Are niggers the reason why America is fucked up?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-06 Ree-Ree on Twitter I hate this city 😂😂😂 https t co qL52Oiwzhd Twitter.png (598x826, 750.52K)

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Jews are


Man that's just sad to watch

Nigs gon' nog.

great kick

Abusive shithead beating dogs like a faggot

And yet you still choose Jews to rule you. A kike lover with Jewishkids sits in the Whitehouse and declares America first while he sends tax payer dollars to Israel. Americans are such pathetic cattle.

Literally the only one who dindu nuffin was the dog and it still got kicked!

Attached: anger mage.jpg (225x225, 16.27K)

>are these powerless people the reason America is fucked up
no, that would be the fault of powerful people