Dear Christfags: If you wouldn’t want to be discriminated against based on your religion, because you don’t feel your religion determines your intelligence or crime level despite stats showing otherwise, then how is it ok to discriminate based on race?
7 perks of being white
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>bruce lee
I didnt know this was a ylyl thread.
Tbh, I'm an atheist, and I'll gladly call you a nigger and burgle your house, main difference is, I'll do it on a Sunday too.
Shout out to all my homies doing pen.
>More tolerant
I'm an atheist and i swear the people i hate the most are the anti-racist leftist atheists like you. I really hate religious people because they are pure subhumans but i hate leftist atheists even more. You are a shame for atheism. "Tolerance" is a weakness, a weapon of submission used by kikes to subdue white people. Have you never noticed that only white people have to be tolerant of others? Have you never noticed that tolerance is never asked for other races? Filthy jewish cocksucker. Your thread is a jewish creation to discredit nazis atheists. Gas yourself Goldenstein.
Stopped reading first line. I’m a Christfag
>Have you never noticed that only white people have to be tolerant of others? Have you never noticed that tolerance is never asked for other races?
Self-critique is a big part of what has made the West the best culture in the world
The only religious aspect of this thread is that it’s targeted to racist Christfags, everything else is purely about racism
Christian here
Any racist christian is obviously not a christian. But then again, the majority of christians don't even read the bible
Our countries are invaded by immigration and our leaders are corrupt and subject by jewish banksters. There is no "self-criticism" to be made in this situation you jewish cocksucker.
>based on race
Christians discriminate based on sexuality
Christcucks are literally golems and their "religion" is just a bunch of jewish nonsense
I agree. Tired of onions sucker atheist faggots giving other atheist a bad name.
Converting to a sandnigger religion doesn’t make you white chang
The Christian HATES the superiority of atheism
Based and dharmicpilled
Everything that matters was invented by Christians you retarded leaf. If you aren't Christian, turn off your lights dipshit. Get out of western society. Lmao what a shit thread. Reminder that atheists were absolutely humiliated last night
Also that picture is completely made up. Not one single source. You literally just made up unsourced statistics and put it on an image. How completely embarrassing and retarded.
We are on the same page brother. Fuck religion. But fuck lefty atheists.
Christian DUMB
Get off your computer ASSHOLE. It was invented by an atheist.
What the fuck are atheists even on Yas Forums for?
This is the secular world. This is what you fought for. GO ENJOY IT user. Go enjoy your ruined whore women, go enjoy your blue haired dike feminists, trannies, and nigger riots. This is the world that you pushed for, and you got it buddy! So why are you here bitching? Are you going to tell me that you got the world that you wanted, and now all of the sudden you think everything is.....Degenerate? But why would being a fag be degenerate user? There is only ONE book where you can derive those kind of morals. You made your nigger bed, now NIGGER SLEEP IN IT ATHEIST NIGGER.
Would be absolutely impossible to create without the foundations created by Christians. You don't get to use anything created by western society if you are an atheist. Sorry faggot.
>people believe this
Insecurity and butthurt. They NEED to harass believers because atheism is a reaction to an absent or defective father figure
Time to leave this board, mate.
>world bad
>society bad
Way to cope, christkek, you're just bad at leading it. You made this mess, now enjoy your death throes, I'll spit on your grave.
>Christian DUMB
The most christian parts of the USA have the highest divorce rates
As I recall, most leaders of the west in the last century were Christian, THEY are responsible for the great replacement, and the church is too.
Highest niggers too
Highest blacks, highest interracial relationships, poorest region, highest rates of drink/drugs
All things that help breed a defective or absent father figure
places full of sin I think you mean
Atheists don't believe in sin, just MUH DICK
Like certain other groups
This cant be real
Atheist here.
I believe in my volk, not muh dik. That is all.
Even if it is, so what? Does this prove Christianity right?
It proves that Christianity is statistically the religion of ultra-high IQ individuals.
You would be the exception, even if you were telling the truth.
A lot of leaders imagined a world without religion in the last century and look where that ended.
Richard Spencer?
Martin Bormann?
Benito Mussolini?
Fredrich Neitshcze?
All religious peoples get upset when they encounter someone who has no religion
To them, they get angry
>Since you're not part of one of the cults, that means you don't have faith in mine or anyones. HA think you're too good to believe in nonsense?
So weird
Doesn’t prove shit. For most of the last century, most people who were white (who most of those prize winners are) were Christian. If you asked them to prove their god, they couldn’t, just like you can’t now.
kys faggot
>most people who were white (who most of those prize winners are) were Christian
You answered your own query.
