Chloroquine works and they’ve figured out the mechanism, but how does he get the media to consistently take losing positions? It’s a real skill, I think it’s second nature to him now.
Trump has already won
Say it with me.
Seeth tranny go dial 8.
Trump is John Titor
Why are idiots so determined to die on this hill.
Trump never even "touted" it by himself which is the entire implication. He said doctors were trying it out in some places.
He will not win in November.
He will. Biden is fucking retarded.
When did Trump start pushing this drug and when did China's numbers "begin to flatten"
Because sycophantic liberals wont vote for Trump?
Or Because Centrist cucks will vote Biden?
Cuomo could be dark horse last minute swap for poor Joe
>but how does he get the media to consistently take losing positions?
Really simple, take the winning and they will default to the opposite
That's just what happens with dogmatic ideologists
the obvious true answer
>Cuomo could be
If you dont contain the spread any smount of pills wont help his diabetic boomer supporters. Hes literaly murdering his base for the GDP
>if I say it it becomes true
Nice headcanon tranny. COPE SEETHE DILATE JOIN THE 40%
The chloroquine vaccine literally failed yesterday :V yes I'm so pissed at your blatant disinfo I'm going to make a reddit image.
>Fucking republicans do compassionate use what do those dying people have to lose?
>Fucking republicans using drugs that haven't cleared time intensive trials during a pandemic
It's a pill numbnuts
>Fucking republicans using drugs that haven't cleared time intensive
The drug has existed and been prescribed for 60 years.
Kek. No.
pharmacist here
"they've figured out the mechanism"
go ahead and cite your sources
I really wish you would, as I'd like to review any pertinent literature on plaquenil's effectiveness
Chloroquine works, a paper on Friday laid it out, the layman’s version is attached, spend 5 minutes if you want to understand what is happening
it doesnt work you fucking retards hahahaha its literally a placebo, what works is BCG vaccine but you are too fucking retarded to use it despite competent ppl telling you to
fucking die, you deserve it
It's a pretty brilliant strategy. True genius. I've broken it down into easy to understand conceptual steps.
1. Say things that are genuinely true
2. Act smug
That's it. That's all he has to do. Over and over and over again. This strategy has absolutely btfo all of his enemies every day for years now. It's fucking unstoppable.
>He will not win in November.
Won't he?
>due to corona he gets to keep a "free" campaign every single day while not spending a dime from the RNC's and his own war chest
>he already uses, and will use said money to aid afflicted areas (mostly in swing states) to show how merciful he is
>meanwhile Biden is cowering in his cellar basically getting recked from a PR standpoint
>most affected areas are deepblue areas so they wouldn't have voted him in anyway
>as for those economically affected, most of them are also minorities thus Dem voters, again not his problem
>people as in public opinion and normies already started to hate the fuck out of China, so once the dust is settled Trump will basically campaign till November with a big effing "I told you so!"
>listening to a real estate tycoon about medicine and science during a pandemic
you people are literally morons
cov + fe + fe
holy shit trump really is john titor
Ironically this really does prove everything he said to be true in the eyes of your average Joe.
The left has been shit talking Trump over his
Rhetoric almost as much as his views on borders since day one.
And now here we are, with closed borders, a war time president mentality, him being right when the media is talking shit (again) and concrete proof that sending all manufacturing to China was a fucking retarded idea.
It's amazing.
We have literal scientists here running clinical trials on the drugs but anyway keep your head in the sand because orange man bad.
Exactly, and the thing is, Trump is playing his hand masterfully. At the moment he is focusing on the crisis, and not bashing China, in fact he is even amicable toward Xi. Why? Cause Xi was hoping (just as Iran) Trump would lose in November. So now Trump is throwing a lifeline to Xi meaning that "look bitch, if you bend the knee then it'll be better for you". Xi will have no other option at this point than to bend the knee since China will literally starve to death otherwise in the aftermath of this pandemic. But then Trump will turn against him full throttle and will emphasize his visionary skills in telling that China is a shithole that cannot be trusted, manufacturing must be brought back etc... this will ofc produce a great uptick in the economy, which is inevitable anyway after everyone goes back to work. And every but Dems still remember that Trump can muster a strong economy sans pandemic so there's that.
