Anybody keeping track with Alex Jone's opinions on Corona? He now seems to be saying Corona is caused by nerve gas.
Anybody keeping track with Alex Jone's opinions on Corona? He now seems to be saying Corona is caused by nerve gas
A couple weeks ago he said america made the virus.
>Anybody keeping track with Alex Jone
lol who?
I saw some videos from China last week that really looked and sounded like a gas attack.
I was placing bets on which path he would take.
>it's a hoax
>it's a biological weapon
>it's just the flu bro
Seems he decided to take all of them and more.
He's a disinfo shill and strings together multiple contradictory statements on every single deep-state scam there has ever been.
That's how he hooks people into his web of deceit - he'll say one true thing then follow it with 5 lies that all contradict the one bit of truth.
People desperate to hear truth hear the one bit of truth, then sort of zone out through all the lies.
They keep listening because they are desperate to hear more truth, but it is few and far between.
Why do you even entertain the ramblings of this brain-dead schizo?
My favorite is when he got deplatformed and said Chinese run Hollywood
Curiousity mostly.
I think he also keeps saying it might be called by 5G and played clips from a guy who says virals are just the result of decaying cells or something. Happened after the british burned a few 5G towers.
''it's a population control bioweapoin that attacks your lungs and testicles'' was the latest I heard
but I dont keep track on the guy,, you do it yourself at
Yeah, that and how Arab Nazis run the federal reserve.
Yas Forums, I was wrong, the fatman is indeed a disinfo controlled opposition shill. Do with me as you please.
thus far I noticed about
>it's worse than they tell you, you're all going to DIE
>it's just the flu and the globalists want to test how obidient you are
>cornoa turns your balls into mush
>it's 5G
>it's nerve gas
Fair enough. Stay safe, German user.
He never said that, He said Obama sold SARS research to the chinks who then turned it in to Corona.
They do fund lots of shit in Hollywood and lots of movies are changed just so they can be shown in China. It's a giant market. Jews run Hollywood, but a lot of the money comes from China. Jews will gladly take their money.
Didn't he also say they stole it?
He wasn't wrong about that. The Chinese do control a lot of hollywood.
There was definitely a push where many hollywood movies suddenly had forced chinese characters saving the day and whatnot like in the martian or the new independece day, but I don't think the chinese are the ones who want Idris Elba in everything. If anything the chinese are even more racist against black people than the average Yas Forums user.
I laughed my ass off once he cut all his hair off to mark this as the happening of our lifetime, and then just a couple of days later said the Democrats were blowing it out of proportion
He'll say anything for shock value these days.
Look at the bright side. At this point no matter what happens he predicted it.
You guys, stop watching this fuckin' kook.
>My favorite is when he got deplatformed and said Chinese run Hollywood
Yeah, and guys I know who liked Alex Jones started repeating that Chinese Run Hollywood bullshit. So many young men are stupid when it comes to being fan boys of these e-celebs.
unironically his coverage of this event has made me stop watching him.
His power was memetic brilliance, technicalities of his arguments were never what mattered. And yet somehow the way he is reacting to this crisis throws both technicalities and his narrative critiquing methods into question.
He is fucking up hard one an issue that should be his bread and butter. It's harder to watch than him dealing with the t-babe phone scandal. It's just pathetic.
Wigger Nazi Andrew Anglin has better takes than Alex right now. I think the lawsuits really got to Alex and he's too afraid to call this thing what it is, mass hysteria and basically a hoax
The best analysis that I have see yet was Roosh's live stream yesterday. It's a long stream, but very good analysis.
At this point I believe the chinese actually did try to run hollywood, or at least a few chinese rich assholes tried to, but they more or less got conned by the more jewish hollywood who milked them for their money.
to be fair if you want funding for a global box office film it needs to pass the chinese censors
small scale shit can do whatever they want but anything reliant on foreign sales to break even needs china approval
China “runs hollywood” now in the sense that hollywood makes all their decisions and movies for the sake of the “international audience” now, instead of americans, because the quality of their output has gotten so fucking shitty that americans won't watch their garbage anymore so instead of fixing it they just export to china like everyone else
Alex Jones is a chaotic entity. For one he was initially left on his own exactly because he pushed cookie conspiracies since the 90s but nobody really believed him up until this point in time where truth sometimes does leak out and he's become adept at filtering it. That's why he went from "oh it's that weird guy lets leave him he's pretty much scaring people" to "fuck how do we get rid of him now that everyone knows about him?"
Take note however that you don't have to 100% believe everything he says. You could watch and take out what's favorable to you and ignore the rest because he's like the momma bird that chews up stuff and if you don't want from something then don't eat it
IMO the best way to learn about Jones is to just watch him now and compare him to older videos
Why would anyone pay attention to Alex Jonesberg?
