Why are there so many CONSPIRACY NUTCASES around? This is like people who believed in witches in the medieval ages...

Why are there so many CONSPIRACY NUTCASES around? This is like people who believed in witches in the medieval ages, and like people who believe the moonlanding was fake.


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>He thinks witches didnt exist
You have so very much to learn

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The moonlanding was obviously fake though

Begone, shill

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Witches DID exist, what's your point? Do you actually believe in woowoo witchcraft?

Fucking retard, lmao

He wasn’t even laying 5g he was laying fibre optic the stupid bitch.

Microwave weapons are serious business!


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Maybe it has something to do with constant lies and misinformation pushed out by global elites, government agencies, entertainment and the media. It may sound strange, but if you lie all the time, people stop believing you. Wierd right?

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Have you not realised that people are really stupid? From the threads on Yas Forums alone you should know that dummies, psychopaths and perverts are common.

They are 90% Romanian, fuck them also

>smart home

Who the fucking hell wants to have microphones in all their devices at home, seriously?
Even if it turned out that 5g everywhere made your dick bigger I still wouldn't put microphones everywhere in my house how fucking DUMB are some people.

Microphones and cameras in every room in your house. Only a brainless mutt could want that.

what kind of faggot uses word "bonkers".

>allegedly go to the moon
>can't replicate the feat for decades
>can't even replicate rocket performance despite analytical and production methods being improved

I'm an engineer and I honestly think it was probably some bullshit political stunt.

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There is more to it.
And this.

OP is the kind of person that thinks laser weapons are impossible because they only seen lasers in the movie star wars. I'm not interested in that kind of opinion, no one is.

Forgot pic apparently

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Why would someone want to go to the moon except to boast about it to russia? Replicating all the technology and infrastructure would be very expensive and for what? There is nothing on the moon. The feat was accomplished.

Same shit with Mars. Nothing there. It's a total waste of time. I'm surprised there is any interest from anyone in doing it. Unless it's a scam to funnel money to something else in secret.

Yeah, there's no conspiracy. The 5g equipment is all manufactured by China, im sorry but China has no place building our sensitive infrastructure. We can build our own 5g networks, with components manufactured by western companies. I find it ridiculous how badly you people want the chink 5g like it'll improve your lives tenfold or some retarded bullshit

The world you are living, it is unnatural, it is a product of conspiracies

And it shows

The UK Does a really good job of masking retardness

China is practically giving it away for free. So they can compete with the US on intelligence gathering. Germany said "who cares if its China or the US that spies on us? No difference."

Which is why north america has its panties in a twist over 5g. It lost a major battle over Europe.

Working overtime tonight, aren't you?

The moonlanding was fake as fuck

People who believe in witch craft are retards. Go to fucking /x/ with that shit.

China owns 5G. People should destroy Chinese property.

Because it is lucrative for the State, Newspapers and corporations for various reasons you should all know..

>Sell your nation to the Chinese to own the Americans

5G is evil and all,

but imagine marching up to someone whos covered in shit digging up the street while wearing your totally impracticle high-heels and tiny "clutch" bag and berating them for doing their job while telling them that they are killing their own family and the families of others and totally imposing your will and opinion on them all the while calling them the "priviliged opressor" without anyone assuming youre going to rape them.


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False, there are several other corporations building 5G. Verizon, nokia, Ericsson etc.

Its fucking free. If the Americans want to compete they can provide 5g for free. They cant compete though. Europe is just meant to BUY things from them. Not receive things for free.
The mutts spy, manipulate and steal which is why there is no downside to allowing china in on this.

Enjoy just becoming another "province" of China like Taiwan, you stupid fuck. As shit as the Americans are, the commie chinks are worse

You can do all sorts of experiments while there, maybe even see if you can mine for exotic materials and most likely make territorial claims. There was a mission to go there by 2028 which was pulled forward to 2024 but I think corona-chan took a huge coof over all of it.

I don't really buy the infrastructure bit, the entire program was $283 billion adjusted for inflation and that was for all-new development on the technology from back in the day. Now we have better materials, production and analysis methods and the F-35 contract given to Lockheed Martin is multiples of that figure.

Not really masking.
The reason why this is mast burning thing is prominent, is because celebrities like Amanda Holden were propagating the conspiracy theory.


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Exactly this

This is your brain on constant mutt propaganda.
Do you know how bizarre it looks when Yas Forums is constantly being bombarded with video of chinese being stupid or suffering accidents or posts that contantly claim the chinese are a menace to the world as if the US isnt worse?

I can only take from it that americans are incredibly stupid or it's a shill operation.

>accept getting cancer, user, you’ll have blazing internet speeds to research your upcoming chemotherapy side-effects!

