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Praise him
>eguhhhhh praise him
theres's been a lot of anti china sentiment recently so im here to dispell that.
>workplace health and safety in china better than australia
>Get your hands off my penis!
Better annon than me.
Systems have been shit all day, if you need to report keep trying.
General reminders:
We are proccessing claims from the 27th of March right now. Theyre are over 2 million to process average staff memeber does 1 every 20 mins.
>no-one knows when you are getting your 750, check mygov every second day for the next 3 weeks.
550 supplement starts at the end of the month.
>if you can get into JobKeeper do it, it's much better than jobseeker. But! You can still be on jobseeker until 30th March without having to pay anything back.
Dont come to an office, we dont want you get cunts.
>if you are getting paid out leave that will effect your payment, however you dont 'need' to tell us about it when you lodge.
Also fuck entitled cunts getting mad at me because their neetbux get reduced by the 700k bank balance.
>Praise Him
Righto m8.
ALL hail Jim.
St Jim.
The lawn crusader.
Just got the $750 lads
What do I spend it on? Thinking of starting blacksmithing but my boomer parents are telling me to save it. Like fuck I wanna save it what if we hit hyper inflation
Fuck Chinks, Fuck strawberry farmers, Fuck Kikes, Fuck the ZOG, Fuck Jannies and most of all PRAISE HIM!
The ex
>police is using drones
This is Journalism.. The dumbing down is real.
Daily reminder that tarrent worshippers are sub 90 iq.
i tried to thank you in the last bread but NBN sperged out.
Thank you cenno user, my claim finally got approved and i honestly couldn’t have done it without you. Your advice and explaining in these threads helped me a lot. I will always be grateful mate
What docs do you need?
Hunting supplies for when the food shortages kick in.
Like a nice fishing line or some shit. Spend all day at the beach.
I am strawberry farmer up in North QLD. The problem I am facing at the moment comes from the Morrison government and their decisions regarding this travel ban. Thanks to this ban I am without workers as most of them came from China and Korea and they've all fucked off back home. I tried to hire Aussies but they are a bunch of soft cocks that are terrified of putting in any effort whatsoever. Thanks a lot Scott Morrison you absolute fuckwit. Another Aussie business down the shitter thanks to your incompetence.
Praise be unto Jim.
If any of you good blokes in Tasmania want work my watermelon picking job offer if still open. You get $0.05 per ton of watermelon picked. I will also offer share house accommodation as well as 3 watermelons a day one for breakfast one for lunch and one for dinner. If you want the job you must hurry the watermelons on the trees are going to rot on the branches if they are not picked soon.
fuk u white dog
hmmm what’s the pay rate and accomodation like?
Are you able to put a strawberry in your scanner and upload a pdf of the berry?
>What docs do you need?
If you have a business/partnership/trust we need that.
If you tell us you are getting a payout from work we need a separation certificate.
Just about everything else is not "needed"
What's for dinner?
I'm bored.
want to take a smoke break but I don't have the permit
a drone flew near me and my m8 yesterday when we were having a smoke yesterday but it turned out so just be some hobbyist in a nearby park
hi ho neighbor
That didn't dispel shit, our workplace deaths are gonna go up because now we're getting butt-raped with unemployment and healthcare workers are probably gonna kick the bucket in droves
>Airbnb is collapsing
>illegally marketed properties including units are now being put back on the market
>universities aren't getting money from foreign students anymore, a major wakeup call to them
>they are already calling for states to continue with year 12 exams so they have a stream of students coming in
>people are waking up to the chinese fifth column shipping out medical supplies, even going so far as to use australian workers to purchase items from pharmacies
>working from home is quickly becoming the standard
>the nbn will have billions dumped into it since it is clear it is inadequate
>people are calling for more worker protections since millions lost their jobs over night due to insecure casual contracts
>visa holders are being ejected at record rates
>billionaires are already calling for australian manufacturing to make a comeback
we're back boys, we're finally back
confirmed, as a sole trader i just had to give profit and loss statement for 3 months, and a simple form providing my business name and details
hahahaha fucking hell, this one got me. Fucking howling at: they’re on trees and are going to rot soon
I pay per amount produced so the harder you work the more you are paid. This weeds out the incompetent cunts.