Ok faggot
>prove their god
you are fat stupid nigger, religion is by faith, you are the most stupid type of atheists who can only scream "PROOOF PROOOF SHOW ME YOUR GOD I CAN'T SEE IT"
Just believe in fairy tales bro
>turn the other cheek
its right in your bible user
Reminder that national socialism is a Christian movement
>Richard Spencer?
Faggot larper
>Martin Bormann?
Opportunistic faggot
>Benito Mussolini?
Cucked by an Austriam manlet, and wasn't even interested in race until the manlet got him
>Fredrich Neitshcze?
Mega faggot
Atheists are inherently globohomo cucks, a few exceptions don't speak for atheists as a whole
Anything a woman can do, I can do better. Remember that roastie.
Source: dude trust me
He had to be publicly positive towards Christianity. Read what he thought of your faith in private. He HATED it, and he was going to destroy the church had he won the war.
Why is that?
Kinda true
>Why is that?
Because he's a retarded larper. Nobody takes him seriously, even ethnonats overall hate him.
If you were going to go for muh volk atheists, wouldn't Tarrant be a better one?
Like clockwork
no, you are faggot
>Source: dude trust me
what source are you talking about?
I would respect Christfags if they werent against niglets being aborted
I would respect christfags if the majoirty of you werent shitskins
I would respect christfags if you didint shit up this board trying to evangalize on a far east botfly harvesting forum
I would respect christfags if you werent bestgoys for Isarael
But you aren't
I actually didn’t know Tarrant was atheist. If that’s the case, then thank you for pointing me to him, he is a warrior amongst men.
whatever will we do if christians squander their goodwill and social clout by mindlessly hating gays
Based. There is a difference between left-wing atheists (who deny race and are blind believers in marxist garbage, like christkeks who believe in creation dogmatically) and atheists who have a coherent, scientific worldview (Social Darwinists, National Socialists etc.)
Religion is an essential tool for internal reflection and for upholding community and social integrity, but anyone who blindly believes everything religious authorities, texts and institutions throw at them are literal subhumans.
one perk is you dont stink like a nigger
There is nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality. If two stable, loving gay dudes want to marry and they support the good of the volk then I have no problem with them. I’m against degenerate promiscuity, be it gay or straight.
>trust my fairytales from the Bronze Age over scientific evidence
>why are people that are illogically hated by a lot of religions eventually not in any religions
are you a moron or do you just play one on tv?
Homosexuals are a symptom of a problem in society they arent the (((Cause)))
> tolerant
> influencers: Aristotle
Top education.
I mean, I'm not entirely sure if he would classify himself as an atheist, but he's at least agnostic. In his manifesto, it has a section on motives where he covers it. It says something like "What religion are you?" and his response is "I will let you know when I know" or something similar.
>no, you
Us all being equal under God is not the same as actual equality.
I don't believe in that kind of equality. I see niggers as being cursed animal like creatures who cannot get into heaven.
>still demanding proofs for God existence
not gonna make it
>scientific evidence
God creating the world sounds more realistic than any theory science can offer.
Thank you for making the distinction. I’m definitely in the latter.
As far as your statement on religion being a social necessary institution, I don’t know. There is definitely an evolutionary argument for religion being a stabilizing force in the community. But I think the State can fill that role. I always say “my race is my religion”. I don’t believe in a god or spiritual force, but I believe in my people. For me, a devotion for my people can act as a religion of sorts. Might be a stretch but eh.
The Tower of Babel is literally a critique of multiculturalism
Beasts of the field, or children of Cain, or nephilim?
Your 7 perks of being atheist can't compete with eternal life you cuckadian.
Fucking disgusting desu
Fuck natural law.
Communism is the natural law when it's not on paper.
Who wants to live in this?
Even soviet kikes thought those who fled, like (((Ayn Rand))) to live in the capitalist hell, before they raised Iron Curtain, where the lucky ones.
Based God.
">no, you"???
my point didn't changed, you are faggot and thats it, there is nothing more to add
>Its scientifically impossible for nothing to come from something, atheists are stupid
>Whats that? contradiction? GOD ALWAYS WAS BRO!!!!
No. We realize you’re a mutant and a degenerate in the making
>not gonna make it
Ya because there IS NO PROOF
>god creating the world is more realistic
Someone can’t into science. But sure, the world is 6000 years old and dinosaur fossils are fake. Also, every animal and insect ever in existence all got into a big boat and the whole earth flooded. Also that pesky incest part with the children of Adam and Eve.
Kill yourself brainlet.
Communism and Capitalism are both degenerate
>I only get my opinions from people who preach bible verses at me!
And you unironically deny being an NPC. Christian's really are subhuman.