Why? The movie got along just fine when China wasn't a thing and nobody gave a shit. It's not that they can't break even it's just that they're greedy enough to want every single penny everywhere.
I tried to watch it twice but man, 4 fucking hours.
I'm not to sure about the whole "planned" angle. Going to finish his stream later though, he's one of the best commentators. He has no relationships or job anymore so he is a full blown NEET putting out content constantly, I recommend people check him out.
No dude movie theaters have been tanking in america for like ten years now because nobody wants to watch the absolute garbage coming out. They ARENT breaking even without china anymore
Have you seen the Jon Ronson version of the Bohemian Grove saga?
Also the recent shilling against Jones may or may not be because he obliterated Q
I mean nobody posted much about him or made threads until a day or two after he made that video about Q calling him out what's even funnier is that Alex does have a point
This, Jones is based
They stole samples from Canada.
Alex is an agent that says a lot of truths because he/they know it doesn't matter
but also a lot of lies
Nah I don't care about the bohemian grove heck it might not even be real
What makes Jones even more dangerous is that if the bohemian grove really isn't real then people will start believe it is simple because it's AJ
I think him going against Q pretty much proves he's legit because he could've easily gave Q more leverage by endorising it but instead chose the opposite not doubt out of experience but it could be just his gut feeling again
like i said he's chaotic so that makes him uncontrollable unless you somehow went back in time and whacked him while filming the grove and left it at that
Yeah China may be behind the money of Hollywood movies, but jews still mostly run Hollywood. They do concede to make China look good because China has money behind a lot of movies.
Jones doesn't just speak he usually backs it up with evidence.
Consider also that everyone is inherently biased towards what they consider a "truth" to be.
e.g abortion
im sure he's anti-abortion yet doesn't see the benefits of it but in the meantime during his antics he gives attention to the people that make abortion a sick fetish or habit so we realize there's people like those out there
I don't mind abortion but whackos like those shouldn't be able to do that
Why is it that mongoloids like you think that everything that doesn't happen to them personally, isn't real? Is it because you're a solipsist? The idea of someone as low IQ as you thinking they are the only consciousness in the universe is so laughable it makes me want to puke.
I see what you did there
It’s just for fun bro
y-you what? i dont even know what i did there user
I'm keeping track and you're wrong. He's saying 5G is causing it now, not nerve gas. Not sure where you got that from.
heck Jones is so chaotic for all we know him speaking out against Q might actually be the point/reason for the movement to die
time will tell i guess
chaotic people like him, everything they do has the potential to change alot without them realizing but it's fine for Alex I guess since I think he loves being freer than most type of people out there
not sure if he understands it but whatever
for instance how do we know if he legit was believing the stuff about multiple dimensions on the Joe Rogan podcast and didn't just use it as a way to divert attention in the moment by coming of as crazy? what if he wasn't and there's legit shit like that out there?
pure chaos. you think you might know but everything changes retroactively
even memes that are supposed to make fun of him end up giving him popularity and someday someone out of curiosity might google him and what he's really about and this ends up making a chainreaction where one goes "hey have you seen this clown Alex Jones?" and the other goes "dude you should look into him"
>Not sure where you got that from
Alex Jones derangement syndrome.
oops i meant this
10 000 hours
Op mistakenly typed Alex Jone’s when he should’ve typed Alex Jones. No possessive apostrophe.
You mocked him by saying “Alex Jone, who?”
You, as kraut, knowingly or not, mocked his misuse of his presumably first language, en-US.
You did good.
The sunday show. Towards the end.
kek i didn't even read what op wrote
>I mean, heh of course I knew what i was doing
I saw Jesus riding a tyrannosaur
funny but what's even funnier is that it's exaclty what Yas Forums is like
>it's just a flu
>fries your balls
all of it on Yas Forums
Not arguing about that. Yas Forums isn't a single person though.
>isn't a single person tho
either you're new or a slowpoke that hasn't noticed that someone that say something in one thread can then say the opposite in another
not saying everyone is samefag only that there's a big chance you're talking to the same person that agreed with you on the same thing a while ago
sorry I had to spoonfeed you and the surrounding lurkers but im just making sure Yas Forums never has its own shooter someday in fact this is the only reason it didn't only 2+2+ chan did
2+2+2 chan
ok fine 4+ 4 chan
fuck I suck at math not sure why the name is still filtered when the site is gone
let me try eight tchann
>someone that say something in one thread can then say the opposite in another
ID's don't carry over to different threads, retard.
You want to assume people saying contradictory things are the same person, but this is an anonymous board and there's literally no way to link a poster in one thread to a poster in another thread unless you're the site admin who can see IP addresses.
I'm aware of same fagging. I'm just saying generally speaking it's not like the average user whatever that means has like 10 different opinions on the subject.
he seems to think it's a hoax and that it's really 5g