Nothing wrong with this.
Why do millennials/boomers get so triggered by this?
job ghosting is based. this is what happens when an average guy gets sick of sheckleberg and just says fuck it.
I dunno but how should I feel about this as an Gen X fag?
I probably quit at least 7 jobs just like that in my first 3 years of working and didn't care because I had a night or day job to get by till the next 2nd job came along.
Yeah! Just live at home with Mommy forever! You're so BASED, bro!
Good riddance I'll say.
Most company wont have a single regret when it coe to fuck you in the ass.
Doesn't that affect your credit score and future job prospects?
>treat employees like disposable shit and get fee-fees hurt when they return the favour
Not as much as (((they))) would like you to believe.
>we can fire you at a moments notice
>but noooooooooooooooooooooo you can't just quit!
when the game is rigged, the only option is to not play.
>basically impossible to buy housing even with a good job.
>everything is so expensive
>young straight white men constantly bullied by society and painted as the bad guy
I've been a job hopper all my life.
I've had over 30 jobs.
I've quit every single one of them by ghosting.
One day I just wake up and have the sudden realization that I don't feel like ever setting foot in that place again, and then I just don't show up and ignore my phone.
All that being said, these were all menial labor positions. I can't imagine doing it at a "real" job.
People really get shocked when you don't kiss their ass, bend your knee, AND suck their cocks 24/7
>Does that affect future job prospects?
Lol. Not even.
A possible future employer will never know you ghosted another employer unless you tell them like a dumb ass, keep them off your resume and there is 0 problem.
This world ain't the matrix yet
Living with your family was an expected norm from the dawn of history all the way up until the 1950s. The idea that you're a failure if you don't have your own home by your 20s is kike and boomer propaganda.
Gen X are survivors we quit when we need to
i have never worked for another employer other than my father
I dont know I cant imagine being loyal to someone not of blood. They are literally human garbage to me. Imagine bending my neck to them is just weird.
We're in the middle of an epidemic, a 2 week notice isn't going to cross everyone's mind
Looks like employers are now realizing at will employment they fought so hard for, thinking it would only ever be used to fuck employees and benefit companies, works both ways. If you can be fired for any reason or no reason at any time, you can quit for any reason or no reason at any time.
Some of us don't have the option "not to play." Enjoy sleeping on your buddy's couch until you're 42, though. Sounds awful comfy.
i was a lead software engineer at some faggot ass startup
one day i had enough, like, literally enough. so i bought a plane ticket, cashed out all my 401ks and shit, and moved to hk
bought condo in kennedy town
havent gone back nor wanted to
> own a home at age 20
kek'd hard here
It's a pretty rude and immature thing to do, but employees don't owe employers shit. It's supposed to ge a give and take relationship, but employers only take so fuck them.
Don't you need references though?
"keep them off your resume" See the problem in your logic?
They'll just rework the legislation to say they have the right to fire you at any time but if you quit without notice you have to financially compensate them.
I have an average job and bought a house last year it’s called budgeting
live with your parents or claim neetbux and use your neetbux to live rural for cheap.
I even take it to the next level. I’ll go to a bunch of temp agencies or other jobs that are easy to get hired for. Then after I make them do all the paper work and so on, i just don’t show up the next day. It’s called “job security”. lll even make promises that THIS time I’ll show up. But I never do and always enjoy my 24 hours of free time.
They already do those employees wouldn’t have received any pay owing to them if the ghost it
mate, you're talking to an aussie. He probably makes more on neetbux than the average wagie. Maybe in your shithole country he'd be on his buddy's couch, but here we've got standards
I’ve quit every job I’ve ever had without notice. Expect one. I lied about credentials and lasted 6 months before being fired.
I still email that boss regularly and fuck with him via different emails.
Absolute mad lad.
You just lie.
Lie, lie, lie.
Change your start and end dates to pad out any gaps in employment history.
Make up bogus reasons for why you left.
Say you lost your phone and don't have contact numbers for your old coworkers.
Make up fake reference names and fake numbers.
No one talks on the phone these days anyways unless they absolutely have to. 90% of the time they aren't going to call.
If they do happen to insist on speaking to references, just get someone in your family to pretend to be your former boss.
Wow and what fuck abbos? Jobphobes are fags
You're just shooting yourself in the foot doing that. Burning bridges in any context is retarded.
