This is official statement of the Government of Israel. Moshiach is coming, I repeat, Moshiach is coming this week!
ALL Jews that will be in Israel during these times will be like angels.
Return to the Land of Isroel.
2 days left
Moshiach is coming this week
The messiah came thousands of years ago
The Jewish "Messiah" is the Antichrist. The real Messiah is Jesus and while he will return, no man may know the time or hour of His arrival.
>2 hotlinks to zion HQ
Why the fuck even bother to hide your flag?
let them. When all the heebs come flooding in they're going to bring even more corona with them. They're not isolating for shit.
Imagine the hutzpah!
you, i like.
Michael smote, is smiting and will smite baelzabub at the gates of hell
I loved the movie Michael with John Travolta. And DOGMA. See Dogma. Highly entertaining.
schizophrenic religious with mental retardation
Here's to the moschiah! NIGGER
They fucking open the bedroom door and they fucking check IN ON US, those fucking meddling fuckers.
See Lego Movie, The.
No one believes them, not even their own government.
They can go fuck themselves
>desert tales 2020: electric boogaloo
Attention, Please:
(heheheh) sorry.
It must be hard believing in magic, getting fucked by a virus, witnessing that magic doesn't fucking work, and relying on scientific research to fix the problems. Truly mental acrobats.
So we can drop H bombs on Israel the day Saturday since no one will be there right?
Just imagine the judeochristian butthurt after this
Why is the first part a question
I don't think so. The antichrist is already here and it is most likely Jared Kushner.
Where can I find a gf like this?
>dies without making Israel great again
Wrong. Next!
Matthew 24:15
So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand
Read the entire Matthew 24 chapter
>tfw I can't tell if this post is pro Islam or Christianity
Reminder that Jews also think that the prophet Elijah is gonna come back too, and to their shock he’s gonna proclaim Jesus as Lord.
Malachi 4:5-6 (The last verses of the Old Testament)
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. 6 And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”
sorry for giving up on you but you guys are just dumb
Srsly what's wrong with these people??
The amount of psychopathology is off the charts with this one.
Yet some people claim taking their religion "made the west great". What a fucking tragedy
back to 9gag ahmeds
The abomination of desolation in Daniel was Antiochus IV epiphanies stealing shekels.
The Matthew abomination of desolation occurred when Florus did the same thing. This is what sparked the revolt. Both of these occurrences are well documented history. Educate yourself faggot
Before or after 3 days of darkness?
>stealing shekels...
...from the temple's holy of holies
>1 post by this id
Isn't it supposed to take 1290 days?
back to r/israel discord server kike
K. Keep me posted
based af
Jew fairy tales and lies, like the great lie of the Egyptians supposedly enslaving jews
>Antiochus IV
Matthew 24 was about the end of days.
Not 1500+ years ago.
Therefore it can only be about what is to come.
16“then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
I think this refers to people like you..
4And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.
If you are a christian you would not call a fellow Christian a faggot.
Read the entire chapter
The Messiah cam 2020 years ago. The jews killed him and got cursed with strife for that no land will ever be their own, forced to live their pathetic lives under constant scrutiny and just hatred against their people.
Irael of today is a cheat and they will be punished accordingly.
remember, if a jew said it then its a lie.
Christians are pure cancer. Instead of analyzing Schlomo's agenda, you're sperging out over whether or not your dumb kike on a stick was the real "Moshiach". Kill yourselves.
And goyim shall take them and bring them to their place, and the House of Israel shall inherit them on the soil of the Lord, for slaves and maidservants, and they shall be captors to their captors and rule over those who dominate over them.
Fucking finally. It's OUR turn to do the same to him as they did ours!!!!
Meh, let them bring their antichrist. I'm getting bored of this fucking virus.
visit your local exorcist
The Jews have been continually pissing off God for thousands of years, and then they in typical Jew fashion murdered the one who threatened their power, the actual Messiah. The entire OT is full of God's wrath and the Jew's defiance and idolatry, including throwing them out of their homeland, true non-Zionist Jews know this, too bad repentance and spiritual growth isn't as popular as apartheid state violence and even more idolatry and sin.
the antichrist is supposed to be a charismatic figure - someone who will be almost universally loved. jared kushner is too fucking gay to be the anti christ. just because hes got a 666 building
this guy's going to still be bitching about Christians after he's been chipped
Don't they have a flight quarantine or something?
Moshiach btfo!
Jesus isn't coming back, dumbasses. People don't have wings and jesus doesnt have a flying white horse
If a overhyped case of the flu is "God's punishment" for degeneracy or whatever, what the fuck was the Justinian Plauge and Black Death about? Christians being too religious and white?
>we want moschiah now eurobeat remix starts playing
Based germanon. I chant this to myself everytime I see these thread. Build that Third Temple
But something's off with this guy and who does say he won't have more power in the future? He even secretly advocates for a world without borders and nobody really knows how much he controls Trump. This guy just has some evil vibes to him.
Those talmudic digits