Finally the cattle will be marked

Finally the cattle will be marked

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Poor fucking dog.

It's not a microchip.
Calling it a "chip" is a brainlet thing to say.

>spend money on vaccine research
no gotta chip people they'll earn Microsoft Rewards faster

Fuck that noise. Anyone trying to chip me will eat their own genitals.

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You're already fucking marked by your fisher price smartphone, brainlet.

he has a harmless dog next to him. surely this can't be as nefariously dystopian as it seems.

They'll never put one in me. This will be my turning-point. I will achieve my Ultimate Form the moment that I know that I'll either be chipped or they'll kill me.

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Shh, don't you dare speak the truth about the one device people immediately start panicking about if they don't have it on their person.

He is such a nice guy
I do not know what your problem is

is that a fucking pitbull

This fucking nerd faggot is aching to get lynched in the middle of pike place in Seattle
Fuck this faggot, no one is putting shit on me

Biohackinfo news is my first choice for objective information.

Why hasn't his dog ripped his throat out, doesn't he understand how evil this man is?

Thats a boston terrier you absolute doglet

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It's hilarious that Gates became literally Satan over the last few days amongst all conspiracy theorist crowds including flat earthers.
The people who have no clue about technology any newer than a fax machine are protesting against "smart dust" and 5G that causes the virus to activate (even in countries with zero 5G towers).

The less knowledge, the more opinions, as always.

As long as he has the "philanthropist" immunity, he is probably all right!

>over the last few days
If you're gonna mock tinfoilers, at least be informed about how long they've been paranoid about someone. Nobody has trusted Bill Gates for years.

You know, if it upsets the people who spread conspiracies for fun, maybe it's time to tilt society towards making the boredom-prone go bunjee-jumping.

thats a bugman breed, not a pitbull

Trusting is one thing, but every other post on social media groups accusing him on yet another thing is different.
And i follow quite a lot of those groups for shits and giggles.

We've always hated Bill Gates

guys look what i just found:

notice it is from june 2019

Yeah, because there isn't disinformation campaigns to poison the well, right? That never happens, and there isn't a Domestic Psychological Operations Division of the DOD, right? "Random Polish guy" on the internet who definitely isn't using a proxy?

No thanks computer merchant

Funny thing is this is probably just a big troll and they're laughing at you because they already chipped you years ago with one of their "vaccines"

kek, ludites are funny, people like you were protesting against credit cards because they were suposedly mark of the devil

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could someone kindly minecraft' the bill gates already.
pretty please

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>>cattle will be marked
You probably used a windows OS or a smartphone to post this retarded shit so you're already cattle.

All this chip will do is eliminate that intermediary.

and give benefits, not to mention beeing one step further into making cattle live longer and healthier ... OH THE HUMANTIY !

Are you two fucking retarded?
Your fucking phone is not physically attached to your body like a digital tattoo or microchip for that matter. You can easily discard your phone if you need to. It has none of your medical records attached to it and I don't have to have it on my person if I want to pay for food or services.

A fair warning to idiots like you. I absolutely WILL kill people who have the digital tattoo. If you take this you are my enemy and you are as good as dead.

>We've always hated Bill Gates
fuck off faggot

I'm a pole, whether you like it or not śmieciu burgerowy bez kszty honoru

You know, reddit has the perfect logo for it's demographic: bald, pale, big eyed simps who are basically connected to their ideas by an outlet (((MSM, [SCIENCE], celebrity actors))) and have little to no original thought outside their untermensch attacks on whipipo. You'd think the back vote for Biden over Bernie would convince them, but these faggots have never been in a real fight outside antifa scuffles

After seeing this image, I'm glad I can't grow a proper beard. That shit seems to be directly linked to how many dicks you will theoretically suck. Look at Trump. He wears his neck rolls proudly. That's the only thing I can say positive about Winnie the Chink.

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They want to chip you with an RFID because they consider you product.

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Billy boy was always candidate number 1 for being the anti christ

A public figure, recognized by everybody, talking a good game of peace and love.

Nah fuck this faggot

You can't even kill the nigs in your country, faggot

You lack testosterone. You, thus, enjoy being a low energy leaf.

More than 14 million people has died since january.
155,000 dies in the world everyday.

Corona's deaths represent 0,2% of the total deaths in the world

Fuck off with your meme virus

Not knowing dogs races is based

And he isn’t a child

You haven't been paying attention. At all.

Holy fuck Terry was 100% right about the herd of nigger cattle

The mask comes off

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>More than 14 million people has died since january.
>155,000 dies in the world everyday.
We do not care about niggers in Africa, memflag Moshe

how does one not take the mark? if you decide to not take the mark, what do you do next?

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Really though, the only thing that's surprising about Gates right now is how open he is about it and how unalarmed normies are by his statements.

Nobody forces you to buy them.

Who said anything about it being optional?

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Best of luck to him in his endeavor. He will face a most powerful resistance in my case.

People like to pretend to be outraged because it gives them social media goodboy points. They don't actually care. They'll move on to the next scandal or outrage when it pops up.

>Buy my vaccine that will require yearly updates
>Antivirals for 40 bucks

the bible

castrating this faggot would be the least of his worries.

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Fight. No, seriously. See:

perfect Image
child maller dog
soi face
le stay at home meme
le reddit reference

It said you can't buy and sell without the mark. It also said you'll be persecuted and must endure. If that's really what's happening then saying "no" is not going to be made easy and we're probably going to die.

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if anybody tries to physically force me to get marked, i will start blasting
come at me glowies

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Can someone fill me in on the minecraft term?

I won't wait for them to try. The moment this rolls out it is open warfare against all the brainwashed masses and their handlers

They're easily worn down.
Anytime I bring up the value of the X personal info people share without caring they say that you're already sharing X-1, so what's the big deal. Literal frogs in a pot.