally CREATE THE ISSUE that they THEN SOLVED. imagine how fucking unreal that is when you rae standing next to them and realize it LOL
most Problems in Medicine can't be treated, and the ones that can often don't get diagnosed, this results in many issues being created which aren't even real in the first place
like a lot of knee surgery is not needed but whole Teams of doctors will still perform it , because of Money mostly and outdated Guidelines
its not even power abuse anymore at that Point
you could save 90% of all People simply by giving them Money , because the root cause of their Problems is being poor and not being ill
I have the recommendations of quite a few surgeons in the speciality that I'll pick for my internship,and some help from a few romanians who happen to have some power in here. I am not sure it'll matter a lot in there but I can always get some guarantees from the staff. They can't fire me if we signed a contract,can they?
Isn't spinal what the bottom 20% of neurosurgeons do? Jokes man cool specialty too (I'm a trauma surgeon)
I experience a fair amount of that through my gf's family. They're an odd group, all very short, typically dropped out of school, always between jobs, from a 'rougher' area etc. Whereas im tall, sound very posh, family are all bankers/lawyers etc. I've only ever been interested and polite with them all but some of them constantly try to get these little 'one ups', like press into your hand during a handshake to make it hurt, cross their arms during conversation to point out how you naturally mimic it as if they control you, laugh when i don't know local slang that sort of thing.
Some people are just obsessed with their standing and need a sense of superiority even if it's gained through kind of pathetic acts.
I definitely don't see that sort of attitude more in doctors than other people though.
That sucks. I'd say nurses barely feel like that. They do like the idea of help saving lives and it makes them feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves.
Doctors, woboy, SOME doctors have huge fucking god complexes and will laugh while taking your money (if you're living in a country that charges medical fees out the teeth)
recommendations dont mean jack shit. you didn't study here so everybody will assume you are worthless. you'll get to do the Jobs that no swiss wants to do (which is the reason they are letting you in in the first place) and as soon as a swiss Shows up who wants to do the Job, you are going to get phased out
i've seen this happen with many Indian doctors/surgeons, also many from Britain.
A contract doesnt mean jack shit because they can bully you out easily without Breaking it. It doesn't even have to do anything with your personality , its just usual Business over here.
No one cares what you think you literally just drive an Ambulance or actually tend to people to the hospital who call 911 because they stubbed their toe or have a coof get fucked "essential"