As a bonus he will also concentrate on the fact that Dems were defending China, just as they were quick to jump on the defense of Iran and Soulemani. I really hope that Team Trump is working on a pretty montage of this, cause I can hardly imagine a better proof of treason than this.
Bill Gates wants everyone chipped so he's paying the media to fight any cure till he comes up with one.
Kid of like how there's a bug eating article at least once a week now.
You fags got told that you need to meme gatesnigger or eatcumuouo to win and that Trump will lose. Your discord and reddit leaders are fake and gay and they are desperate.
Lol and no, Hillary can’t either she’s no competition at all because the optics are so bad, it’s even possible that a lone PIZZAGATE counter Manchurian would beat her the fuck out NOT IN MINECRAFT.
But lol they cant roll out that tactic either. Your best hope it to go sleeper cell mode so we can hunt you down quietly. That gives you a chance to repent as in flip and rat so your punishment won’t be as bad.
People take the drug if they go on holiday to a country with malaria issues, it's safe and has been used for a long time.
If you have coronachan and are in a bad way you have nothing to lose by taking it.
You know this guy is a pharmacist because he said "plaquenil." It's impressive, like when you get prescribed paracetamol. They don't let you read the box if you're not a real pharmacist like him.
Also pharmacists are doctors now.
>May 2017
Really pickles them pistachios
you are obviously a fucking idiot
The media's position is "always against Trump". I would guess that the President of USA is one of the best adviced people on earth, so it's no surprise that they end up taking losing position often.
Bump - good post
>If you have coronachan and are in a bad way you have nothing to lose by taking it.
>take chloro even though it doesn't help
>damages your liver and weakens your body enough for COVID to kill you
>would've survived if you hadn't taken a net-negative placebo
Shut the fuck up pill counter nobody gives a shit
>it talks
Scientific research is just anecdotal evidence done at scale. Prove me wrong
trump really wants to help people during the """peak"""
media jews just want to wait till everyone is dead and then shill some expensive new drug as a miracle cure
trump is a jewish shill
Trump will win in November. It won't even be the last time he wins.
Trump is deep state
Hydroxychloroquine only works against the least severe cases. It reduces the viral load so people get better faster.
2 results: people are less likely to enter in the critical stage ; people are less contagious
In the end it helps flatten the curve of bith the dead and the infected and makes herd immunity easier.
Anecdotes aren't data.
But instances of a drug successfully treating a disease isn't an anecdote. It's a data point.
Why are you motherfuckers so fucking delusional? You fuckers in complete denial?
Because "muh 80 year old desk jockey experts" won't sign off on it 100%. Blind faith in lab coats you don't fucking understand.
Young doctors in the field are using it. Makes patients feel better.
Not knowing the difference between normal scientific procedure and muh media is so murican
Wang, M. et al. Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro. Cell Res. 30, 269–271 (2020).
Mauthe, M. et al. Chloroquine inhibits autophagic flux by decreasing autophagosome-lysosome fusion. Autophagy 14, 1435–1455 (2018).
Savarino, A. et al. New insights into the antiviral effects of chloroquine. Lancet Infect. Dis. 6, 67–69 (2006).
Huang, C. et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet 395, 497–506 (2020).
Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro
Jia Liu, Ruiyuan Cao, Mingyue Xu, Xi Wang, Huanyu Zhang, Hengrui Hu, Yufeng Li
Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread
Martin J Vincent, Eric Bergeron, Suzanne Benjannet, Bobbie R Erickson, Pierre E Rollin, Thomas G Ksiazek, Nabil G Seidah & Stuart T Nichol
Antiviral Activity of Chloroquine against Human Coronavirus OC43 Infection in Newborn Mice
Els Keyaerts, Sandra Li, Leen Vijgen, Evelien Rysman, Jannick Verbeeck, Marc Van Ranst, Piet Maes
Technically could be two more terms. If you defeat an impeachment that term doesnt count against your limit.
Based journalposter
Shill more CNN faggot