Democracy manifest.
that's irrelevant, that article was from 2017.
Stop eating bats chink
Spend it on the essentials for what it was intended for, cunt
should i bum off cenno or get a job
was centrelink down for everybody else today?
Where in North QLD? I'm trying to get into the mines up there, got some connections but everything is moving slow
Theres tonnes of jobs going at the moment with all the normalfags shut in scared of the flu.
Do you really wanna be like these fat cunt neets rotting at home all day? Theyre gonna be forced to do shitty work for the dole soon enough anyway
Whoops. Even still it won't do much to help the opinion of chinks here, we already had a bad opinion of them
If I would believe that.
I hate how I still have my job through all this (working from home) yet I STILL don't have a qt gf.
Happy to help.
Both? Might as well enjoy the scomobux while its good.
"While the weight of a watermelon varies, the average weight lies between 20 and 25 pounds (between 9 to 11 kilos)"
907 kilo % 11 kilos - 82
Thats 82 watermelons picked for 5 cents what the fuck, where do I sign up for work
Shut up faggot
You've already admitted to paying your workers below minimum wage and feeding them gruel
No one wants you here
Hope your buisness never recovers
Mate, its literally always slow or down even before all of this chink shit
Based whitepilled user.
Imagine if some cunt described what is happening now in a 2019 aus/pol/. You would think Anning became the king.
you should be paid more. You are literally doing cenno customer support in your free time, and are much more efficient than them. It took me 3hrs to get thru on the phone and you answered my questions here in 2 minutes
Thank you so much Aussiebros for giving the world St. Tarrant. His manifesto inspired me to come to Natsoc
Hi. I'm looking for an aus/pol/ gf.
How can I get an aus/pol/ gf?
Go fuck yourself you liberal wanker! I buy them ingredients for soups and that kind of stuff. Also they are paid according to their work ethic.
a whitepill, how rare.... mmhmm so tasty tho, thanks user
where were you when borris johnson died?
How does it feel to know while all you spastic retards are all Isolating Im out deep dicking thirsty thots who hav'nt had a decent fuck until I came along. I'm having more sex this past week than any of you virgin simps will ever have in your entire lives.
It blows my mind we dont have a webchat system, it would be so much more efficient.
I met a girl in the servo last night and then fucked her all night so GTFO incel LARPer
the nation is with us lads, we're not alone anymore
Goo job cunt
i know but at least i can say an effort was made and that you are being wilfully ignorant on the issues at hand
cowona viwus
seeing as you're more helpful than cenno site or staff, can I get gibs to re-locate for work?
They should make an official cenno support imageboard or an /ausneets/ kek. But yeah you’re right, a simple question and answer text based webchat would help so much. People try and ask the robot popup helper and it just says not sure, call up
Until the leftists are destroyed but its a start
You're a boomer faggot and you deserve nothing
Maybe if you paid decent and fed people properly you would have workers who stick around
My two workers stick by me and work better because I pay them above award wage and buy them lunch and beers every week
rope of the thresher soon cunt.
>thots who hav'nt had a decent fuck until I came along
Then after you left they giggled and still wanted a dick and not a tic tac.
>i won’t let them take a car into town
>i buy the ingredients for basic soups and they cook it
>it’s a dry zone, no alcohol.
>I expect men to work all day doing hard manual labour surviving off broth’s and 5c an hour
luv me stella
No. In fact if you move to somewhere with a higher unemployment rate we dock your pay.
The boys in brisbane put way too much time into sam for how shit it is. Also for some reason there is a different one when you start a claim and 2 internal staff use only ones. But at least the internal pnes helped us automate away some of the outsourced jobs.
Based white man boss.
Woke up at 5pm today, based neet life
On a good day I'll have 12-15, possible more working for me. You want to work my farm? You earn your worth here. No pussies. This is why I'm having trouble currently as most Aussies are soft as fuck and too comfortable. Meanwhile my chink workers made me so much fucking money I could buy a province in Thailand with all of it.
fuck guys I went through all my doctor pepper and managed to go through 3 flesh lights so my 750 is gone already what do i do now