Yeah $250 a week buys soooooo much
Nope, I've been hired plenty of times with 0 resume, and also only giving resume info from employers I knew wouldn't give me a bad recommendation. and once claiming I just worked under table to sweet talk to the hiring manager into suitin and bootin me up.
I'm not saying ghost a job just to ghost it, work, and work hard but if you get a job and it is dog shit then ghost that shit as soon as possible.
See my first post for more detail if it means that much to you.
Rent is so much cheaper in rural shitholes
Boomers and chinks have fucked inner city places
thats like 5 big macs in australlia innit?
no not really
you don't have to put every job you worked on a resume. Shit you can just make some jobs up
>Nothing wrong with this.
>breaking contracts is not wrong
Most work contracts state that termination of contract needs to be announced a certain time period prior. If you agree to such a contract, obey it.
i'm a millenial boomer (34 y.o.) and I have no problem with this in theory or practice
Yeah thats something to be real proud of
>Work contracts
I worked in management for awhile and saw people do this to me all the time. No one really gives a fuck, you’re easily replaceable, but you pretty much burned the bridge and will never get hired there again which is pretty stupid because if you worked somewhere before and left on good terms you can almost always get the job back even if they’re not hiring because Training is annoying af
b-b-but the moral victory!
jew sympathy
this guy gets it
My last job I was a good little boy so I gave two weeks notice. They told me to leave that day so they wouldn’t have to pay me. Fuck em, next time I’m going no call no show the day after payday.
Yeeeeehaw! Collect welfare and move to the bootheel of Missouri and live in a trailer for the rest of my life .... why didn't anyone TELL me life could be so simple?
Not here. I ghosted every single one of my kid-jobs before graduating college, save my home city ice job. I specifically remember ghosting this hvac apprenticeship job because I had learned all I wanted to and didn't actually want to start a career there, just wanted to get paid for education. The manager freaked the fuck out when I just didn't show up that morning. He called me a half dozen times in the first 2 hours of me not showing up, borderline begging me to come back and saying that I had put him and my lead in a terrible position. My lead was some drunk retard who couldn't even drive the van due to a criminal record and the manager was a yes-man shyster who only cared about turning a profit for the business owner. It was very satisfying to stay in bed, cozy wozy and playing on my phone, while the first rays of light shone through my windows and I knew that I was finished doing slave labor.
On a side note, if you're young and have free time during your education, i suggest taking up a trade apprenticeship. It's a good way to spend your summer. Plenty of work, decent pay considering the qualifications, and you will learn every single day you are there. In addition, it also opens up the opportunity to gain licenses related to the field which can pay dividends years down the line. for instance, i am still able to buy refrigerant from retailers due to the licenses i gained while working. Not the most useful thing the world, but still, its a utility i didn't have before.
Because they are weak and afraid of any real conflict.
>treat employees as disposable and replaceable cogs
>wonder why employees treat you the same way.
Really gets the old noggin joggin.
If its completely okay got an employer to fire an employee for no specific reason then employees should be entitled to leave at will with no repercussions. :^)
I've done this several times. Never been an issue afterwards. I just go out and get a new job.
You don't owe an employer shit. They certainly will not care about you. If they need to cut jobs they will give you a box, lay you off and have security escort you out.
So why is this a prob? It's literally a person laying off employer.
This only works for peasants. If you’re a salaried employee at a good company it’s incredibly hard for them to fire you. You can be the biggest dumbass and manage to keep your job for years before they take action to fire you.
based as fuck. you owe nothing to an employer and are free to leave whenever you want.
is that you? what happened to your bottom row of teeth? they look fucked up and spaced far apart
I've quit my job twice and they always took me back lol
the point is your workplace is bad enough to warrant doing that, you don't WANT to come back. unless you're talking about dumb druggies/teens quitting decent jobs
Noooooooo, not the heckin employerinos
Excuse you, xir, we call them "job creators".
heckin job creatorinos is no where near as fun to say
I'm from Florida, motherfucker. You're going to have to do better than that if you want to insult me.
I've left two jobs when very dissatisfied. Both times I had exit interviews and both times I dropped my balls and didn't call them assholes. Still regret it
hahahaha your shirt is PINK you FAGGOT
If a job sucks and is really killing you then it's best to quit.
The burning bridges thing isn't even entirely true, it's boomer fear-mongering.
I've "burned bridges" because of ghosting and then gone back multiple times. It just depends on the manager and company.