Are niggers the reason why America is fucked up?
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Jews are
Man that's just sad to watch
Nigs gon' nog.
great kick
Abusive shithead beating dogs like a faggot
And yet you still choose Jews to rule you. A kike lover with Jewishkids sits in the Whitehouse and declares America first while he sends tax payer dollars to Israel. Americans are such pathetic cattle.
Literally the only one who dindu nuffin was the dog and it still got kicked!
>are these powerless people the reason America is fucked up
no, that would be the fault of powerful people
Wow what a deep take, bro.
>Even blacks in twitter hate the nigger for kicking the dog
Is this black-captain America?
both partially correct.
>insane tax burden
>source of most violent crime
>affirmative action
>vote for beaner initiatives and their politicians even though they hate them cuz gibs
>limit whites in workforce
>limit whites in schools
>skew test results even though they get free ACT SAT score points for being born disabled
>still score far lower
>the reason for profit prisons can exist, allowing a stronger lobby hand for the MIC
They aren't the whole problem, just about 80% of it.
niggers are awful, here have a watch, niggers free of "oppression"
No. You give them too much credit. They ruin communities, but the whole system is rigged and corrupt, fucking over the 99 percent to enrich the 1 percent. No nigger was the architect of that.
Jews are the ones that brought them
They talk like Grand Theft Auto NPCs.
Behave like them too.
>this dumb ass shit
okay d'quel'okwan
>because niggers make living hard as a nigger, and i act like a nigger, it's obviously someone elses fault!
extrapolate that out to every single nigger thinking that way
thats how you get africa
and idiots like you pandering like this makes even more foolish lion-dodgers feel vindicated in acting like this
look up learned helplessness
then look up an exit bag
It's all so tiresome.
>Picks up board
>Hits him with it flat-on
Women can't into physics.
Niggers: the tweet
σ ‘ σ ‘ σ ‘ σ ‘ σ ‘ σ ‘ σ ‘β²
nigs nog because the powerful allow them to
It's because you're both White
niggers are a sympton
jews are the cause
Notice it's only niggers in that thread who enjoy seeing the dog getting kicked.
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This is a question only a jew would ask
Jews are the disease niggers are the symptom
>repeats actual blather
yeah they allow them to by packing most of the prisons with them
you are a nigger apologist and a retard
>isss da wypipo, das wai i shot jamal and him babymama at da berfday pahdy
do powerful people allow africa to be a disease riddled time regressive shithole full of machete attacks and live immolation?
shut the fuck up, everyone has accountability, if you dont, you arent human
>but no i feel bad for them
you should feel bad for the humans that feed clothe and house these fucking apes as they tear the fucking rafters down around them
go ahead repeat that patently false generality some more, you are a joke
around blacks...
No. The blacks have been there all along. Itβs the nose. That sounds reductionist...but itβs the truth. When you break it all down...Itβs the Nose
I'm with the cunt on this because he kicked her dog. Never kick the dog, nigger!
Yeah, that dog has more value than both of these niggers. Against the wall and shoot 'em.
God I hate niggers, I really hate them, oh, and kikes too!
More like Lieutenant Ghetto
who do you think gta npcs were based on?
I'd normally agree and I hate animal cruelty but the dog-kick was hilarious.
Both Niggers and their Jewish slave masters
>t. psychopath
If you read the comments they all think its just hilarious how the dog got kicked at the end.
Daily reminder that one dog takes priority over a million burning niggers.
>If you read the comments only the niggers think its just hilarious how the dog got kicked at the end.
fixed it for you
Mans worst enemy hates mans best friend
Don't understand the hard on for animals, they are inherently worthless when classified as "pets". No more than a parasite and nothing less than such would bother owning beasts.
wouldent be suprised that he couldent breath.niggers to stupid that they need to think about their bodily function to be working.
And everyone around think it's funny, while those two do not stop chimping out.
shame it couldent be your mom or dad.that would put it over the top.
He deserves to die for kicking that little dog.
I have a theory. Maybe blacks are dumber because Africa as a continent is a shitty place geographically. Farming is fucking difficult, and many are malnourished. Look at the rivers in Europe and look at the rivers in subsaharan Africa. Less nutrients means less brain capacity. I think that they are getting rapidly smarter with proper nutrients but are being held back culturally (not by whities, by black culture)
Nigger lover
No lefties are.
do you want rona? that's how you get rona tough guy.
I've seen animals more civilised kek. Niggers belong in a zoo.
ok chink
Fuck these fucking degenerate pieces of fucking subhuman scum, you can hurt each other all you want but animals? especially a small innocent dog like that? God please wherever this is, do something about it, didn't Trump say once that he wanted to send the military to these nigger infested cities or whatever?
>i hate animal cruelty but the animal cruelty was hilarious
yeah, you're full of fucking shit.
there a bunch of sub-humans in the comments justifying kicking the dog because the girl was the one starting shit. the dog doesn't deserve punishment just because it belongs to her you fucking retards.
post webm pls
ok, i guess i can accept that response.
nigs in their natural habitat
Poor doggy :,-(
That poor dog doesn't deserve to be around feral niggers who will kick it for no reason, no animal does. Fuck you, faggot.
>Captain Americoon
>Captain America's
>Look at me I'm the captain America now
Get off this site, nigger. Not caring for animals is a classic sign of 56% syndrome. Dogs are unironically much more valuable than the average nigger.
Fucking niggress Just leave the black man alone.
>the dog-kick was hilarious.
they really should get corona
saying this while covering your US flag like a typical leftist soi faggot who hides from real men really takes away all the impact your bitchy statement ever hoped to have.
A post that could only be made my a chink or a nigger.
niggers are a symptom not a cause
nicely put
I'm not gonna saw the vid if doggy id hurt