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>exotic materials.
Like what? We have all the elements here on earth. All the light ones in incredible abundance and all the heavy ones would be too difficult to take back from the moon.

believing the moon landing was real is pretty crazy
witches exist today

>and like people who believe the moonlanding was fake.
It was you idiot

>Martian detected

Because people in authority lie to serve ulterior agendas and expect a misinformed public to act and vote rationally. Not only this, but intelligence agencies actively promote and encourage crazy theories because it helps them control the narrative.
We live in a world of lies and it has been increasingly difficult to discern what is true.

>As shit as the Americans are, the commie chinks are worse

Sometimes you wonder if it really do be like that. For all the shit they get the commies usually came with guns and other shit when they went to shitholes while the US brought (((banks))) and unitaleral business deals.


Her voice makes me want to break her nose

muh conspiracy theory, what's next you're gonna say jews don't murder children?

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Even an idiot can tell the world isn't right.
They can sense it even with their primitive faculties.
But they lack the information parsing skills to develop a plausible scenario.

Fuck off nigger we're full.
t. Martian.

Why do shills assume the 5G burners are coming from Yas Forums?
You guys have been running this topic into the ground the last few days
Sorry Moshe, Normies did this without us lifting a finger and pushing your shit here isn't going to change anything
>Hail Normies

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Youtube is still allowing monetisation of click bait conspiratorial videos, making it economically viable to pump up those videos by shizos, making it the way to get paid. Facebook still can't control conspiratorial groups from self-organising. It all leads to dumb people in every country being exposed and infected with dumb ideas, spreading them amongs other dumb people with no rational thinking as a form of immune defence to bullshit. This system has feedback loops and the selection for most viral ideas that can infect the most dumb brains.

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What part of we don't want these towers did these people not understand? Why don't they respect our wishes?

fuck you, faggot. i'm using that word more from now on and it's going to be bonkers!

If you actually thought a machine was about to be turned on that would instantly fry everyone would you just casually complain to some work men in a shrill voice or would you form gangs, kill the work men etc?

This woman isnt even acting on her stupid opinion rationally. She is being a low IQ woman, who fell for an american psy op and then acts like a stupid woman. Just complaining in a shrill voice.

Sadly my brother has succumbed to being a conspiracy theorist. He is a Qtard and 100% believes that Trump is making some revolution to jail the corrupt elites. He unironically believes that the elites are engaging in satanic rites with children, drinking their blood and harvesting adrenochrome. His evidence? The usual stupid clues that these nutjobs claim is "predictive programming". He's so far gone on it.
The thing is that my brother is a person of burdened dreams, who lives under a lot of stress on multiple fronts. He and my mother completely poisoned the relationship between each other, for instance. They can't stand each other. My father died and I think this affected him much more than me. He also has a lot of frustration over social and economic injustice. So, I think that these people fall into this bullshit as a sort of escape and explanation for their own misfortune.

Imagine thinking that believing in magic or not negates shit like child sacrifice

Is he an American or from Belgium legitimatelly engaged in some American conspiracy theory about an American president?

Good post.
>I think that these people fall into this bullshit as a sort of escape and explanation for their own misfortune.


>imagine believing the government after 9-11.
Imagine the kind of a retard you would have to be to believe them. To believe them is a form of eugenics, because all the imbeciles who believe them die.

I still have trouble believing polacks actually exist

Because once you've been here long enough and make an effort to learn something you will figure out that a lot of things you previously thought were nut job conspiracies start to make a bit of sense.

A simple one is Epstein didn't kill himself, it is a conspiracy theory but it's pretty obvious some shady shit was pulled. Even the normies are on-board with this one.

A Middle grade one is the Holocaust or 9/11, with a bit of applied thought a certain group of people seem to have overwhelmingly benefited from the actions of the events.

Tinfoil grade is the Moonlanding and Flat Earth as you have to disregard physics and human perception.

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Mental illness is at an all time high thanks to smart phones

As in smart phones make people mentally Ill or that dummies can now easily access narratives that are far more entertaining than main stream religions with which to fill up their brains and boring days?

Bugging your own house for the feds

I dont think they can learn any more than they already do with a smart phone. We carry them everywhere and communicate everything on them.

>Why don't you want an energy amplifier / focusing device placed out the front of every home.

I dunno pal, I really don't.

There is evidence.



Unironically kill yourself.

If 5G being 95 GHz is bad, how come light is hundreds of THz?

I sent this the other day, the chick is a total fucking cunt, should be put on meds or take a toaster bath, feel soo bad for this bloke

Kill yourself.

>scientific American
That isnt a scientific journal. Just so you know.